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  Quote zdravozivo Quote  Post ReplyReply #101 Posted: 28-Dec-2012 at 18:43
Па да +Protagorist,само еве јас не одам по куќи од врата на врата туку по форуми ги чекам луѓето ))
Се шегувам,но сигурен сум дека чита некој од владата понекогаш што пишуваме иако мислам и дека на форумот му требаат многу повеќе стручни лица од разни области (се надевам во иднина ќе ги има се повеќе)
Форумов е сепак околу градење,па баш сакав да слушнам некое мислење од стручо лице во оваа интересна област
Благодарам за одговорот и се надевам дека овие во политиката побрзо ќе сватат дека науката побрзо го еволуира општеството и вреди да се вложи секој денар во неа
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #102 Posted: 28-Dec-2012 at 21:43

сачекушите преоѓаат во воајерски табиет така да припази да не ти прејде во навика

ХМ ЗАНЕЊЕТО Е СИЛА ЗНАЕЊЕТО Е МОЌ види ваква наука кај нас скоро и да е невозможно да се стимулира форсирајќи институти ко што вели Шуле,не дека не треба некоја катедра да имаме но за повеќе мора да здружиме сили со комшилук,а за телескопи денес ова и баш не е некоја научна фантастика!

може ќе летне работата доколку ја исфорсираме оптоелектрониката како област одонсно оптиката пред се,па некој наш институт да вади новитети од телескопи,та индиректно да извлечеме корист штанцајќи опсерватории на секоја поголема планина во Македонија

Edited by +Protagorist - 28-Dec-2012 at 21:43
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #103 Posted: 30-Dec-2012 at 23:20

всушност ако видам подобро и не е некоја скапа појава опсерваторија земено само како телескоп,дефинитивно поскапа е самата градба него самиот телескоп,но сметам дека повеќето планинарски домови можат лесно да се преадаптираат во слично нешто,но штом влегнеме европа сигурно и на поклон би добиле многу што особено ако е постара технологија!

ме чуди друга работа како во југолавија немало никакви појаки инвестиции во оваа научна област?можеби гледале на ова како скапа играчка за мал број привилегирани научници,па се задоволували и со постари и подпросечни телескопи,дури и ден денес екс-ју републиките се тапа,добро малку од малку подновени со европски честитки но ништо поозбилно,евентуално што има најава за автоматизирано огледалце во србија и тоа земја која ја има најстарата современа опсерваторија на балканот

Beogradsko nebo je, međutim, postalo isuviše prljavo i posmatrački rad na Zvezdari je gotovo zamro. Svetlosno i aerozagađenje nad prestoničkim parčetom neba izazvalo je astronomsko slepilo, tako da je Beogradska opservatorija, pod kodnim imenom „Belisima”, podnela Briselu „Beogradsku inicijativu za svemirske nauke i modeliranje u astrofizici”.Uz pokroviteljstvo evropskih fondova, izgrađena je opservatorijska bazna stanica na planini Vidojevica, nedaleko od Prokuplja, gde je najčistije nebo nad Srbijom.

– Na Vidojevici je instaliran teleskop koji, kao glavni optički pribor, koristi ogledalo. Cev mu je znatno kraća.


U Vidojevici je instaliran austrijski teleskop vredan oko 70.000 evra, kojim se upravlja kao protivvazdušnim sistemima najmodernije generacije. Takav kakav je, trenutno je najveći operativni teleskop u Srbiji, koji sakupi 10.000 puta više svetlosti od ljudskog oka i s njim možemo videti zvezde koje su milion puta tamnije od najslabije vidljive zvezde golim okom.

