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Органска хемија

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Printed Date: 14-Jun-2024 at 03:44

Topic: Органска хемија
Posted By: Max
Subject: Органска хемија
Date Posted: 09-Aug-2012 at 14:00
се загледав некои кулинарски видеа [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] и ето се сетив дека може и оваа тема да биде од корист пример како квалитетно да подмачкаш железо со органски соединенија [ - 1 ] или зошто и како печурките се корисни по околината [ - 1 ] впрочем прашање на време е колку и како ќе се вртиме кон органскиот пристап кој е и еколошки и биолошки, односно гарантира посигурна симбиоза помеѓу човекот и планетата земја...

што е до дефиниција попрегледна е оваа на српската википедија [ - 1 ] отколку нашата [ - 2 ] кај нас ја тераат органскава алхемиски, нејсе, битно има абер! ко за загревање добро е човек да ја изгледа серијата Kitchen Chemistry што се вртеше на дискавери [ - 1 ] или да читне нешто за хемија во кујната [ - 2 ][ - 3 ] сепак лапни-голтни аудио-видео едукација е полезет работа та после kitchen chemistry би препорачал доку серијал ко EWAF [,mod=1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=c87b6db378682b68&biw=730&bih=422 - 1 ][ - 3 ] потоа јасно чоек се доедуцира ко што треба [ - 1 ]


Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 09-Aug-2012 at 15:36

Primitive Adhesives - -

Hide Glue - [ - 1 ]
RG - [ - 2 ]
Pine Tar - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ]
Birch Tar - [ - 1 ]


Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 09-Aug-2012 at 16:00


Caoutchouc - -

Latex - - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ]

[ - 1 ] Latex vs memory foam [ - 2 ]

[ - 1 ] - Балоните се произведени од 100% латекс и во потполност се биоразградиви - [ - 2 ] - Balloon manufacturers will often state that a latex balloon is perfectly safe to release into the environment as it is made from a natural substance and will biodegrade over time. However a latex balloon can take up to a year to degrade if it lands in the sea and during this time it is possible for a marine animal to ingest the balloon and die from slow starvation if its digestive system is blocked

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 09-Aug-2012 at 17:34

животинска маст - Tallow - -

Uses for tallow:
1) Greasing a gun lock & wiping the gun
2) greasing the bore of a gun
3) waterproofing the pan on a flintlock in wet weather
4) Greasing the leather gun lock cover
5) Greasing Moccasins & other leather items to make water resistant [ - 1 ][ - 2 ]
6) Greasing patch material for a muzzle-loading rifle
7) Making tallow candles [ - 1 ]
8) For grease lamps
9) For sealing the tops of bottles & other food containers
10) For dry skin
11) For face paint
12) For making fire with damp kindling
13) For greasing a bow stave
14) For Food
15) Making Soap


вика во итни случаи може и да се јаде, а кај нас то чварките секојдневен специјалитет, сепак на север е можеби единствен начин да се преживее ден [ - 1 ][ - 2 ]

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 09-Aug-2012 at 19:20 -

[tube]I-J78BG2kDY[/tube] - - -

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 16-Aug-2012 at 01:01


Carbon, the common denominator in all living things. Not everything that has carbon is living, nor are all the areas studied in organic chemistry—the branch of chemistry devoted to the study of carbon and its compounds—always concerned with living things. Organic chemistry addresses an array of subjects as vast as the number of possible compounds that can be made by strings of carbon atoms. We can thank organic chemistry for much of what makes life easier in the modern age: fuel for cars, for instance, or the plastics found in many of the products used in an average day.

OC - How it works

Carbon is sixth element on the periodic table, the 14th most abundant element on Earth. In the human body, carbon is second only to oxygen in abundance, and accounts for 18% of the body's mass. Capable of combining in seemingly endless ways, carbon, along with hydrogen, is at the center of huge families of compounds. These are the hydrocarbons, present in deposits of fossil fuels: natural gas, petroleum, and coal.
There are two elements noted for their ability to form long strings of atoms and seemingly endless varieties of molecules: one is carbon, and the other is silicon, directly below it on the periodic table.

Just as carbon is at the center of a vast network of organic compounds, silicon holds the same function in the inorganic realm. It is found in virtually all types of rocks, except the calcium carbonates—which, as their name implies, contain carbon. In terms of known elemental mass, silicon is second only to oxygen in abundance on Earth. Silicon atoms are about one and a half times as large as those of carbon; thus not even silicon can compete with carbon's ability to form an almost limitless array of molecules in various shapes and sizes, and with various chemical properties.


Carbon is further distinguished by its high value of electronegativity, the relative ability of an atom to attract valence electrons. To mention a few basic aspects of chemical bonding, developed at considerably greater length in the Chemical Bonding essay, if two atoms have an electric charge and thus are ions, they form strong ionic bonds. Ionic bonding occurs when a metal bonds with a nonmetal. The other principal type of bond is a covalent bond, in which two uncharged atoms share eight valence electrons. If the electronegativity values of the two elements involved are equal, then they share the electrons equally; but if one element has a higher electronegativity value, the electrons will be more drawn to that element.

The electronegativity of carbon is certainly not the highest on the periodic table. That distinction belongs to fluorine, with an electronegativity value of 4.0, which makes it the most reactive of all elements. Fluorine is at the head of Group 7, the halogens, all of which are highly reactive and most of which have high electronegativity values. If one ignores the noble gases, which are virtually unreactive and occupy the extreme right-hand side of the periodic table, electronegativity values are highest in the upper right-hand side of the table—the location of fluorine—and lowest in the lower left. In other words, the value increases with group or column number (again, leaving out the noble gases in Group 8), and decreases with period or row number.

With an electronegativity of 2.5, carbon ties with sulfur and iodine (a halogen) for sixth place, behind only fluorine; oxygen (3.5); nitrogen and chlorine (3.0); and bromine (2.8). Thus its electronegativity is high, without being too high. Fluorine is not likely to form the long chains for which is carbon is known, simply because its electronegativity is so high, it overpowers other elements with which it comes into contact. In addition, with four valence electrons, carbon is ideally suited to find other elements (or other carbon atoms) for forming covalent bonds according to the octet rule, whereby most elements bond so that they have eight valence electrons.

Carbon multiple bonds

Carbon—with its four valence electrons—happens to be tetravalent, or capable of bonding to four other atoms at once. It is not necessarily the case that an element has the ability to bond with as many other elements as it has valence electrons; in fact, this is rarely the case. Additionally, carbon is capable of forming not only a single bond, with one pair of shared valence electrons, but a double bond (two pairs) or even a triple bond (three pairs.)

Another special property of carbon is its ability to bond in long chains that constitute strings of carbons and other atoms. Furthermore, though sometimes carbon forms a typical molecule (for example, carbon dioxide, or CO 2, is just one carbon atom with two oxygens), it is also capable of forming "molecules" that are really not molecules in the way that the word is typically used in chemistry. Graphite, for instance, is just a series of "sheets" of carbon atoms bonded tightly in a hexagonal, or six-sided, pattern, while a diamond is simply a huge "molecule" composed of carbon atoms strung together by covalent bonds.



Organic chemistry is the study of carbon, its compounds, and their properties. The only major carbon compounds considered inorganic are carbonates (for instance, calcium carbonate, alluded to above, which is one of the major forms of mineral on Earth) and oxides, such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. This leaves a huge array of compounds to be studied, as we shall see.

The term "organic" in everyday language connotes "living," but organic chemistry is involved with plenty of compounds not part of living organisms: petroleum, for instance, is an organic compound that ultimately comes from the decayed bodies of organisms that once were alive. It should be stressed that organic compounds do not have to be produced by living things, or even by things that once were alive; they can be produced artificially in a laboratory.

The breakthrough event in organic chemistry came in 1828, when German chemist Friedrich Wöhler (1800-1882) heated a sample of ammonium cyanate (NH 4 OCN) and converted it to urea (H 2 N-CO-NH 2 ). Ammonium cyanite is an inorganic material, whereas urea, a waste product in the urine of mammals, is an organic one. "Without benefit of a kidney, a bladder, or a Ammonium cyanate and urea are isomers: substances having the same formula, but possessing different chemical properties. Thus they have exactly the same numbers and proportions of atoms, yet these atoms are arranged in different ways. In urea, the carbon forms an organic chain, and in ammonium cyanate, it does not. Thus, to reduce the specifics of organic chemistry even further, this discipline can be said to constitute the study of carbon chains, and ways to rearrange them to create new substances. -

ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - Real-life applications - - - - Key Terms -

But there are stars, and stars manufacture heavy elements from light elements. They take hydrogen in and fuse the atoms to become helium, and helium fuses to become carbon, and carbon fuses to become silicon and nitrogen, and so on. Thus, elements other than hydrogen and helium have no origin other than the centers of stars. And stars not only manufacture the heavy elements, they also explode them into space.

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 16-Aug-2012 at 13:31


The Material World

Nature invented a whole range of hi-tec materials long before we invented ceramics and plastics. And not only are they often better, but nature has also invented ingenious ways of building with them. In this programme we travel inside a giant sequoia to find out how nature has built the largest living thing ever, and how that might help us make better bullet-proof vests. In the forests of Central America, the breath-taking, irridescence of a morpho butterfly in flight is all the more amazing when slowed down over a hundred times. It has inspired one cosmetics company to invent an entirely new kind of lipstick – but more importantly, understanding its dazzling beauty might pave the way for a new revolution in information technology – photonic crystals – that would make fibre optic systems obsolete. -

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 21-Aug-2012 at 13:00

O-chem is the study of carbon compounds. Biology is the study of carbon compounds that crawl a smart man once told me when in doubt, say that further research needs to be conducted... -
сеуште не им е пополнета секцијата за амините та еве компензација - [ - 1 ]

Amines and amides are abundant in nature. They are a major component of proteins and enzymes, nucleic acids, alkaloid drugs, etc. (Alkaloids are Ncontaining, weakly basic organic compounds; thousands of these substances are known.)
• Amines are organic derivatives of ammonia, NH3, in which one or more of the three H’s is replaced by a carbon group.
• Amines are classified as primary (1°), secondary (2°), or tertiary (3°), depending on how many carbon groups are connected to the nitrogen atom.
... -

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 22-Aug-2012 at 22:16

Амини и Алеергии - Amines and food intolerance - - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ]

но може и не е до толку - Мењајте навике у исхрани - -


Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 23-Aug-2012 at 10:01
има многу абер и за - аминокиселини и ензими но би го завршил биохемискиов излет со витамини...

