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Сочи, Русија

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  Quote beTon Quote  Post ReplyReply #41 Posted: 07-Sep-2023 at 16:00

10. Самите Ловат Школки



веројатно Пелазги ако знаеме дека истите ко сродна постнеолитска група
се протегаат от Асирија потем Црно Море преку Украина се до Македонија (т.е. обострано) феникијците улетале ама покасно миксајќи се со пелазги (та грч ги фатило) [1][1][1] патем конечно батaлете то наци-мулеровата-indoarian-теза [2][2][2] која практично ет смешка во смешка ако знаеме дека и платоновио мит е солонов ремикс, на кои предожби то наци-теутонците си бркале некаков свој ариевски мит кој кок за беља лингвистички е сеуште жив а имет и други посмешни релации од спунт [2] т.е. евентуално како едикојси митски атланти а во костец подоцнежните ариевски фатаморгани во романтизмот ете извртеле многу што теутонците како би си спакувале славно исконско минато, хм ако веќе сакале логичен одговор тоа ет дека пелазгите оделе од запад кон исток "King Yasmah-Adad writes to his father: [3]" но ниту теутонците можеле да се идентификуваат ко пелазги а чисто се сомневам дека пелазгите воопшто биле потомци на едикојси атлантиѓани!, немојте само ко контрааргумент да ми истоварите пак грчките античко-класични спинои за аполо со хипербореа што ет кизнај каков феникијски ремикс ко и цел грчки пантеон [𐤂][𐤓] според нив атлантите се врзани за посејдон а тој ето за феникијците, та си миксале како им било драго на платонци, конечно кузнај што разбрал солон а што му пренеле египќани или ним што им шернале сред Сахара во меѓуоска пелазгите ко хиксос!?, нејсе, прашање ет колку треба за русите да се сетат ко асли пелазгијци кои миксале со викинзи!?, ајт битно сме ги Покрстиле ем понова Описменах стандардизација споделиле!, та ко ПравоСлавни Словени денес и повеќе од сродни туку во Христа едно ...
"Some girls will accompany her as far as the source of the Zikhi-don (river)" [1]
"The Pelasgian population of the Balkans spoke a language that may be considered proto-Slavonic" [4]
"the famous saying of Dionysius Periegetes that the Zikhs and Geniokhs are children of the Pelasgian land" [5][5]

сетне пак от Скопје византиец ги збратимил (цитато подолу)
а посетне пак в Сочи врвеле разни ремиксои ...
... битно интересно место за посета ...





тро и за пелазгискио орденЗолотое_руно#Влияние_на_культуру

практично зланото руно научно некои го споредуваат како премин од бронзено во железно доба т.е. филистејците велат изваиле непобедливи мачои, имет нешто абер на то првио фус за загрчените феникијци, друга пак теорија ет нивната феникијска фолклорна т.е. грчка митолошка, а трета ет дека аргонаутите си обиколуеле својте браќа илити брачеди (кој како милует) слично ко и Алексо пред белосветскста експедиција т.е. ЈаСон пред навалата кон Египет попозната како бронзенодобска sea people invasion (хиксос)

Early history

Based on the similarity of the oldest known flint tools in the Caucasian Black Sea region, it is assumed that the first people penetrated the vicinity of Sochi through Colchis from Asia Minor 400-350 thousand years ago, that is, in the early Acheulean era. The oldest traces of human habitation were found in the vicinity of Khosta, the left-bank and right-bank parts of the lower reaches of the Mzymta and on the right bank of the Psou. The most famous site of the Stone Age is the Akhshtyrskaya cave, inhabited 250 thousand years ago. In the third millennium BC, the tribes of the Maikop culture lived here, which was replaced by the dolmen culture, which existed here for more than a thousand years.

Hence, according to the Assyrian sources of the VIII-VII centuries. BC, the Cimmerians came to the countries of the Near East and Asia Minor. The earliest state formation on the territory of Gagra was Colchis (XII century BC). Ancient Colchis was located along the eastern coast of the Black Sea (the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus), occupying the Colchis lowland and adjacent areas. Colchians were the main population of the state and the historical region. In 335 BC. Pseudo-Skilak, one of the oldest ancient geographers, names the tribes of the Achaeans and Geniokhs living on the coast from modern Gelendzhik to Great Dioscuria.