Kvantni skok u srpskom svemirskom voajerizmu nastaće tek postavljanjem teleskopa „Milanković”, prečnika 1,5 metara. Tim dalekometnim i robotizovanim mehanizmom upravljaće se daljinski iz Beograda. Aktiviranjem teleskopa, na osnovu šifrovanih koordinata, otvaraće se krov kupole sa komandnog mesta na Zvezdari i procesi koji će potom uslediti, daleko su više od nauke. Jer, možda imamo teleskope iz doba jure, ali nam zato naučnika i mladih talenata ne nedostaje. Nedavno su učenici Matematičke gimnazije u Beogradu, Luka Bojović (srebrna medalja), Aleksandar Miladinović (bronza) i Predrag Obradović (pohvala), osvojili priznanja na Šestoj međunarodnoj olimpijadi iz astronomije i astrofizike, održane u Brazilu.


Iz Bugarske se najbolje osmatra

– U Beogradu su nedavno boravili studenti iz BiH, Indije i Italije, dok naši astronomi dva puta godišnje odlaze na planinski vrh Rožen (1.750 metara), na jugu Bugarske, u blizini grčke granice. Tamo je postavljen najveći teleskop na Balkanu – kaže profesor Ninković.

Aleksandar Apostolovski - 30.08.2012 -

Edited by +Protagorist - 30-Dec-2012 at 23:21
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  Quote gjoko Quote  Post ReplyReply #104 Posted: 05-Jan-2013 at 20:09
многу интересен приказ за општите големини на све што постои.вреди да се прегледа.
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #105 Posted: 05-Jan-2013 at 20:34

Ѓоко пополека со ова празничниве поклони чоек моит да остане без зборои

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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #106 Posted: 10-Jan-2013 at 18:28

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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #107 Posted: 19-Jan-2013 at 18:34

Science of The Sages by Robert Wolfe -

Science of the Sages

book that point out to Scientists Encountering Nonduality from Quantum Physics to Cosmology to Consciousness.

Intriguing facts of the vastness and miraculous complexity of our universe, coupled with reports from scientists that inseparability is the fundamental nature of our existence.


Notes from the Author, Robert writes:

My first book, Living Nonduality, included a monograph regarding the implication of quantum entanglement ("Science as Spirituality"). I have noticed, during my lifetime, that it takes a full generation (or maybe even half a century) for the import of significant scientific discoveries to begin to pervade our common understanding. When I was a youngster, a friend's father said of Einstein's E=mc^2, "It'll probably be hundreds of years before any but a few understand what this means." But, even today, it is comprehended by many that "energy and matter are equivalent." I've subsequently been surprised to find how little of what scientists are saying of quantum reality has penetrated into the minds of people interested in spiritual teachings. Since I have been reading in these realms of both science and spirituality, I felt it was important to show how thoroughly many modern scientists have come to recognize the connections between quantum physics and the intuition of mystical sages over the centuries. If you yourself aren't aware of these inter-connections, it's time that you were! I've tried to keep technical abstractions to a minimum; you won't need a background in mathematics or physics. - RW

The seeker must comprehend (and when he/she does, the seeking is definitely finished) that what is being sought, the Absolute, is not something which we eventually come to encounter—because, due to its very nature, it is always inescapable. All spiritual traditions refer to sacred, or divine, Being as infinite, eternal, without limitation. Obviously, such an actuality has to be present where and when you are, regardless of your location in time or space. The seeker cannot, under any circumstances, be apart from what is sought.

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  Quote gjoko Quote  Post ReplyReply #108 Posted: 15-Feb-2013 at 20:22

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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #109 Posted: 05-Jun-2013 at 15:57
Stellar Seismology Schocks

An extensive coronal hole rotated towards Earth over several days this week (May 28-31, 2013). The massive coronal area is one of the largest we have seen in a year or more. Coronal holes are the source of strong solar wind gusts that carry solar particles out to our magnetosphere and beyond. They appear darker in extreme ultraviolet light images (here, a combination of three wavelengths of UV light) because there is just less matter at the temperatures we are observing in. Solar wind streams take 2-3 days to travel from the Sun to Earth, and the coronal holes in which they originate are more likely to affect Earth after they have rotated more than halfway around the visible hemisphere of the Sun, which is the case here. They may generate some aurora here on Earth.

nutier pred 1 den
it's very impressive ! that is why we are cold at the end of Spring