The word vitamin comes from the word "vitamine" which was coined by researchers in 1912 to describe this recently discovered class of substances. At that time they were thought to be all amines which were essential to life. But not all of the vitamin are amines, so the "e" at the end was dropped to retain the now common term for these nutritional supplements. - [ - 1 ]

...Funk postulated "that the substance facilitating growth found in milk is similar, if not identical, with the vitamines described by me." (Funk 1912a, p. 169).
However, Funk's ideas raised a lot of controversy and he spent the next ten years campaigning for support for this word he coined and its use as a scientific expression. In 1916 the term was gaining some acceptance as evidenced by this article from Science

The word "vitamine" has come into our vocabulary since the latest dictionaries were published. Etymologically it means an amine that is essential to life, and it was coined by C. Funk as a generic name for a group of substances, of unknown chemical composition, small quantities of which appear to be a necessary constituent of a wholesome human diet . . . An absence or insufficiency of vitamines in the diet brings on diseases now known as "avitaminoses" or "deficiency diseases,"
... -

A vitamin is an organic compound required as a nutrient in tiny amounts by an organism. The term vitamin was derived from "vitamine," a combination word from vita and amine, meaning amine of life, because it was suggested that the organic micronutrient food factors which prevented beriberi and perhaps other similar dietary-deficiency diseases, might be chemical amines. This proved incorrect for the micronutrient class, and the word was shortened. Today, a chemical compound is called a vitamin when it cannot be synthesized in sufficient quantities by an organism, and must be obtained from the diet. Thus, the term is conditional both on the circumstances and the particular organism. For example, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a vitamin for humans, but not for most other animals, and biotin and vitamin D are required in the human diet only in certain circumstances. The term vitamin does not include other essential nutrients such as dietary minerals, essential fatty acids, or essential amino acids, nor does it encompass the large number of other nutrients that promote health but are otherwise required less often.
Vitamins are classified by their biological and chemical activity, not their structure. Thus, each "vitamin" refers to a number of vitamer compounds that all show the biological activity associated with a particular vitamin. Such a set of chemicals are grouped under an alphabetized vitamin "generic descriptor" title, such as "vitamin A", which includes the compounds retinal, retinol, and four known carotenoids. - Vitamers by definition are convertible to the active form of the vitamin in the body, and are sometimes inter-convertible to one another, as well.

Vitamins have diverse biochemical functions. Some have hormone-like functions as regulators of mineral metabolism (e.g. vitamin D), or regulators of cell and tissue growth and differentiation (e.g. some forms of vitamin A). Others function as antioxidants (e.g. vitamin E and sometimes vitamin C).[3] The largest number of vitamins (e.g. B complex vitamins) function as precursors for enzyme cofactors, that help enzymes in their work as catalysts in metabolism. In this role, vitamins may be tightly bound to enzymes as part of prosthetic groups: for example, biotin is part of enzymes involved in making fatty acids. Alternately, vitamins may also be less tightly bound to enzyme catalysts as coenzymes, detachable molecules which function to carry chemical groups or electrons between molecules. For example, folic acid carries various forms of carbon group methyl, formyl and methylene - in the cell. Although these roles in assisting enzyme-substrate reactions are vitamins' best-known function, the other vitamin functions are equally important.

Until the 1900s, vitamins were obtained solely through food intake, and changes in diet (which, for example, could occur during a particular growing season) can alter the types and amounts of vitamins ingested. Vitamins have been produced as commodity chemicals and made widely available as inexpensive pills for several decades, allowing supplementation of the dietary intake

Timing Your Vitamins - - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ]

Vitamins and Dietary Supplements in Macedonia - - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ]

Multivitamins: Good idea or bad? - - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ]

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 02-Sep-2012 at 18:49

Wine Aging - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - - 5 ]

Using Magnets To Instantly Age Your Wine – Fact or Fiction? [ - 1 ]

It has been generally thought for a long time that passing a conductive fluid through a properly designed magnetic field has an effect on the polar molecules in the fluid. Even wine connoisseurs and professional wine tasters are using magnets these days to realign wine molecules to smooth and mature the taste of a young wine...

I purchased this a couple of years ago and it does what it's suppose to do (age the wine)for a short time. I make my own wine and can't wait for it to age and now I can enjoy a bottle in 30 minutes after using this. Keep in mind that when you're done using this the wine will go back to it's earlier stage. [ - 1 ] -


Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 28-Sep-2012 at 15:01

ќуморосаната храна е апла канцерогена [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] но и пржената а незагорена храна е во иста мера отров особено поомфритот - Acrylamide is a known lethal neurotoxin and animal carcinogen. Its discovery in some cooked starchy foods in 2002 prompted concerns about the carcinogenicity of those foods. [ - 1

единствена утеха со помали последици е - вакумирано-пржење , за кое велат - им е скапо на сендвичарите не па на домакинствата [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5

With vacuum frying it is easier to maintain natural colors and flavours of the finished product. Due to the lower temperatures applied (approx. 100-130 °C (266 °F)), the formation of suspected carcinogen acrylamide is significantly lower than in standard atmospheric fryers, where the frying temperature is approx. 170 °C (338 °F). The fat absorption of the products is also reported to be lower than in atmospheric fryers. -


ако ова не ви направи reality check во петици, тогаш има дополнителни утехи за малио мозок [ - 1 ]  иако најдобро е чоек да си вклучи природно големио  та дa го навикне на варени, динстани и опарени зарзавати, што би рекле индијанците тавата е сончева само кога е малку и правилно потпечена, што не може да се каже дека е случај со фритезиве - system's sciences and technologies using the energy from artificial sources deprive our bodies / minds / emotions of the true food needed to keep the system healthy and stable [ - 2 ] а дури и при органски начин на исхрана повторно е потребно прочистување на организмот, плус-причина за да се зацврсти постењето во народот доколку тоа не го прави пред се од религиозни причини, како велат секоја диета има причина некому му е до телото а некому до душата, јасно најправилно е грижа и за двете со оглед дека телото е храм на душата, та средниот пат дури и за продуховените е неопходен, иако денес тоа е мисловна именка и за утврдените Христијани кои или немаат мерка  во постот или сметаат дека се што постои е дадено за наше добро па макар било препржено, пресолено или прекисело та неретко ги снајдува - Ти, међутим, ни о чему не размишљаш и не схваташ своју племенитост. Због тога духоносни Давид праведно оплакује твој пад, говорећи: Човек у части будући не разумеде, изједначи се са стоком неразумном и постаде јој сличан (Пс. 48; 21) [ - 3 ]

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 01-Oct-2012 at 10:00

но да не се лажеме нема кој не се навлекол на фаст-фудои, дали преку кебапчилници и бурекџилници порано, дали преку генерација М на метропол, дали преку аркадија,стоилко,ким итн. всушност единствено пд сето тоа што беше позитивно беше патафритас кај млинбалкан само што не успејаа т.е. не го тераа процесот познат ко - brand implanting иако за волја на вистината освен пицериите ко дал-фуфо ил плава лагуна, и претходно рекламите на метропол, незнам за локален фаст-фуд маркетинг се до доаѓањето на мјам-мекот, но понекогаш скромноста е доволна ако си на право место во право време што и не беше случај со патафритас, требаше ко специјалитет или специјализирана сендвичара да го истоварат кај стоилко или сега во чаршија... 

како и да е оние кои и понатаму не им е до манџи дали заради мрзливост, преокупираност или слинење, еве конечно утеха и за нив, односно за сите на кои холестеролот им крчка ко пудинг, новинава кратко би звучела налик - - стем-клетки за реанимација срце пред и по срцев удар, а и воопшто за коронарни заболувања со оглед дека се оправаат оштетувањата настанати како последица на заболувањето или ударот!

Soon, a jab that can trick the heart into healing itself - -



Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 24-Sep-2013 at 16:59


HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 03-Oct-2013 at 08:03

најверојатно брзо ќе го видиме и во малопродажба новиов материјал, идеален за еко-отстрануање нафта и деривати, а посекако корисен и за се што треба да се впие

- -

- -

- -

HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 27-Nov-2013 at 00:08

може повеќе е за биохемија муабетов, но пред се е органска хемија посреди а која се манипулира за подобри квалитети на дадените организми, технологија позната како ГМО (генетски модификувани организми), што од старт звучи еклектички за гранка на генетиката, а особено знаејки дека ко таква се развивала тро и необично во спрега со воениот развој односно најголем замав земала во времето на менгеле и пријателите иако на далеку порудиментиран начин него денес, заради што се перцепицира и ко дејност со голем потенцијал и можности колку и да се истите прикажани застрашувачки [ - 1 ][ - 2 ]

слободно можам да кажам дека и јас сум анти-гмо, но не заради страв од можни мутации на ова или она, туку заради предвремената еволуција која би се индуцирала преку ова, воопшто синергија во постојниот еко-систем, кој за волја на вистината и без тоа ќе колабира, иако таквиот колапс е исто ко и генетиката несреќен нус-ефект на индустриската револуција, нејсе кај и да не однесе муабетот нормално дека ќе има страв по истиот бидејки одејки наоколу и фрлајки шкорчиња а во исто време заобиколувајки и доста природни закони преку слободната волја посреди експериментирањето прашање е дали и како ке излезе тоа на убаво иако може да скубне и кон поубав див запад, коњи растрчани по сите страни и оловни поила посреди - - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]

ако е за утеха бар не штанцаме ние гмо-семе нит пак увезуваме, иако увозна гмо-храна ни товарат на кило, впрочем тек допрва ке се контролира увозот на готови производи во од, додека сега е оставен на случајна селекција -


HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: gjoko
Date Posted: 27-Nov-2013 at 00:56
Проблемот со ГМО е во изборот на човештвото-или ќе го профатат или третата светска војна ќе дојди сама по себе.Третото решение богатите да не се расфрлаат со храна е најмалку вероватно

Posted By: Dexter26
Date Posted: 27-Nov-2013 at 01:32
Ако бидат соодветно одбележани генетички модифицираните производи од органско потекло, со соодветна декларација и со соодветни предупредувања за последиците од консумирање на истите тие производи за одредени луѓе со одредени здравствени состојби, кои можеби се алергични на состојките кои ги содржат истите тие генетички модифицирани производи од органско потекло, тогаш и генетички модифицираните производи од органско потекло се добредојдени.
Веќе имаме генетички модифицирани производи од неорганско потекло, како што се газираните пијалоци и слатките, но барем кај нив на амбалажата пишува што содржат, иако за волја на вистината, потрошувачите речиси ич не обрнуваат на содржината на производите кои ги консумираат, но за тоа тие самите си се виновни, не можат да кажат дека не биле информирани, туку можат да кажат дека не биле заинтересирани за да се информираат за содржината на истите тие производи и за потенцијалниот ризик и потенцијалните последици од нивно консумирање.
Но кога некој пласира генетички модифицирани производи од органско потекло на пазарот и од една страна тврди дека се исти, а можеби и поквалитетни од природните производи од органско потекло, а од друга страна одбива да открие во што е разликата поради некакви си самопрогласени и самоприсвоени таканаречени права на интелектуална сопственост, тогаш човештвото има проблем.
Автомобилите ја загадуваат околината. Денес човештвото е свесно за таквото загадување, а производителите на автомобилите се обврзани да објавуваат колкави количини на издувни гасови испуштаат автомобилите на извозен километар или на согорен литар гориво. Најчесто објавуваат лажни информации, но барем не го негираат фактот дека нивните возила ја загадуваат околината.
Од друга страна, производителите на генетички модифицирани семиња и на генетички модифицирани производи од органско потекло, негираат дека нивните производи можат да бидат штетни за одредени луѓе со одредени здравствени состојби, кои можеби се алергични на состојките кои ги содржат истите тие генетички модифицирани производи, а истовремено производителите на истите тие генетички модифицирани семиња и на истите тие генетички модифицирани производи од органско потекло, одбиваат да прифатат одбележување на нивните производи и објавување на нивните состојки.
Тоа не е во ред и мора да се регулира со закон и да стане обврска за секој производител на генетички модифицирани производи од органско потекло, како што веќе е регулирано со закон и веќе е обврска за генетички модифицираните производи од неорганско потекло.