Greek colonization of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus began around the 6th-5th centuries. BC e. with the advent of city-states that actively traded with the geniokhs. Around 85 B.C. the tribes of the Heniochs and Colchis fall under the dependence of the Pontic kingdom. In 74 BC. geniokhs act as allies of the king of the Pontic kingdom Mithridates VI Eupator in the war with Rome. In 66 BC. having spent the winter in Dioscuriades, Mithridates VI Eupator passed through the land of the Heniochs, who friendly accepted him, but put the Achaeans to flight and pursued.

In the 1st-5th centuries A.D. Roman colonization of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus takes place. In the 1st century A.D. e. the geographer of antiquity Strabo, in describing the shores of the Black Sea, mentions the Achaeans, Zikhs and Geniokhs living on the coast from modern Gelendzhik-Tuapse to modern Adler-Pitsunda. According to Strabo, the Geniochs were known to the ancient world as pirates. Aristotle argued that geniokhs were cannibals.

Early Middle Ages

After a series of wars between Byzantium and Persia, which were generally unsuccessful for Byzantium, Emperor Justinian managed to sign an agreement in 562, according to which the Western Caucasus fell under the influence of the Byzantine state. The military and cultural influence of Byzantium on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus began.

It is Justinian who is credited by popular tradition with Christianization, although in reality this happened a little earlier. Thus, the name of Bishop Damian of the Zichs is among the signatures of the Council of Constantinople in 526. At the beginning of the 9th century, Egrisi-Lazika, together with the intensified Abazgia, formed the Abkhazian kingdom. According to the Georgian chronicles, King Leon II divided his kingdom into eight principalities: Abkhazia proper, Tskhumi, Bedia, Guria, Racha and Lechkhumi, Svanetia, Argveti and Kutaisi, Sochi was within the eristaviate of Abkhazia. The period of the strongest direct Byzantine influence on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus lasted from the 6th to the beginning of the 8th century. In the second half of the 8th century, while retaining its political influence, Byzantium was forced to recognize the Abkhazian kingdom. In 844, Byzantium, trying to regain dominance over the Abkhazian kingdom, sent numerous troops by sea. But the Byzantine fleet was battered by a storm even before the landing, and the troops that reached the coast were defeated, losing a total of up to 40 thousand people. After that, Byzantium abandoned its attempts to enslave the Abkhazian kingdom.

By the middle of the X century. The Abkhazian kingdom reaches the greatest expansion of its borders: it covers the entire Western and a significant part of Eastern Georgia, and in the north it extends along the Black Sea coast up to the region of modern Anapa. In Lower Kartli, it reached the city of Samshvilde, and also conquered the southern part of Tao-Klarjeti, since 1008 the Abkhazian kingdom has been transformed into the United Georgian Kingdom.

In the XI-XIII centuries. there is a cultural upsurge in Georgia. This is the time of David the Builder (1089-1125), the time of further active construction of temples both in Georgia and in the Black Sea region. Georgian queen Tamara (1184-1212), Rusudan (1212-1227) tried to strengthen their influence among the Adygs by spreading Christianity. The name of Queen Tamara was extremely popular among all the highlanders of the Caucasus. Part of the Circassians were religiously subordinate to the Georgian Church.

The earliest church on the territory of Sochi was a basilica (a rectangular building elongated from west to east) on the territory of the Southern Cultures state farm in Adler, which was destroyed in 1954 during the construction of a water supply system. Supposedly built in the 6th century. The monument was examined at different times by the candidates of historical sciences L. N. Solovyov and N. V. Anfimov. The earliest items that make it possible to date the monument are pre-altar plates with carvings on both sides. On one side of the slab, crosses with almost equal ends are carved, similar in shape to those found in the excavations of the Pitsunda temple. Based on this similarity, L.N. Solovyov dated the construction of the monument to the 6th century. This definition is confirmed by him also by the fact that the crosses are taken in a rhombic frame and by the fact that the marble slabs are made of Constantinopolitan marble. The most active construction of temples unfolded in the X-XII centuries. It coincided with the peak of the development of the Byzantine Empire and with the formation of a centralized state in Georgia. The same period saw the flourishing of caravan trade in the Caucasus. Quite often, researchers of the history of Christianity in the Caucasus point to the proximity of temples and monasteries to important trade routes and pass paths.