Edited by +Protagorist - 05-Jun-2013 at 15:58
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  Quote gjoko Quote  Post ReplyReply #110 Posted: 05-Jun-2013 at 16:08
ништо за нас нема да има последици,само креваат врева.магнетното поле на змејата ќе си ја заврши работата
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #111 Posted: 07-Jun-2013 at 21:55


Originally posted by gjoko

ништо за нас нема да има последици,само креваат врева.магнетното поле на змејата ќе си ја заврши работата

ништо страшно па и ти, и да немавме магнетосфера пак ќе куртулевме, најверојатно преку посредство ил застапништво на постарите братја...

инаку никој не крева врева само забележуваат појави кои некој ги коментира дека се причина за скорешното заладување на самиот почеток од летото...

т.е. соларниот максимум и сончевите пеги се јасно поврзани, а со ова заладувањево сега (ил пр. прекминатата поларна зима)  и температурата на земјата ја врзаа...


Some individual years have had averages colder than our Solar Cycle 25 prediction. The eleven years centred on 1695 had an average temperature of 8.1°C. This cold period killed off 30% of the population of Finland. The cold period centered on 1740 affected Ireland badly, killing several hundred thousand people – 20% of the then population. The better known potato famine was one hundred years later. There was a major volcanic eruption in 1739, Tarumai in Japan, that would have contributed to the cooling over 1740. Volcanic effects last only a couple of years though. There seems to have been a regime change with temperatures after 1740 about 1.0°C colder than the years before it. This suggests a solar origin. In fact the high temperatures up to 1740 look similar to the high temperatures of the late 20th century.

Perhaps a solar regime change is in train once again. Livingstone and Penn forecast a maximum amplitude for Solar Cycle 25 of 7 which would make it the smallest solar cycle for over 300 years.


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  Quote gjoko Quote  Post ReplyReply #112 Posted: 07-Jun-2013 at 22:37
поентата ми беше дека за секоја соларна бура медиумите известуваат за прекини на снабдување со струја од катаклизмички размери,прегорување на све што е од метал,враќање во камено доба без Тв,мобилни ....,а всушност ова можи да се случи само во крајните северни и јужни подрачја на планетата(северна Канада,Сибир...)

а дека ова влијае на климата е факт.

друга работа која слабо се коментира е што према настаните од сонцето ,земјата треба да влегува во овие моменти во мало ледено доба,а не во глобално затоплување како што се труби наголемо.сега е тренд да се зборува за CO2,алтернативни горива,штедливи сијалици(иако за нивно производтсво се троши многу енергија).....вистината скоро никого не го интересира да ја поистражи малку повеќе
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #113 Posted: 08-Jun-2013 at 13:28

па зависи што подразбираш под термин катаклизма,за некого и малку е многу,односно и да не не спржи слнцето доволно да ни спржи ко што велиш напојувањето и ето калабалак,а не дека не е монжно ил дека нема тоа да го бидне...

во тој случај освен што се ке се искомплицира ем заради гинење на gps-от ем заради тешкото прешалтување на одржливи и самостојни системи напојување ко еолските ил соларните,тука мислам голем шок ќе биде целосното бришење т.е. спржување на компјутерите,само што фира ќе ојдат тоа податоци по хардискоите што лични што колективни архиви на информации,спомени,воопшто цел современ абер...

просто паниката е оправдана а опасноста реална,та оној кој со време се прешалтал на селски та и планински самоодржлив начин на живот може и последиците нема да ги сети особено,освен тоа фотките и филмоите што ќе му изгорат ајде моит нешто и од то ќе куртули ако со време на целулоид се префли ил ако се запакува ко хардиск во оловна кутија!?