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 27-Nov-2013 at 16:00

Originally posted by gjoko

Проблемот со ГМО е во изборот на човештвото-или ќе го профатат или третата светска војна ќе дојди сама по себе.Третото решение богатите да не се расфрлаат со храна е најмалку вероватно

за сега има и други поводи за големата [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] иако храната и водата се основни покрај енергијата а посекако ќе спотераат и многу помали, она на Гапо филмо убаво ја претскажува ова исконска кавга околу изворот кој на крај виша сила им го поплавува со се' селата [Време,_води_%28филм%29 - 1 ][ - 2 ]

Originally posted by Dexter26

Ако бидат соодветно одбележани генетички модифицираните производи од органско потекло, со соодветна декларација и со соодветни предупредувања за последиците од консумирање на истите тие производи за одредени луѓе со одредени здравствени состојби, кои можеби се алергични на состојките кои ги содржат истите тие генетички модифицирани производи од органско потекло, тогаш и генетички модифицираните производи од органско потекло се добредојдени.

не само болните ами и здравите треба да се запрашаат колку нешто е прифатливо за нив,  та она што ќе биде решение за ГМО-то е негова демистификација и отварање на сите карти, па нека знае народ кој-што-како и зошто модификува, и не дека од тоа некој ке се просветли, ами бар ќе му се даде избор односно потикне волја или сам да си одгледува стари сорти на село, а зошто не и град колку за себе и своето семејство, или свесно ке се предаде на ГМО и премисата "како за сите така и за мене", сите сме одамна извозени само што тоа касно го контаме, а уште покасно и пробуваме да се вратиме на сончевиот колосек
[tube]3sWjkpLaQww[/tube] -

HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 27-Nov-2013 at 17:14

купи ден продај е работава со оглед дека прилично релативно им е колку луѓе се или ќе бидат колатералка само за системот да се одржи или се трасира одржлив модел за истиот, јасно дека во сите тие сценарија ке се протуркуваат разно разни експерименти, но посекако еден од тие ке биде и ГМО покрај телевизијата и интернетот како масовни медиуми преку кои се потикнува и креира мислење а потоа и навика, впрочем по што чезнееме тоа и си го добиваме, сакавме футуризам - ето го - ни го сервираат под полна пареа, колку и истата некому споредно или локално да му смрди на загорено!

The genetically modified foods debate:

Demystifying the controversy through analytical chemistry

The genetic manipulation of foods, including plants and
animals, has been pursued for hundreds of years. It could be
argued that Gregor Mendel was already performing genetic
manipulation in the 19th century. As early as in 1885,
Mendel presented his first paper entitled “Experiments on
Plant Genetic Hybridization”, which he published in 1886
in the Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Brünn.
While Mendel’s work was then overlooked and even
criticized, it is now considered a cornerstone of modern
genetics and genetic manipulation. It was not until the early
20th century that Mendel’s work was taken seriously, and
his experiments reproduced and further expanded by an
array of notable geneticists and evolutionary biologists.
Arguably, so-called selective breeding is a result of
Mendel’s initial work. Selective breeding has been used to
create fruits of exotic taste, roses with specific colors and
fragrances, and chicken that lay eggs that are lower in
cholesterol content.

This technique is limited to endowing or enhancing one
particular species with a trait that is native to the same species.
There is no inter-species crossing, and, thus,
it is viewed by most as harmless genetic manipulation.

The advent of biotechnology allowed genetic modification
and “selective breeding” to become more precise genetic
manipulation through the introduction of specific genes that
were not indigenous to the species. New traits could be
introduced into already elite varieties to produce enhanced
properties. Inter-species crossing has enhanced traditional
crops by breeding of insect-resistant and increased nutri-
tional value corn and rice, respectively. Much controversy
has followed this species modification and subsequent
creation of genetically modified foods. Proponents of GM
foods highlight the potential humanitarian ramifications of
GM crops proliferation placing emphasis upon the in-
creased nutrition and heartiness of the crops, in relation to
combating malnutrition and world hunger. The proponents
of genetically modified foods engage in the advantages that
they provide with regard to nutrition and help in the fight to
end human malnutrition and hunger. The opponents, on the
contrary, cite the fact that allergies and inter-species gene
transfer may be hazardous to human health.
The GM foods debate is global, impacting all societies
regardless of their socioeconomic status. The potential
impact on the poor and in ending human hunger is
especially important and may outweigh some concerns
imposed by the detractors of these foods. Major concerns of
those who oppose genetically modified (GM) foods include
the risk of allergenicity in humans and the potential
negative environmental effects of modified crops. Although
GM foods are extensively tested for the risk of allergenicity,
cases of allergenicity—such as GM peas in mice—have
received much publicity. GM peas were never introduced to
the public sector, yet this case has been touted by
opponents of GM foods as a prime example of their
potential hazards to human health. Another issue that has
been widely publicized is the possible transfer of antibiotic
resistant genes from GM foods to the microflora housed in
human intestines. Evidently, if such a speculation were true,
the consequences of GM foods consumption could be
disastrous to human health. However, this inference is pure
speculation and no evidence of such gene transfer has ever
been recorded. There are studies that have looked at this
possibility, and concluded that—based on known mech-
anisms—it is unlikely that this scenario could occur, or,
furthermore, that it would have detrimental effects.

A valid argument made by GM foods opponents refers to the fact that
little is known about the long-term effects of GMcrops on the
environment, microorganisms, animals, and humans. For
example, will Darwinian evolution demonstrate that insects
can evolve to successfully combat the current insect-resistant
GMcrops? The answer to this question remains unknown. As
a precaution, non-GM crops are not grown near GMcrops. In
a similar vein, GM opponents are also concerned that these
crops could present a threat to biodiversity, with plant-
produced pesticides harming other organisms and crops, thus,
leading to a decreased variety of natural foods. The possibility
of gene transfer from GM crops to conventional crops grown
in the same locations can threaten food safety and contami-
nation.Moreover, an additional major concern is the spread of
herbicide-resistant genes to unintended weeds that would
create so-called ‘super-weed’ that will be difficult to control.

An economic concern arises from the great corporate
presence in GM food production. The dominance of these
multinational agrochemical corporations (i.e., Monsanto,
Syngenta, and DuPont–Pioneer) is an issue of concern to
activist groups such as Greenpeace for fear that farmers
growing GM crops will become dependent on these com-
panies. Even more activists oppose GM foods on philo-
sophical ideals as opposed to scientific or economic
principles. These groups argue that genetic tampering with
nature by mixing genes is unethical and a violation of the
intrinsic values of natural organisms. On another more
practical consumer-related note, a struggle that opponents
of GM foods bring up is the proper labeling of those GM
foods that reach the market.

следнава констатација е малку излитена, што мислат кој треба да реагира на гмо, може мајкл џексон, феномени, и професорката во видеото ист табиет, критично резонирање ко за забавиште

Opponents of GM foods include the aforementioned
special interest groups (e.g., Greenpeace, Friends of Earth,
and the Organic Consumers Association), and public figures,
including His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales; support-
ers of GM technology include many plant scientists, Nobel
Laureate Norman Borlaugh (the father of GM crops and a
leader in this scientific field), and notable individuals such as
former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, President Jimmy
Carter, and Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh.
While concerns regarding genetic modification exist,
GM crops offer a potentially tremendous benefit to society.
Agriculture is already becoming more efficient with the use
of GM technology, as it gives farmers more control over the
range of crops that can be produced in a cost-effective
manner. The use of insect-resistant crops reduces the use of
dangerous chemical pesticides, enabling both cost-effective
farming and reduction of the ill effects of pesticides on our
environment. The argument stressing that there is currently
enough food in the world to feed everyone is not valid
since, indeed, rising population growth is inducing a strain
on global food availability. This strain on food reserves is
made worse by population growth, which itself is steadily
increasing, with an estimated 2 billion more people
worldwide by the year 2050. GM crops provide immunity
to insect attack on stored grain, and eliminate the need for
expensive pesticides; these properties address some of the
major concerns of food shortages in poor countries. An
increase in food production due to GM crop proliferation
should make food cheaper according to the laws of supply
and demand. The potential advances made in GM crops
will allow production of food with unique benefits such as
food fortified with vitamins and nutrients, food with long
shelf-life, and perhaps even food that intrinsically produces
life-saving vaccines. Moreover, GM crops could be designed
to tolerate drought conditions, extreme temperatures, and/or
salinity conditions. Forthcoming technological advances
should allow for higher crop yields, foods of better quality,
and cheaper overall food production.

Clearly, the GM foods debate has no foreseeable resolu-
tion in the near future. There may not be an absolutely clear
or unilateral answer to this debate, but we, as analytical
chemists, can make a significant contribution to this
problem. There is no question that more methods to allow
rapid, sensitive, and accurate measurements of genetically
modified organisms (GMOs) in food and feed are required,
and methods that can distinguish amongst different species
of GMOs.
Emphasis must be placed on adapting current
analytical methods and designing new ones capable of cost-
effective detection of transgenic DNA, and of newly
produced proteins. These methods should be able to per-
form analysis in untreated and processed food. An im-
portant concern that must be addressed is the ability to
detect unapproved GMOs that are accidentally released in
foods or feed. In many cases, the presence of these
organisms in foods can be minimal, but, nevertheless, they
should be detectable. Thus, a host of sampling strategies
directed to detecting the presence of GMOs in foods in a
sensitive, selective, and reliable manner should be devel-
oped and employed. In addition, we cannot neglect the
question of potential allergenicity of GM foods. To that
end, analytical chemists can contribute to easing the
concerns of consumers to GM foods by developing reliable
analytical methods for the rapid testing of possible
allergenicity. This is, indeed, an important area of research
that needs more attention. We should not forget that
proteins not known to be allergic in the species of origin
can become allergenic when transferred to a different
species, as observed in the aforementioned case of GM peas.
Therefore, scientists cannot assume that GM foods
are safe for human consumption just by merely following
the premise that target modified proteins are harmless to
other animals. The determination of allergenicity will
require the design of a battery of methods that are highly
selective and sensitive for the species that intends to
consume the target GM food. Validation of existing
commercial and research methods that have been used in
other applications and that can be adapted for GM food
detection is a critical area of analytical work that needs to
be emphasized. While the literature describing new assay
methods for GM foods is steadily increasing, the need for
accurate and selective quantitation of all approved and
newly developed GMOs in a variety of matrices is still
pending. A 2004 National Academies of Sciences report
also lists important areas for development (http://www. Analytical
chemists are uniquely qualified to provide solutions to the
GM foods problem and, thus, have an opportunity to make
an impact in the future of society by demystifying some of
the fears and misconceptions the general public may have
toward GM foods.