Temples in Khost, Lesnoy, Kashtany, Loo, on Mount Akhun, under Mount Ephraim and others are attributed to the XI-XII centuries in Sochi. The most remote from the coast temple in Deep Yar was surrounded by a powerful fortress wall, which probably indicates that deeper into the mountains, Christians were not treated very kindly. Shortly after the division of the churches, Catholic missionaries appeared in the Caucasus. To replace the Byzantines in the XIII and XIV centuries. come the Genoese, who owned a number of trading posts on the Black Sea coast. Kafa in the Crimea becomes the center of their activity. The prefect of Kafa D'Ascoli sent the missionary D. de Lucca to the Circassians. The Genoese colonization also had some influence on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. In general, the medieval history of Sochi has been studied extremely poorly and insufficiently.

transitional period

Until the second half of the 19th century, on the territory of Greater Sochi - from Vardane to the Kudepsta River - lived a warlike Caucasian people - the Ubykhs. Their number, according to various estimates, was 50-150 thousand people. Their main occupation was cattle breeding, agriculture, gardening, slave trade, piracy. As a result of the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829, according to the Adrianople peace treaty, the entire eastern coast of the Black Sea from the Kuban River to the St. Nicholas Pier, including the area of modern Sochi, departs to the Russian Empire. In order to suppress the sale of weapons to the highlanders and stop the slave trade within the borders of the Russian Empire established by the Adrianople Peace Treaty, fortifications of the Black Sea coastline were installed on the coast. After the successful measures taken by Prince Baryatinsky to pacify the mountaineers of the Western Caucasus, a movement of "Muhajirs" unfolded throughout the region. Agitators from among the fanatical Islamic clergy urged the highlanders to move to the "fellow faith" Ottoman Empire. The result of this was the depopulation of the entire Western Caucasus, the population of the central and eastern Caucasus and Crimea was significantly reduced. Whole villages left for Turkey. The resettlement was spontaneous. A significant number of settlers died during it. At present, according to rough estimates, there are up to 500 thousand descendants of the Caucasian "Muhajirs" in Turkey, and the same number are scattered throughout the countries of the Middle East and the Maghreb.

On June 24 (July 6), 1861, Alexander II issued a rescript addressed to the chief ataman of the Kuban Cossack army, Adjutant General Evdokimov, in which he very clearly outlined the course for the complete expulsion of non-peaceful Circassians and the annexation of their country. In the rescript, Alexander wrote:
“Now, with God's help, the cause of the complete conquest of the Caucasus is close to completion. There remain several years of persistent efforts to completely oust the hostile highlanders from the fertile countries they occupy and permanently establish a Russian Christian population in these latter.

New time

The city of Sochi was founded on April 21 (May 3), 1838 as Fort Alexandria. During the Caucasian War, the fortification of the Holy Spirit was also founded on the territory of present-day Sochi (in 1837, which laid the foundation for the future Adler), forts Lazarevsky and Golovinsky (1839), which later became the villages of Lazarevskoye and Golovinka. The purpose of the fortifications is to suppress the slave trade and the smuggling of weapons to the highlanders. In 1839, Fort Alexandria was renamed Navaginskoye fortification. During the Crimean War, the garrisons on the coast were taken to Novorossiysk, as the Anglo-French squadron under the command of Admiral Edmund Lyons entered the Black Sea. In 1864 the fortification was rebuilt as Post Dakhovsky. From 1874 - Dakhovsky Posad, from 1896 - Sochi (after the name of the Sochi River, on the banks of which the settlement stood).