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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #114 Posted: 08-Jun-2013 at 18:08

ако ова некогаш се случи ќе треба брзо инсталирање мобилни клиники за зависници од фастфуд и интернет инаку маф ни е работата

всушност se зависи од поларитетот на соларната бура за тоа дали-кога-како би биле emf спржени како општество

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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #115 Posted: 20-Jun-2013 at 09:34


Solar Wind

 The solar corona is constantly losing particles. Protons and electrons evaporate off the sun, and reach the earth at velocities of 500 km/s. Most of the mass of the sun is held in by magnetic fields in the corona, but particles slip through occasional holes in the fields. Solar wind affects the magnetic fields of all the planets in the solar system. When the solar wind hits the Earth's magnetic field, the wind compresses the field and creates a shock wave called the Bow shock. Closer to the Earth are the Van Allen radiation belts where solar particles are trapped due to magnetic forces. Still closer are huge rings of electric current around the poles, formed by the influence of the solar wind on the magnetic field. Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune have magnetotails where the wind extends their magnetic field.

The heliopause is the boundary where the sun's solar wind hits the gasses of interstellar space. The sun's particles flow at least to Neptune, and probably farther. That means that we're inside the sun!

1 in 8 Chance of Catastrophic Solar Megastorm by 2020


Auroras may be beautiful [1][2][3] but the charged particles can wreak havoc on electrical systems. At the time of the Carrington Event, telegraph stations caught on fire, their networks experienced major outages and magnetic observatories recorded disturbances in the Earth’s field that were literally off the scale.

In today’s electrically dependent modern world, a similar scale solar storm could have catastrophic consequences. Auroras damage electrical power grids and may contribute to the erosion of oil and gas pipelines. They can disrupt GPS satellites and disturb or even completely black out radio communication on Earth.

During a geomagnetic storm in 1989, for instance, Canada’s Hydro-Quebec power grid collapsed within 90 seconds, leaving millions without power for up to nine hours.

The potential collateral damage in the U.S. of a Carrington-type solar storm might be between $1 trillion and $2 trillion in the first year alone, with full recovery taking an estimated four to 10 years, according to a 2008 report from the National Research Council.

“A longer-term outage would likely include, for example, disruption of the transportation, communication, banking, and finance systems, and government services; the breakdown of the distribution of potable water owing to pump failure; and the loss of perishable foods and medications because of lack of refrigeration,” the NRC report said.

But such possibilities likely represent only the worst-case scenario, said Robert Rutledge, lead of the forecast office at the NOAA/National Weather Service Space Weather Prediction Center. The potential dangers might be significantly less, since power companies are aware of such problems and can take action to mitigate them.

For instance, companies may store power in areas where little damage is expected or bring on additional lines to help with power overloads. This is assuming, of course, that they are given enough warning as to the time and location of a solar storm’s impact on the Earth. Satellites relatively close to Earth are required to measure the exact strength and orientation of a storm.

“It’s like being able to see a cyclone coming but not knowing the wind speed until it hits your boat 50 miles off the coast,” Rutledge said.

Edited by +Protagorist - 20-Jun-2013 at 09:40
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  Quote gjoko Quote  Post ReplyReply #116 Posted: 20-Jun-2013 at 15:55
убаво се гледа од сликата дека само половите би биле подложни на овие ветрови.евентуално бродско и воздушно сообраќајно средство би биле погодени.сепак мислам дека малку се преувеличува ова .обично штом се употребува фразата `might be`,ништо не излегува како што рекле.дај боже да сум во право и да не сум во заблуда
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  Quote gjoko Quote  Post ReplyReply #117 Posted: 20-Jun-2013 at 17:08
1.3 милијарди пиксели слика од Марс
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #118 Posted: 20-Jun-2013 at 22:12

solar-storms => solar-coaster => solar-mars 

Mars on Earth

At the driest spot in the driest part of the driest desert in the world, NASA is getting ready to invade the Red Planet.


The ridge and hills are near the geographic center of the Atacama, 40,000 square miles of brutal wasteland in northern Chile. It is the driest spot in the driest part of the driest desert on the planet. "There are lots of places that look as dry as this," McKay says, gesturing across the barren expanse. "But the stories people there tell, 'This is a place where it never rains,' are hyperbolic. People exaggerate."