In this special issue of Analytical and Bioanalytical
Chemistry, we have chosen to highlight advances in the field
of GM food analysis. Articles in this special issue focus on
the analytical and biochemical tools available. These
methods range from molecular methods, to PCR-based
detection, to more traditional immunoassay techniques.
One feature article describes the potential allergenicity
issues of GM food and the current regulations for testing of
allergenicity. Another gives an exciting overview of the field
of GM foods, and focuses on the on-going debate on the use
and consumption of these crops.
In 2003, The New York Times published an eloquent
piece describing the struggle that poor nations face when
trying to develop improved versions of local crops. There
are a handful of biotechnology companies that own the
patents and rights to the technologies needed to genetically
modify these crops and—by not sharing them with these
impoverished nations—are currently hindering local farm-
ers. This same article states “… the world shouldn’t ban
genetically modified food. It should develop a cassava root
resistant to the mealy bug and drought-proof corn. Anti-
globalization activists are right that corporate greed is the
problem. But they are wrong that genetically modified
crops should be banned. The real crime of genetic
modification is not its risks but that it is squandering its
promise, widening the gap between rich and poor.” We
concur with this statement and hope that this issue increases
the interest and appetite of analytical chemists in getting
involved in the development of new methods to help ensure
the safety of genetically modified foods. If so, our mission
as editors will be accomplished!

P.S. The GM foods debate is such an emotional one that
even rap songs have been released in support of this
technology. Our favorite pays tribute to Nobel Laureate
Norman Borlaug, and widely considered the father of the
Green Revolution. The lyrics of the rap song below are a clear
example of the far-reaching GM food debate, and highlights
the history and potential benefits of GM technology



HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 27-Nov-2013 at 18:58

дека е завера муабетот со ГМО се гледа од авион, прашање е дали истата е за наше добро денес или наше добро утре, дали тоа добро се однесува на масите или поединци, на крајот на краиштата зар некој помисли дека ариевскиот модел изумрел, токму спротивно тој и те како е жив само што се тера на далеку пософистициран начин, но нема да преудицирам зошто, иако може ко таков истиот е неопходен пример доколку утре сакаме да колонизираме други планети, доколку воопшто успеат ова научниците да најдт чаре за тоа [ - 1 ] или може отвораат простор за да дотераат или истераат некоја сподобија која би не' или веќе не' колонизирала, во секој случај тешко е да се предвиди кон што води сето ова, иако јасно е како ден дека нит постојниов а не па традиционалниот начин на исхрана ќе преживее глобално, затоа и не сакам никого да оптужувам со оглед дека не само аргументи но и цврст мотив ми треба, кој ако се гледа само од агол на депопулација делува плитко, дефинитивно во позадина има далеку поголеми аршини за бркање!

сепак има и ќе има многу факти кои одат во прилог теоријата за еугеничарите и нивните депопулирачки стремежи, чии пак алатки се ГМО-(вештачки сорти), фармакологија-(вакцини), или стандардизација-(кодекс алиментариус), колку и ова да делува ко научна-фантастика

GMO Food: Push it down their throats (2)

Speaking tough on April 14, 2006 against the genetic engineering of life form, Pope Benedict XVI denounced Genetically Modified Food, calling it ‘’insane, risky and dangerous.’’
Disparaging its promoters, the former Pontiff saw them as ‘’attempting to take God’s place without being God.’’ And no sooner the denouncement than a cold war began between Washington and Vatican.
Agreeing, in his book, ‘’Battlefield of the Future,’’ Lt. Col. Robert Kadlec of the US Air Force, described GMOs as the most ‘’cost-effective’’ and cheapest weapons of mass destruction ever in America’s hands, when ‘’compared with other weapons of mass destruction.’’ Concurring, Prof. Steven Block, a biophysicist with many years working experience with classified Pentagon documents, put it this way, ‘’We’re tempted to say that nobody in their right mind would ever use these things. But not everybody is in their right mind.’’)
... -

GMO Food: Push it down their throats (1)

As a senior official of the State Department and protégé of the Rockefellers, George Kennan, in a memo in 1948 reminded his colleagues that “…we will have to dispense with all sentimentality and day-dreaming; and our attention will have to be concentrated everywhere on our immediate national objectives. We need not deceive ourselves that we can afford today the luxury of altruism and world-benefaction.’’

The realisation of the talked-about American Century was eventually handed to Henry Kissinger, a life-long practitioner of geopolitics, whose closeness to the Rockefellers made him the symbol of the American raw realpolitik. Serving both as Secretary of State and National Security Adviser in 1974, he was alleged to have penned the controversial plan for America to use oil and food to dominate the world. In his secret memo titled, ‘’Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for US Security and Overseas Interests,’’ he declared, ‘’Control oil and you control the nations; control food and you control the people.’’ In other words, for Kissinger, besides black gold, the US needed to fully control the daily provision of bread in such a way that it could control the world’s population, particularly population growth in developing countries, since otherwise developing countries’ population growth and economic development would pose a threat to the US access to their strategic raw materials needed for keeping the US growing.

But to control global food security in a way that controls the world’s population, the Rockefellers sought to control biology, the very science of life itself, and ‘’its applications in plant and agriculture.’’ It soon became clear that to bring the world’s very basis of human survival under its sway should require the family to dominate the research and development of Genetically Modified Organisms. That’s why the story of GMO is synonymous with the story of the rigorous pursuit of American ascendency alongside the Rockefeller Foundation eugenics (increasing the quality of “superior” human species, while reducing the quantity of “inferior” beings).

That is why the creation of Rockefeller’s multinational agribusiness, which financed the agricultural ‘’Green Revolution,’’ even when it expanded the dependency of the agricultural sector of developing countries on Rockefeller controlled petro-chemical fertilisers and petroleum products, was only laying the foundation to what is now the Rockefeller-led genetically modified crops, seeds, and livestock. Like the earlier Rockefeller oil monopoly built on vertical integration with vengeance, the same vertical integration has since driven the Rockefeller agribusiness with only four giant chemical multinational companies — Monsanto, DuPont, Dow, and Syngenta — the global players controlling patents on the very basic food products that the world depends on for its daily nutrition.

Yes, the green revolution was horrendous for having converted most family farmlands into industrial agricultural production, for emptying the countryside of its valuable natural and human resources, and for devastating local agro-biodiversity thanks to excessive pesticides. But, as horrendous as the green revolution could be described, it was only there setting the stage for the most vicious revolution — genetic engineering of plants and animals entirely from new genes and combination of genes made in the laboratory by bypassing sexual reproduction itself. Jumping the natural species barriers not only makes the process not only dangerously imprecise, uncontrollable, and unreliable as it easily damages and scrambles the host genome, it also makes the process entirely unpredictable. But, what makes gene manipulation so horrifying is the fact that despite the dangers it poses, and the serious warnings from respected research scientists against how recombinant DNA (rDNA) research could result in viruses and toxins unintentionally created in the process of introducing new genes into a plant’s cell, the US government and the Rockefeller Foundation have yet to recognise the urgency to fully subject GMO to rigorous regulation let alone mandating the labeling of GMO foods.

What makes the whole thing excessively dangerous is that with the absence of labelling, GMO plants and animals seem to resemble conventional ones, and in effort to keep it that way, the US government and the Rockefeller Foundation can’t stop insisting that GMO plants and animals are ‘’substantially equivalent’’ to the ordinary plants and animals of the same variety such as ordinary corn, soybeans, rice, cotton, beef, etc. How could shoppers going to a local supermarket be assured, for example, that the beef or pork they’re buying is not GMO food? The total disregard to the fact that genetically engineered plant and animal breeding differ from traditional methods in very important aspects, could be unbelievable. It is one thing for a government to support long-term laboratory research through science grants. It’s quite another to force the opening of developing countries’ markets for the flooding of untested, potentially cancer-causing and (racially targeted reproductive-killer foods such as spermicidal corn).

First, genes from one organism could be extracted and recombined with those of another using rDNA technology without either organism having to be of the same species. Second, removing the requirement for species reproductive compatibility, new genetic combinations could be produced in a highly accelerated way. That genetic engineering’s introduction of a foreign organism into a plant in an imprecise and unpredictable process could be real, but to be ignored could show an unconcerned government. But how could such a well informed government unbelievably insist so, ignoring the qualitative internal alterations that accompany genetically engineered plant? What could be the reason for not requiring biochemical or toxological tests, and for not requiring regulatory measures in genetically engineered varieties?

But what could have been the reason for allowing giant agribusiness to have their way, notwithstanding the overwhelming evidence of potential health damage to the population? In other words, what could have caused the US government and the Rockefeller Foundation that against numerous warnings from leading scientists about the irreparable damage to the health of the entire world, including reproductive risks, particularly targeting Asian and African population control, which some leading scientists increasingly believe to be an impending racial genocide? Should it be as it is being argued by another school of thought that having the powerful Rockefeller Foundation behind it makes it difficult to for the US government to oppose the dangerous GMO-altered food crops and their proliferation worldwide?

It remains difficult to understand why such Washington policy contradiction, especially argument that genetically engineered foods are ‘’substantially equivalent’’ to their traditional varieties, and for that reason they should not be regulated beyond their conventional varieties; and then same Washington turned around to argue that the same ‘’substantially equivalent’’ plants and crops should be granted patent rights for being ‘’substantially transformed.’’ But how could Washington justify the argument that genetically modified products should not be labeled because they are ‘’substantially equivalent,’’ and then contradict the earlier argument that allowed US agribusiness to claim exclusive patent rights on their genetically modified organisms or seeds, on the ground of introducing a foreign DNA into the genome of a plant, uniquely altered the plant? On what moral grounds could the Rockefeller-controlled agribusiness claim patent rights, forgetting that it’s the Rockefeller Foundation that claims that the pursuit of GMO revolution is simply to feed the hungry world? In other words, if the US could argue against regulating and labeling genetically engineered foods for the reason that they are not substantially different, what are justifications for demanding WTO to act as the policeman, enforcing TRIPS?