On September 15 (28), 1902, the first bathroom building on Matsesta was opened. From December 28, 1905 (January 10, 1906) to January 5 (18), 1906, the Sochi Republic existed. On June 14 (27), 1909, the first resort, the Caucasian Riviera, was opened, which is considered the beginning of Sochi as a resort. On April 23 (May 6), 1913, on the initiative of the Russian writer P. A. Rossiev, the 75th anniversary was marked for the first time on the day of the founding of Sochi. On this memorable date, at the expense of Colonel L.F. Dolinsky, a monument was erected near the library named after A.S. Pushkin. The following periodicals were published in the suburb of Sochi: until 1917, Sochi Courier, Black Sea Territory, Sochi Sheet, the Orthodox magazine Izvestia of the Sochi St. Nicholas Brotherhood, after the February Revolution and during the Civil War: Soldier and Worker "," Bulletin of the Kuban regional government. In 1917 Sochi was given the status of a city. During the Civil War, the city alternately came under the rule of the Bolsheviks, Denikinists, the Georgian-Menshevik government, the Committee for the Liberation of the Black Sea Governorate. The preservation of the city of Sochi as part of Russia is de facto the result of the military operations of the units of the Volunteer Army of General A.I. Denikin in the fall of 1918 - in the winter of 1919, who recaptured the city of Sochi, Adler, Gagra, and the entire coastal territory captured in the spring of 1918 during the Sochi conflict Georgia.

In April 1920, Soviet power was established. After the Civil War, considerable attention is paid to the development of the resort business in Sochi. On June 20, 1934, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee decided:
2. Include mountains in the city limits. Sochi suburban settlements: Areda, Nizhnyaya Razdolnaya, Novye Sochi and Sobolevka with the surrounding lands of collective farms: named after Budyonny, Krasny Semenovod and Nizhne-Razdolny; agricultural farm of the OGPU, a rest house of the OGPU, a land plot of the Lenin Agricultural Plant and the Sochi Fruit Experimental Station of Subtropical Crops.
3. As an exception to the current legislation, highlight the mountains. Sochi into an independent administrative and economic unit with the subordination of the Sochi City Council directly to the Azov-Chernomorsky Regional Executive Committee.
4. In connection with the allocation of mountains. Sochi in an independent administrative and economic unit, the center of the Sochi region to move to the village of Adler with the preservation of the former name of the region.

In the 1930s, a new stage in the history of the city began. In 1933, the government approved the first Master Plan for the reconstruction of the Sochi-Matsesta resort area. In 1934, the general reconstruction of the Sochi-Matsesta resort began under the leadership of Alexander Denisovich Metelev. The axis of the project was the Riviera-Matsesta highway (later Stalinsky Prospekt, now Kurortny Prospekt). New sanatoriums, an institute of balneology, theaters, and other infrastructure are being created. Dachas are being built for state leaders. In 1934, on the initiative of People's Commissar K. E. Voroshilov, construction began on the project of M. I. Merzhanov, personal architect of I. V. Stalin, the Bocharov Ruchey dacha, now the official residence of the President of Russia. Four dachas were built for I.V. Stalin, of which he most often visited Novaya Matsesta (also built according to the project of Merzhanov; now there is a museum in its former cinema hall). Since 1937 Sochi has been part of the Krasnodar Territory.

On the eve of the Great Patriotic War, 61 health resorts functioned in Sochi, and 51 hospitals were opened on their basis in December 1941. In total, 111 hospitals operated on the territory of Sochi during the Great Patriotic War.

On August 27, 1948, Sochi becomes a city of republican subordination, and on June 3, 1958, it returns to the category of cities of regional subordination. At the same time, Sochi retained its geographical telephone code, separate from the rest of the Krasnodar Territory.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR in 1961, the territory of the city of Sochi was significantly expanded by including the Adler and Lazarevsky districts in the resort city. The resort stretched along the coast from the village of Magri on the border with the Tuapse region to the Psou River, along which at that time the border with the Georgian SSR passed. 4 administrative districts of the city of Sochi were created - Central, Khostinsky, Adlersky and Lazarevsky. April 19, 1993 According to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation, the resort city of Sochi acquires the status of a resort of federal significance.

In the 2010s, Sochi acquires the functions of a "second capital" due to the frequent visits of the President of Russia to the city and the many ongoing international meetings and sports competitions.

On February 1, 2020, the urban-type settlement of Sirius was allocated from the territories subordinate to the Adlersky district of Sochi in the Imeretinskaya lowland, which is planned to be separated from Sochi and allocated to the new municipality of Sirius with the status of an urban district.


Edited by beTon - 07-Sep-2023 at 16:16
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