Except when it comes to this part of the Atacama. It is the only place on Earth that is, as far as anyone has been able to tell, devoid of life. The most inhospitable environments - boiling undersea thermal vents, acidic hot springs, superbriny seas, even pools of nuclear waste - all, amazingly, harbor some living thing. But not here. No one knows why. That's why McKay's team has come: This killing turf, this parched soil, is Earth's best proxy for Mars.


McKay has spent his career at the most Mars-like places on Earth. In pursuit of the toughest organisms known, called extremophiles, he has scuba dived in the ice-crusted lakes of Antarctica's dry valleys, climbed in Mexico to the world's highest tree line, and searched the wastes of Ellesmere Island, the planet's northernmost landmass. He once spent seven days driving through roadless Mongolian desert; the chief of the village Ehin Gol welcomed the team with a banquet. The scientists spent the next few days vomiting.

But of all the places McKay has been only the Atacama matches the utter desolation of Mars. Even the soil chemistry is, so far, indistinguishable. Like many scientists, he suspects that Mars may have harbored life once. Then it fell over a climatic cliff to extinction - just as it did here, in the former mining outpost of Yungay. "We don't know what the limiting factor is," McKay explains. "Is it a lack of one or more nutrients? Or water? Or is it something in the soil that kills off anything that tries to grow there? We don't know."

What scientists do know, or suspect, about Mars is that the air is thinner than at Earth's highest mountaintops. The temperatures are colder than Antarctica, and water in liquid form is nonexistent. But signs of long-ago riverbeds and shorelines suggest that the planet may once have been more habitable, with lakes and streams and rainfall. The air must have been thicker and the climate warmer. It may have been nearly Earth-like.

So finding what's left of life, if anything, in the Atacama may help scientists to know what to look for, and how to look for it, on Mars. It costs hundreds of millions of dollars to light the candle under missions like Spirit, Opportunity, and others to come; tens of billions, probably, if human beings are sitting at the top of the rocket, as President Bush has promised they will. So the Atacama is a kind of proving ground - not for astronauts, but for the experiments Mars-bound missions will carry. Every bit of science McKay's team does has to be simple, reliable, and durable, because it's all a dress rehearsal.

And the stage is Yungay base camp, an abandoned research station left over from a desert agriculture experiment that ran out of funding. The simple cinderblock-and-wood buildings house a spartan but effective biology lab, concrete-floored rooms where some of the team beds down - others sleep in tents, or under the stars - and a bathroom with a cold-water shower. The lab is a tiny bastion of high technology, packed with centrifuges, DNA analysis machines, racks of petri dishes and chemical reagents, and a wide assortment of beakers, flasks, vials, and test tubes. Laptops are everywhere. There's also a kitchen, one of the rare luxuries of this site, with a gas stove, a couple of plastic coolers, a sink, a table, and a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling. A generator outside hums constantly.

A few years ago, McKay, who works out of NASA's Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California, set up an ultrasensitive weather station here. After 24 months, the gauge for rainfall showed an absolute flat line. "My first inclination was, 'Well, we've got a broken sensor, we've got to go out and fix it,'" he says. So on his next trip he measured a liter of water into a bottle, carried it out to the sensor, and poured it over the detector - his own little artificial rain experiment. "I looked at the data, and there it was, a liter of water recorded, all sensors working fine. The conductivity shot up, the soil humidity shot up. Then it began to sink in for me: It really did go two years here without rain."

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Edited by +Protagorist - 26-Sep-2015 at 17:00
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #119 Posted: 21-Jun-2013 at 10:00

As the Curiousity mission to Mars nears the Red Planet, another venture, Mars One, aims to build a permanent settled colony on Mars by 2023. They make it sound so easy. But landing on Mars has always been anything but easy.


ќе си ја пејат what a wonderful world 


Edited by +Protagorist - 15-Apr-2017 at 21:41
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  Quote gjoko Quote  Post ReplyReply #120 Posted: 21-Jun-2013 at 11:09
ама нема да можат да ја пеат `we are not alone`
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