Little wonder in their desperation to force their GMO seeds down the throats of developing countries around the world, besides persuasion, bribery, coercion, and illegal smuggling into countries, the deployment of the World Trade Oorganisation, the State Department, the CIA, USAID as well as the World Bank and IMF have been there for the Rockefeller-led gene multinationals to go around intimidating governments neither oppose GMO foods, plants, seeds, and livestock nor refuse to allow US multinational gene companies to impose some draconian patent rights and royalties. Isn’t it in the justification of GMO as America’s newest weapon of imperialism, that led Catherine Bertini, a protégé of the Rockefeller and formerly US Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, to arrogantly say, ‘’Food is power! We use it to change behaviour. Some may call that bribery. We do not apologise’’?

Speaking recently at the 53rd Annual General Meeting of the Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mine and Agriculture in Kano, Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Akinwunmi Adesina, said, ‘’… Syngenta, Monsanto Company and DuPont Company have indicated interest in investing in Nigeria. In fact, in June 2013, Syngenta plans to set up an office in the country.’’

Was Adesina speaking out of ignorance of what these companies historically represented, or as a co-conspirator? Is he not aware that the presence of these GMO agribusiness giants in Nigeria would, as in developing countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Indonesia, Poland and Mexico lead to transfer of food production from the hands of millions of independent family farmers to the agribusiness giants; with local farmers becoming feudal serfs working for the GMO multinational agribusiness? What about telling his audience the story of Monsanto GMO ‘’Roundup Ready’’ soybeans, which while temporarily increasing the GMO soybeans’ yields, tend to make it impossible for conventional soybeans to be grown again in the soil since the insertion of Agrobacterium sp strain CP4 into the GMO soybean’s genome coupled with the spraying of non-selective herbicide in the presence of glyphosate has, in locking up the soil for Monsanto Roundup Ready soybeans, also permanently sterilised the soil? -


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Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 05-Dec-2013 at 10:13

26.11.2013 - Senate Rejects GMO Labeling Bill - -

се намачил чоеков бадијала, но и кај нас никого не го боли уво што како има на полиците, иако не е по нивите, битно чоек да се насити дали, утеха е дека се полесно ќе се детектираат модификациите [ - 1 ]

25.06.2012 - US GM labelling rule quashed

A US proposal that would have given individual states a mandate to set whether food manufacturers should have to communicate information about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) directly to consumers has been quashed by the Senate. Senator for Vermont Bernie Sanders put forward the farm bill amendment, which would have explicitly authorised state governments to force manufacturers to clearly label their products with respect to GMO material. The Senate voted 26 to 73 against the amendment, which was supported by a large group of organisations including: the Union of Concerned Scientists, the National Farmers Union and Friends of the Earth.

Food manufacturers in the US already have to label their products with respect to 3000 ingredients, ranging from high fructose corn syrup to trans fats, Sanders argued. Meanwhile, GMO labelling is required in 49 other countries around the world. -

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Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 20-Dec-2013 at 10:45

сигурно современо просветлување е анти-гмо борбата на поединци и неврзани групи, но тоа е само едно од нивоата на мутагени појави, кои ко такви не ни мора да се директно индуцирани од човек а да имаат директни последици, пример тешките метали кои ги сркаме и преку почвата и преку водата и преку конзервите па и вакцините [ - 1 ] настрана останатите хемиски соединенија органски или неоргански кои во доволни концентрации ако не не' сотратат конечно ке не ослабат енергетски до степен на весели зомби конзументи, инстант исферментирани од глобалната рекламна еуфорија за побрз и поголем развој #

од ова единствено чаре е свесно повлекување од системот и ориентираност кон натурализам т.е. симбиоза меѓу животот и природата, наместо протеини од прашак протеини од печурки, наместо калциум од таблети калциум од киноа итн.

Dying to be healthy - Many protein powders laced with heavy metals, MSG

(NaturalNews) Commercial protein powders and shakes are a popular choice among fitness crowds as well as busy professionals, moms and pregnant women. On the surface, these expedient snacks and meals appear innocent, but upon closer examination, are fraught with health harming toxins. Whether contaminated with heavy metals, MSG or allergy triggers, taking a second look at this fashionable convenience food is worthwhile.

A tasty poison

When we drink down our protein shake each morning before bolting out the door, the last thing we would suspect is that it's loaded with heavy metals. Unfortunately, this is the case for a majority of commercial powders. In 2010, Consumer Reports tested samples of 15 protein powders and shakes for arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury. As reported in, "Is Your Protein Powder Toxic?":

"They found that at least one item from each product line contained detectable levels of cadmium, arsenic, lead or mercury. The three most toxic brands contained levels of heavy metal toxicity above the safe allowable limits proposed by U.S. Pharmacopeia. Many others contained levels in the low to moderate range."

For those who would like to preserve health, any amount is too high - especially for pregnant mothers. Take for example cadmium. It accumulates in the kidneys and causes damage while taking years to be eliminated from the body. Michael Harbut, M.D., director of the Environmental Cancer Initiative in Michigan, finds cadmium particularly worrisome:

"This (cadmium) is a highly toxic metal, and while there are some cases where decisions have to be weighed against relative risks, accepting that you have to be exposed to any cadmium at all in your protein drink after your workout is definitely not one of them."

Heavy metals are not the only impurities, monosodium glutamate (MSG) is often present too. During the processing of high protein foods like isolates, MSG is created. Since it's not an additional ingredient, but a consequence of the manufacturing process, MSG doesn't need to be labeled on protein powders. Low temperature drying is an attempt to minimize the creation of monosodium glutamate, yet the end result is still a denatured protein and should be regarded with a wary eye.

Allergens are also problem. Many protein powders are made with milk and its byproducts, soy or eggs which can trigger mild to severe reactions including: digestive upset, gas, skin rashes, nausea, cramping and diarrhea. For those with an allergy, consuming the troublesome food can turn life threatening.

If you would like to forgo commercial protein powders, Sarah of the Healthy Home Economist suggests a few alternatives:

"Try gelatin instead - it has 7 grams of protein per tablespoon. Gelatin is a colloidal substance which means it attracts digestive juices to itself similar to raw foods full of enzymes. Hence, gelatin is helpful to the digestion and contains a protein kick to boot."

Low temperature dried nutritional yeast is another option at 8 grams of protein per serving. You can also toss a quarter cup of hemp seeds in with your smoothie to give it a healthy protein boost.

She adds, "Be aware that even natural gelatin contains small amounts of MSG, so if you are particularly sensitive, you may wish to choose nutritional yeast as the better alternative." -

ова со желатинов е корисна информација, но мој предлог е печурка, ако ви треба протеин во доволни количини!


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Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 11-Jan-2014 at 01:15

Amino Acids > Proteins > Enzymes 


There's a huge difference between chemicals like these and a living thing. But it turns out the difference is not one of kind but of complexity. Here's a 3-D model of glycine. Here's the carboxylic acid group, and here is the blue nitrogen with its two hydrogens, the amino group, but it's here, in the place of one of these central hydrogens that all the other side groups attach. The 19 other variations go on here. But that's simple compared to when you start linking them up. I've just made up a basic model of a chain. Here's the spine and these bonds where the 20 variations go. For instance, you could have a glycine here, an alanine here, a cysteine here, a leucine here and so on. Now, this is only seven units long so it doesn't qualify as a protein. Proteins are much larger. This is referred to as a peptide. But you're starting to get the picture. The number of possible proteins is literally endless. Take a tiny little peptide, let's say four amino acids in a chain. With 20 varieties to choose from, that's 20 raised to the power of four ways to combine them. 160,000 ways to assemble a four-unit peptide. When you get to a largish protein, say 500 amino acids in a chain, the number has 600 zeros in it and every one is a possible protein. Of course, we know that they can't all exist because that number is larger than the number of atoms in the universe. As if sequence isn't enough, there's also shape. Take silk, which is the protein fibroin. Silk is a straight chain, mostly made up of glycine, alanine, glycine, alanine, and so on. These long strands link up alongside one another to form a strong fibrous sheet. Compare this to hair, which is the protein keratin. Keratin, a completely different amino acid sequence, is coiled in a helix. This gives hair more stretch than silk. And these are just two shapes out of an amazing array that proteins can have.

Coils can coil around coils. Coils can coil over themselves Chains may weave to and fro and cross link to make sheets. Chains and coils may clump together in confusing tangles. Entirely different chains may associate in special interlinked relationships. In each case, they lock into position as a unique, stable chemical compound - sometimes with molecular weights in the millions.

Everything about a particular protein is important. For example, change its shape, even a little bit and it simply won't behave the same. And some are quite fragile, too. Take the albumen in egg white. Straight out of an egg, it's clear because it's in solution, but all you've got to do is whisk it or heat it, or put a drop of alcohol in it... And it comes right out of solution. This is an example of denaturing a protein. You've changed the shape of this amazing molecule and now it behaves quite differently.


You have to have amino acids for proteins and there are about eight that we have to get from our diet. These are the so-called 'essential amino acids'. The rest of the 20, we can synthesise from other nutrients. Meat and eggs, for example, are the most efficient sources of the essentials but, as we said before, proteins are a part of every living thing. So a selection of plant foods is fine also.

As for regulation of the enzymes, this is the job of hormones. If enzymes are the accelerator that makes life possible, then hormones are the foot on that accelerator that speeds life up or slows it down. As for where and how the enzymes and hormones are produced, the answer is yet more layers of chemistry. But ultimately, it can be asked, 'What in the very first instance sets all this molecular machinery in motion?' For some time, scientists suspected that the ringmaster would be another kind of protein. But they were wrong. The control agent sitting behind it all, finally discovered in the cell nucleus, was not a protein. Proteins are the key to life but they are not the locksmith who designs it. That's another story.

While proteins give life its structure - even bone has collagen and elastin threaded through it - for the most part, protein's role is much more complex. To maintain life, a vast array of chemical reactions must happen with great precision. The single biggest mystery is how even the simplest cell manages to perform all the hundreds of chemical reactions needed to stay alive at a high enough speed to be useful. Life is a chemical virtuoso and the question is, how does it do it? The long-held suspicion was that the cell manufactured catalysts. A catalyst is something that can speed up a reaction without being used up itself. A biological example is making wine or beer with yeast. The yeast cells put out a substance that causes sugar to be converted into alcohol. The sugar is said to ferment.

When scientists studied yeast, they used the term enzyme, which means 'in ferment'. Then, when other biological catalysts were found, the term enzyme stayed on. For example, there's pepsin, which breaks down meat, lactase, which digests milk, invertase, which breaks table sugar into the simpler sugars the body can use, and the list goes on and on. And then people started to ask, 'What kind of chemicals are these enzymes and how on earth do they control so many reactions in the body?' It wasn't until 1930 that we got the first part of an answer to that question. 'What type of chemicals are these?' Of course, you can guess what they found. Protein.

It took until the 1950s until a picture emerged of how proteins as enzymes worked in biochemistry. From the endless range of possibilities, nature has found some 10,000 proteins which fit their reacting substances like a lock fits a key. Attracted to sides on their appropriate enzyme, the substrates, as they're called, are brought close together. This drastically lowers the energy barrier to start them reacting, which they do almost instantly. The new substance formed pops clear of the protein, leaving the same site ready for more substrates to use it. Enzymes can speed up reactions a million times or more. They are true catalysts because they are not used up in the reaction and very small amounts work quite well. Most are so specific for their substrates that they do not interfere with other reactions even in the same solution. The result is a highly complex coordinated chemical activity. Of course, while understanding this goes a long way to understanding the key to life, we must also ask, 'Where are enzymes produced?' 'How is it done?' and 'How are they regulated to the right amounts?' Where do we get our protein from, anyway?

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Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 12-Feb-2014 at 18:50

Spas: Otopili kožu u limunadi te su dobili matične stanice

Nakon što su Japanci iz limunade dobili matične stanice embrija, sada je to uspjelo i Amerikancima. Revolucionarno dostignuće moglo bi skroz promijeniti medicinu

Doktor Charles Vacanti iz bostonske bolnice potvrdio je da su njihovi stručnjaci uspjeli razvili matične stanice iz ljudske kože. Revolucionarno dostignuće moglo bi promijeniti medicinu jer su matične stanice razvili uz pomoć - limunade!

Uspjeh su otkrili nakon što je prije dva tjedna japanska znanstvenica Haruko Obokata objavila da je iz krvi laboratorijskih miševa razvila embrijske matične stanice. Nevjerojatna je sama lakoća kojom ih je zapravo dobila. Bilo je dovoljno da stanice krvi namače pola sata u razrijeđenoj otopini limunske kiseline kako bi se izdvojile matične stanice.

Američki liječnici potvrdili su japansko dostignuće i isto ponovili s ljudskom kožom. Stanice kože namakali su u limunskoj kiselini i dobili matične stanice u samo pola sata! Znanstvenici su svojim eksperimentima potvrdili da su matične stanice “pluripotentne”, odnosno da se iz njih mogu razviti stanice svih ostalih tkiva. Na taj su način dobili i mišje embrije. Upravo zbog toga mnogi već sad kritiziraju kako bi primjena ove tehnologije mogla imati neslućene posljedice ako bi je neki zlorabili za dobivanje ljudskih klonova.

No medicina puno više značaja pridaje dobrim stranama ovih dostignuća jer bi pomogli u liječenju teških bolesti. Naime, iz krvi i kože pacijenata mogle bi se dobivati matične stanice samog pacijenta. One bi se injekcijama ubrizgavale na oboljela mjesta. Tada bi se razvijala nova tkiva ili čak čitavi organi, dok bi tijelo oboljela tkiva odbacivalo. Znanstvenicima je sada najveća enigma zašto obična limunada ne utječe na promjenu naših stanica kada je pijemo. Ili, bolje reći, ima li limunada veze s našim zdravljem. -

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Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 24-Feb-2014 at 12:59

intersno e da se cue kako nature ja sutnale na prva mladava japonka [ - 1 ] sigurno kusogledosta imala i korporativna lekja, mozebi ipolirana i od eugenicharite so ogled deka potencijalno im remeti vo matematikata

[tube]fLPnHiJD8BI[/tube] -

New horizon in stem-cell research

A team of scientists led by a3 0-year-old Japanese woman has discovered a simple method to produce stem cells —immature cellsthatcan develop into all types of tissuesin the body. The team headed byDr.Haruko Obokata has found that body cells taken from mice can be reprogrammed into stem cellsby simply exposing them to low-PH acid liquids.

The discovery, made public in the Jan. 2 9issue of Nature magazine, is an epoch-making discovery that defies common knowledge and breaks new ground in life science.

It is hoped that more efforts will be made so that the discovery will lead to the advancement of regenerative medicine.It is also important to recognize thatthe discovery will have a great impact on biological studies of cellsin a larger sense. It is hoped that the discovery will stimulate a wide range of research on cells, irrespective of whether they are from animals or from plants.

Scientistsat Harvard Universityand the government-backed Riken’s Center for Developmental Biology in Kobe soaked lymph corpuscle taken from 7-day-old mice in mildlyacidic liquids for about 30 minutes,cultured a few cells that survived and transplanted them into mice. They found that the cells developed into nerve and muscle tissues.

They named this new way of reprogramming adult cellsinto pluripotent cells that can grow into anytypes of mature tissues in the body “stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency” or STAP. This method hasbroken the established theory in biology that without tampering with cell nuclei, it is impossible to reprogram specialized cells to become stem cells. The method used in producing STAP cells is easier than the method used by Dr. Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University,who received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2 01 2. Yamanaka and his team succeeded in 20 06 in creating pluripotent stem cells by introducing onlyfour genes into mature cellsfrom the skin of a mouse.In 20 07 ,theysucceeded in creating similar induced pluripotent stem(iPS) cells by using cells from the skin of a human.

STAP cellscan be produced in a much shorter period of time and are expected to have a lower risk of developing cancer than iPS cells. They can also become tissuesthatform the placenta, which is not possible with iPScells.STAP cellscan be made not only from blood cellsbut also from skin and muscle cells.

Other methods in addition to soaking in a mildly acidic solution, such asthe passage of cells throughglass tubesand exposure to a mildly toxic substance, can also produce STAP cells.Although it has not yet been known whether the same resultswill be obtained when human cells are used, the STAP cell discovery raisesthe hope of itsapplication for medical treatment.

Obokata’s perseverance and efforts to make thisindisputable discovery should be praised.The first thesis she sent to Nature magazine was rejected asridiculing hundred years of history of cell biology. She spent some five more years after the first experiment and eventually succeeded in having her second thesis accepted by the science magazine.

She not only has shown flexibility in thinking butalso has made strenuousefforts to advance her research.Itisalso significant that many otherscientistshelped her in her research.

It is hoped that her story will not onlyencourage young scientists— especially women — but also provide indicationsof what research environmentand support are needed to achieve high quality scientific research. -

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Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 20-Jun-2014 at 13:53

kako trgnalo kje stigne brzo do novi svetovi naukava, pr. pokraj dna-arhiviranje [ - 1 ] sega doteraa i do DNA reprogramiranje so zboroi i frekvencii

tokmu potrvda deka shto mislish i govorish ima direkten efekt osven v sebe i na se naokolu sebe, koj bi rekol, deka silata na Zborot i nauchno kje se potvrdi, pretpotavuvam sega se pomalku prostor za skepsa kje imaat ateistite koga im velam deka Sveshtenicite imaat pojak iljach od farmacevtite jasno dokolku zboroite se izlevaat fokusirano i od chisto srce, ko shto i vo farmacijata najdelotvorni se prochistenite lekoi so izdvoen efekt

Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies - -

THE HUMAN DNA IS A BIOLOGICAL INTERNET and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more. In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes.

Only 10% of our DNA is being used for building proteins. It is this subset of DNA that is of interest to western researchers and is being examined and categorized. The other 90% are considered “junk DNA.” The Russian researchers, however, convinced that nature was not dumb, joined linguists and geneticists in a venture to explore those 90% of “junk DNA.” Their results, findings and conclusions are simply revolutionary! According to them, our DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but also serves as data storage and in communication. The Russian linguists found that the genetic code, especially in the apparently useless 90%, follows the same rules as all our human languages. To this end they compared the rules of syntax (the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences), semantics (the study of meaning in language forms) and the basic rules of grammar. They found that the alkalines of our DNA follow a regular grammar and do have set rules just like our languages. So human languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA.

The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues also explored the vibrational behavior of the DNA. [For the sake of brevity I will give only a summary here. For further exploration please refer to the appendix at the end of this article.] The bottom line was: “Living chromosomes function just like solitonic/holographic computers using the endogenous DNA laser radiation.” This means that they managed for example to modulate certain frequency patterns onto a laser ray and with it influenced the DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself. Since the basic structure of DNA-alkaline pairs and of language (as explained earlier) are of the same structure, no DNA decoding is necessary.

One can simply use words and sentences of the human language! This, too, was experimentally proven! Living DNA substance (in living tissue, not in vitro) will always react to language-modulated laser rays and even to radio waves, if the proper frequencies are being used.


blisku do ovie poznanija se i eksperimentite za indirektna-dna megjukletochna komunikacija

1975. godine njemački fizičar Fritz-Albert Popp dokazao je postojanje svjetlosnog zračenja (bio-fotona) iz živih stanica. Profesor Popp, dopredsjednik Međunarodnog instituta za biofiziku je dokazao također da je DNA skladište svjetlosti i da stanično emitiranje svjetlosti nije rezultat širenja valova već biofotonskog upravljanja diobom stanica. Od tada postoji objavljen uvjerljiv dokaz da DNA predstavlja izvor tih biofotona, koji potvrđuje ideju da su biofotoni odgovorni za izazivanje biokemijskih reakcija u živim stanicama. Prije bilo koje kemijske reakcije najmanje se jedan elektron mora aktivirati putem fotona određene valne duljine i dovoljne energije.
... -
Popp was the first to demonstrate that two cells communicate with each other at short distances through coherent light emitted by DNA, which also controls the functions of cells. In fact, he showed that if an Acetabularia in a bowl of quartz in the darkroom of a photomultiplier is stimulated with white or colored light for a few seconds, its luminous emissions will appear on the screen in the shape of pulsating explosions. After a little time the intensity of light weakens, but if we put seaweed emitting similar luminous signals near it for a second, the first will be reactivated with new emissions of light; the cells seem to dialogue with each other. The time used by the cell to release the absorbed light from its accumulator (the DNA) is important. The more rapidly it is emitted the less good is the accumulator.38 DNA represents the priming and control system for cellular biochemical functions, it plays a role in maintaining homeostasis (the ability of a system to self-regulate itself to maintain its balance), and it is responsible for communications, even at great distances between cells. Through the light protected in its deep spaces, the DNA transmits information at a very high speed throughout a whole organism. This would explain the reason why the majority of the biochemical reactions in a cell take place at least a billion times quicker compared with the same systems in vitro. The biophotons are far
more numerous in living beings than in in vitro systems, confirming the presence of informative networks operating in vivo; the network’s effectiveness increases with the complexity of the organism.39 This explains why in the more organized systems the response to stimulations, as for example to the TFF, is more rapid and effective, according to the Kaiserslautern postulate (that the more complex the system, the more complete the decoding of the signals).
... - [ - 1 ]

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Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 14-Jul-2014 at 20:41


The first green chemist:
Giacomo Ciamician and the powers of plants -

In the early 1900s, an Italian chemist, enraptured with the fast-developing worlds of physics and chemistry, looked towards a glowing future. In this he was far from alone – in 1909, Marinetti’s Futurist Manifesto was published, rapturously praising a future of high-speed cars and industrial cities.

However, excited as he was by industrial progress, the true inspiration for chemist Giacomo Ciamician came not from the factories beginning to cover the landscape, gobbling coal and spewing smoke. Ciamician’s vision of the future came instead from earnest study of the powers of the humble plants of the meadow.

Ciamician is almost forgotten today,but…

he was a truly remarkable character – a passionate scientist who articulated a vision of green chemistry almost a century before the idea became popular, right at the dawn of the industrial age.

Known as one of the ‘fathers of the solar panel’, he even had a solar-powered light bulb to illuminate his lab work. Fascinated and humbled by the chemical prowess of plants, Ciamician studied biochemistry rigorously, attempting to work out what it was that enabled plants to use light for chemistry. In this he was an early pioneer of ‘bio-mimicry’ – attempting to mimic the remarkable properties of the natural world for human ends. He believed that the use of light as both a reagent and a source of energy for chemical reactions could transform industrial civilization, allowing chemistry to abandon harsh temperatures and reagents and accomplish ‘the greatest results through the slightest means’.

In a 1912 lecture to an international chemical congress, Ciamician outlined his vision of the future, in words that are as urgent today as they were prescient back then:

“On the arid lands there will spring up industrial colonies without smoke and without smokestacks; forests of glass tubes will extend over the plains and glass buildings will rise everywhere; inside of these will take place the photochemical processes that hitherto have been the guarded secret of the plants, but that will have been mastered by human industry which will know how to make them bear even more abundant fruit than nature, for nature is not in a hurry and mankind is.

And if in a distant future the supply of coal becomes completely exhausted, civilization will not be checked by that, for life and civilization will continue as long as the sun shines!

Faced with the contemporary energy and climate crises, we can gain courage from Ciamician’s early example and look for inspiration from nature to develop a truly green industry and society.

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Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 15-Jul-2014 at 04:38

[tube]J556uXwrjII[/tube] -

HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 25-Jul-2014 at 12:55


kolku malku treba za da se zadrzime prirodno prisebni, pisalo i pishuvach [ - 1 ] - -

[tube]8_9_ACIV4ME[/tube] - -

Photosystem I„ e enzim sо sistematsко ime plastocijanin, ovoj enzim sodri hlorofil, filohinoni, karotenoidi i [4Fe-4S] klusteri


HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 30-Oct-2014 at 09:00

уствари она што е интересно кај хлорофилот е дека ко зелен пигмент, а ради него и сето зеленило кое го внесуваме во исхраната под претпоставка дека е органско, го одржува човека во алкална состојба, а за тоа и навистина да биде случај потребно е внес на свежа храна [ - 1 ] што пак во доволни количини е возможно само преку КАША ова интернационализмите како смути или џус ми делуваат феминистички додека каша иако женски род в себе има прилично изворност ко именка, но зависи кој во каква се има намакано в животот

The chlorophyll content of a food is a major indicator of the health attributes of any given plant based food. Chlorophyll rich foods have a very deep green and are extraordinarily useful in building new blood cells and purifying the body from cancer and radiation. Chlorophyll also assists in wound healing, intestinal regularity, detoxification, and deodorization of the body (6, 7).

You want to make sure you have some of the best chlorophyll rich dark greens in your juice. This includes spinach, collard greens, kale and parsley.
... - - Hemoglobin vs Chlorophyll [ - 1 ]

10 природни работи кои ќе ви го исчистат црниот дроб

Црниот дроб е многу важен орган во человековото тело. Тој ја чисти крвта од токсини, ги задржува витамините и железото во организмот, ги разградува хормоните и го одржува нивото на гликоза во крвта. Затоа треба добро да се одржува, а оваа листа е полна со намирници кои проверено ја чистат најголемата жлезда на човековото телото од загадувачи, како што се тешките лекови, алкохолот и масната храна.

1. Лук

Овој "природен антибиотик" е полн со сулфур, кој ја поттикнува работата на ензимите на црниот дроб и му помага на телото да се ослободи од отровите. Лукот исто така, има многу алицин и селен – два природни чистачи на црниот дроб.

2. Цитрусно овошје

Лимон, грејпфрут и сличните овошја се одлични сојузници во процесот на чистењето на црниот дроб. Тие содржат високи количини на витамин Ц, кој ја стимулира работата на црниот дроб. Грејпфрут особено е одличен чистач најголемата жлезда во телото.

3. Зелка

Слободно консумирајте и свежа и кисела зелка бидејќи оваа намирница е одлична за почис црн дроб. Може да уживате во оваа храна колку сакате, бидејќи освен за црниот дроб полезна е и за други органи.

4. Јаболко

Не заборавајте да го консумирате овој богат извор на пектин и други основни елементи заслужни за исфрлување на токсините од телото.

5. Зелен лиснат зеленчук

Јадете спанаќ, блитва и друг лиснат зеленчук богати со хлорофил, бидејќи ги неутрализира тешките метали, пестициди и хемикалии кои инаку би ја забавиле работата на црниот дроб.

6. Цвекло и морков

Подгответе салата, супа или вкусен гарнир на овие коренести растенија, затоа што се полни со флавоноиди и бета-каротен, кои ја подобруваат функцијата на црниот дроб.

7. Аспарагус

Овој зеленчук е одличен поттикнувач на варењето кој содржи материјали идеални за природна детоксификација на организмот, особено на црниот дроб и бубрезите.

8. Ореви

Јадете ореви бидејќи овие плодови содржат амино киселини кои му помагаат на црниот дроб да се ослободи од амонијак. Оревите се богати со глутатион и омега 3 масни киселини кои му помагаат на црниот дроб.

9. Маслиновото масло

Не ги исфрлајте мастите во целост, но бирајте здрави извори како маслиново масло, кои на телото му обезбедуваат течна база за апсорпција на штетни супстанции и нивно отстранување од организмот.

10. Зелен Чај

Од време на време приредете му на вашето тело чистење со помош на чаша зелен чај. Овој здрав пијалок е богат со антиоксиданси кои го зајакнуваат имунолошкиот систем и го заштитуваат од разни болести. - -

HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 08-Nov-2014 at 15:27 -

во прилог шарена јубиту радио едукација


HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 17-Nov-2014 at 13:43

File: - Chlorophyll a antenna complex -


HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 20-Mar-2016 at 22:14 -

Steroids have two principal biological functions: certain steroids (such as cholesterol) are important components of cell membranes which alter membrane fluidity, and many steroids are signaling molecules which activate steroid hormone receptors.
The hundreds of steroids found in animals, fungi, and plants are made from lanosterol (in animals and fungi) or cycloartenol (in plants). -

Plants can adapt extremely quickly to changes in their environment. Hormones, chemical messengers that are activated in direct response to light and temperature stimuli help them achieve this. Plant steroid hormones similar to human sex hormones play a key role here. In the current edition of Nature Communications, scientists describe a new signaling mode for the brassinosteroid class of hormones.

Plants are superior to humans and animals in a number of ways. They have an impressive ability to regenerate, which enables them to regrow entire organs. After being struck by lightning, for example, a tree can grow back its entire crown. But there is one major downside to life as a plant: They are quite literally rooted to the habitats in which they live and therefore completely at the mercy of the elements. In response to this dilemma, plants have developed mechanisms that enable them to rapidly adapt their growth and development to changes.

Plant hormones are important enablers of this flexibility. Brassinosteroids play a key role here. These hormones have an effect at the lowest concentrations; they regulate cell elongation and division and are active throughout the entire lifecycle of a plant. A team of researchers from Technische Universität München (TUM) and the University of Vienna have now mapped a new signaling mode for brassinosteroids.

Meeting points for DNA-binding protein

When brassinosteroids bind to a receptor on a cell wall, they trigger a multi-level cascade of reactions that regulates the activity of the CESTA (CES) transcription factor. Transcription factors bind to the DNA in a cell's nucleus and are capable of activating genes that change the protein composition in the cell.

A team of scientists – headed by Prof. Brigitte Poppenberger at TUM's Institute of Biotechnology of Horticultural Crops – has been able to show for the first time that the concentration of CES protein increases in certain nuclear regions following brassinosteroid activation.

These structures occur as nuclear bodies in the cell nucleus. The scientists believe that the CES transcription factor collects in specific regions of the DNA in order to effectively control gene function. "The cell seems to bundle key resources to rapidly trigger the production of certain proteins. We can compare this to a construction site, for example, where workers temporarily gather at a certain location to unload building material," explains Poppenberger.

New signal pathway

The scientists also mapped the mechanism that gives the CES molecules the signal to gather. The molecules have a binding site for SUMO protein. As soon as this attaches, CES moves to nuclear bodies. While this is happening, it is protected from being broken down by enzymes. "What is interesting here is that the SUMO marker seems to strengthen the effect of CES," continues Poppenberger. "This is the opposite of what happens in the animal world, where the SUMO protein is known to repress effects conferred by transcription factors."

The research findings are an important step towards understanding more about the functions of brassinosteroids. "We have been using other kinds of hormones to promote growth and increase crop yields in horticulture and agriculture for decades now," says Poppenberger. "But we have never leveraged the potential of brassinosteroids. Understanding how they work will help us utilize them for plant production. This is what we are aiming for in our work." -

Saponin: Natural Steroids - Herbs can mimic human hormones and steroids

As any reader of the sports pages knows, some athletes looking for a competitive edge “bulk up” by using synthetic steroids. These anabolic compounds, which are synthetic derivatives of testosterone, have many side effects, including liver damage, mood swings, and impotence. It’s no wonder that these compounds have a bad reputation.

But not all steroids are harmful. In fact, they’re essential to our health. Human sex hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are all classified as steroids, as are cortisone and forms of vitamin D. The class also includes the bile acids and sterols such as cholesterol, which our bodies use to make sex hormones.

Plant pretenders

Some plants can affect human hormones, a feat they achieve by producing their own steroids. Although we don’t yet understand why plants produce these compounds, we do know that some plant steroids resemble human steroids in both form and function. For example, plants are rich in beta-sitosterol, a compound that resembles cholesterol. Plants use this compound almost in the same way humans use cholesterol—to make hormones that control cell growth and reproduction.

One class of plant steroids is known as the steroid saponins. “Sapon” means soap in Old German, and refers to the tendency of saponins to foam in water and, perhaps, their tendency to taste like soap. The instructions on a package of quinoa tell you to rinse the grain before cooking. When you do this, a foamy, milky liquid washes off that contains saponins. If it wasn’t rinsed off, the grain would taste bitter.

Some plant saponins can weakly mimic the human hormones that they resemble. For example, yam (Dioscorea spp.) contains variable amounts of a saponin called diosgenin, which can be converted into hormones such as progesterone and estrogen. In fact, Mexican yam (D. composita) has been used to make oral contraceptives. But our bodies can’t convert diosgenin into steroids without some help from a chemist; converting diosgenin into hormones needs to be done synthetically in a laboratory. Because of this, many commercial wild yam creams popular among menopausal women add synthetic progesterone to increase the product’s effectiveness, although the added progesterone may not be listed on the label.

Unprocessed diosgenin does have a very weak estrogenic or progesteronic effect, so weak that it’s hard to say which way the effect goes. This effect may account for wild yam’s long history of use by women for various reproductive system ailments.

Benefit from eating yams - Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) an herb used in the cuisines of India and the Middle East, contains seeds that are richer in diosgenin than any yam; it contains other saponins too. Fenugreek is traditionally recommended to increase breast milk production and breast size, although there’s no conclusive research supporting these uses.

[ - 1 ] [ - 2 ] - [ - 3 ]

Fenugreek saponins resemble cholesterol, and human studies show that they can lower levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, compounds associated with heart disease. In a 1996 study from India, diabetics taking 25 g of fenugreek for 24 weeks lowered their cholesterol by 14 percent and triglycerides by 15 percent. A 1991 French study of diabetic dogs showed that saponins reduced cholesterol absorption from foods and decreased the amount of cholesterol stored in the liver.

The most celebrated saponins are the ginsenosides, found in all ginseng species, especially Korean or Asian (Panax ginseng). Ginseng is sometimes promoted as an aphrodisiac and enhancer of male virility, but this is misleading. Ginsenosides are less like our sex hormones and more like our corticosteroid hormones in that they weakly stimulate the adrenal and pituitary glands, which may account for ginseng’s ability to combat fatigue, help the body adapt to stress, and regulate the immune system. Adrenal and pituitary stimulation may also lead to enhanced sexual desire/ performance, but, again, no conclusive human studies demonstrate this.

In the big picture, we’re lucky that plant hormones are as mild as they are. Plants that could exactly duplicate our steroid hormones would undoubtedly be a commercial success today, but would have been disastrous for humans as we evolved. Interfering with our delicate hormonal balance might have kept humans from evolving at all. Imagine the consequences of a food or spice that could have caused infertility, birth defects, mental illness, cardiovascular disease, or other problems. We’re likely better off with these saponin “mimics” for subtler—and safer—effects. -

HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 20-Mar-2016 at 22:24

verojatno najednostaven nacin kako lugje da stigneme do pogolema kolichina esencijalni prirodni sostojki e istite da gi vnesuvame kako tinkturi [ - 1 ] odnosno masla [ - 2 ] koncentrirani bilni ekstrakti koi ako ne drugo bar hedonistichki da gi koristime kako del od dresing za salati - -

[ - 1 ] - [ - 1 ]

ova posledniov link posochuva na stravot i od prirodni steroidi, koi potencijalno bi go zgolemile nivoto na - estrogen vo teloto, iako bez ovoj hormon i niza problemi bi se predizvikale vo istoto , zatoa balansot kako i vo se na ovoj svet e neophoden dokolku na chovek mu e navistina bitno kakvo zdravje i kakva srekja bi go spoapadnale tuka

no estrogenot biva zgolemen ne samo od steroidi tuku i od estrogeni-mimikritori kako shto e sojata [ - 1 ] no i red drugi namirnici [ - 2 ] ili ko shto se pijalocite i vodite flashirani vo plastika zaradi bisfenolot vo istata itn. - -

The natural steroid hormones are generally synthesized from cholesterol in the gonads and adrenal glands. These forms of hormones are lipids. They can pass through the cell membrane as they are fat-soluble, and then bind to steroid hormone receptors (which may be nuclear or cytosolic depending on the steroid hormone) to bring about changes within the cell. [ - 1 ] Estrogens enter the cell and activate estrogen receptors on the nuclear membrane that in turn initiate the expression of genes. [ - 2 ][ - 3 ]
Hormones can have different chemistry. They can be steroids or proteins. Steroid hormones are active in the body when eaten. For example, birth control pills are steroid hormones and can be taken orally. In contrast, protein hormones are broken down in the stomach, and lose their ability to act in the body when eaten. Therefore, ordinarily, protein hormones need to be injected into the body to have an effect. For example, insulin is a protein hormone. Diabetic patients need to be injected with insulin for treatment. [ - 1 ]

HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 20-Mar-2016 at 22:34

veshatachki steroidi, neretko vtor izbor na site koi sakaat brz ili enormen efekt na muskulna masa, prviot posekako e veshatchki aminokiselini, kreatini i proteini, iako bez niv ni samite steroidi ne bi imale podloga,

od site veshtachki verojatno istochnogermanskiot - TBOL [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ] e najbezopasen dokolku moze da se smeta neshto od hemiive bezopasno, no ako veke se gorite znajte deka kultot na teloto nema da ve napravi posrekni bidejki Ljubovta potprena samo na strasti konechno nema da ve krene nad ami samo do oblaci, izvajanoto telo e kako dobra ambalaza za chokolado koe ako e shakrt na kraj badijala od seto toa, sepak ko za konzumeristichki vreminja bez dobra ambalaza neli nema ni ekstra zarabotka odnosno kolichina, ta na onie koi im e bitno shto poveke pileshko il ribeshko da svrtat na skara jasno deka ke storat se za da pukaat od snaga a ziveejki sred ostali shekerni slastoljubija fakt e deka istata samo instant veshtachki se odrzuva, zatoa onie koi neznaat da se sovladaat i po sekoja cena sakaat brz efekt i rezultat bi im preporachal nadzor od lekar, bar periodichna kontrola na sportska medicina ako nishto drugo, iako zongliranje so steroidi bara i dopolnitelna informiranost za site mozni nus efekti [ - 1 ] i eventualna sekoja predispozicija na bolest koja so hemiive dopolnitelno se zgolemuva [ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ] -

All anabolic steroids possess the capability to suppress and/or shut down the body’s natural endogenous Testosterone production, and Turinabol side effects are no exception to this fact.
Because Turinabol is in fact a C17-alpha alkylated oral anabolic steroid, it does exhibit negative effects on the liver.
Negative cardiovascular risks, side effects, and cholesterol changes are a known side effect shared by all anabolic steroids, and this side effect does apply to Turinabol side effects. Negative cardiovascular side effects resultant from anabolic steroid use involves the reduction of HDL (the good cholesterol) and increases of LDL (the bad cholesterol). The result of such changes involves an increased risk of arteriosclerosis
... -

seto ova e samo urnek deka deneshniot sport brkajki milisekundi ili superiorna izdrzlivost upatuva dolgorochno na - transhumanizmot kako norma , za utre kombinirajki gmo farmakologija da isturka (i toa preku sportot) nekoja eugenicharska idila za superhuman oaza, ultra kiborzi nafurani na turbo hormoni .... posleden primer koj e potsetnik deka retko koj atlet e chist e Sharapova iako za atletski nego bilderski doping [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] koj pak ne nedotasuva kaj Viliams [ - 1 ] - 2 ][ - 3 ] ili Kapriati

HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 16-Apr-2016 at 17:51

и ајде стероиди ќе разберам некако дека некој злоупотребува, она ако веќе решил да се ремети за тоа бар е свесен дека е штетна и непроверена работа ако се тера на своја рака без лекарски надзор и консултација, иако и тогаш грешки се случуваат што од немарност што од грешна серија итн.

него ме чуди зошто народ нема акал, особено сред ова е-времињава за лесно достапни информации, бар околу секојдневните отрови [ - 1 ] да најде некоја органска алтернатива, пример јапонците ја користеле - оризовата арпа за сјајна кожа [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] нашите пак од лушпата правеле кошулици за глинените подови по селските куќи но тоа е од првата главна лушпа додека ова што го користат јапонците за сапун или уље е од втората внатрешната лушпа на оризот [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] чинам таков е самиот кафен ориз ко нерафиниран [ - 3 ]

во иднина ова би била органска алтернатива и за детергентите, претпоставувам со сода бикарбона би излегла интересна комбинација [ - 1 ] а на повидок се и пореволуционерни комбинации со микроорганизми [ - 2 ] - [ - 3 ]

A study of cytotoxic activity onRBCs reveals that rice bran detergent is less toxic as compared to commercially available detergents thereby showing thepotential of rice bran oil for the production of high quality biodetergent... [ - 1 ]

HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: beTon
Date Posted: 27-Sep-2016 at 00:48

кога сме кај муабетов за нега, еве интересна нова информација за правење поконцентирани тинктури и масла, хм тек сега сапун од козјо млеко ќе може убаво да се измикса со кантарион - [ - 1 ] -!-With-CO2-Extracts -!-With-CO2-Extracts


иако секогаш архаичниот начин носи в себе далеку поубава мистикa - [ - 1 ]

Posted By: Zelenikovo
Date Posted: 28-Oct-2017 at 07:55

во видеово горе, кога го наведоа Ланолинот ко состојка, прво што ми текна е неговата индустриска употреба, та еве интересен сајт апропо истата, иако претежно е ползуван во козметиката, човечката [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] но и автомобилската [ - 3 ] - - -

Posted By: Zelenikovo
Date Posted: 29-Nov-2017 at 17:58

вистина биологијата е закон но физиката е устав ... иако уште долго ќе им треба на двете за да се продуховат научно, колку и да успеат да нурнат кон недофатливото од оваа а не пак онаа страна ...

битно убаво е човек да е растеретен од предрасуди а како не би робувал на скепсата колку и таа да е корисна и неопходна ... - - -

a кога ова би го потврдиле и во контекст на животните сигурно ќе најдеме и похуман начин како од нив да се заштитие него да ги убиваме [ - 1 ]


Posted By: Zelenikovo
Date Posted: 13-Oct-2018 at 22:44
Originally posted by Zelenikovo

вистина биологијата е закон но физиката е устав ... иако уште долго ќе им треба на двете за да се продуховат научно, колку и да успеат да нурнат кон недофатливото од оваа а не пак онаа страна ...

ако во нешто нурнале во однос духовноста хемичарите за сега тоа е пред се' нејзино сплеткарење, што може во однос сладострастието да се каже дека биле лост за озбилно заробување на чувствата виа бел шекер односно неговите вештачки алтернативи како сахарин, та ако англичаните ја завозеле шекерната трска т.е. Сахароза како слатко задоволство кое овошјето ќе го фрли во заборав како сласт [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] и го востоличи шекерот како парексаланс земна радост која како седостапна за сите генерации е побетер и од секс или алкохол та соврено и од дрога, дефакто таквиот пиедестал ос спунт може да им се припише на русите како прва и уникѐтна индустриска опција без алтернатива за мас-уживање на вештачка Балгодат за непцата јазикот и стомакот во форма на Сахарин

Constantin Fahlberg, inventor of saccharin, the first artificial sweetener [ - 1 ] -

инспиративно да се знае газираните пијалици со што се засладуваат и како таквиот засладувач се добива [ - 1 ] или во стомак може да крчка [ - 2 ] кој It is 300 to 500 times as sweet as sugar - -


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