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Macedonian Vineyards

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Printed Date: 28-Apr-2024 at 04:29

Topic: Macedonian Vineyards
Posted By: MKballer
Subject: Macedonian Vineyards
Date Posted: 27-Sep-2013 at 20:37
Does anyone know where I can find information on land for sale for wine production/vineyards?

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 28-Sep-2013 at 12:17

Say What? LOL Maybe u can try all along and above Vardar or Erigon as our largest river in the country, definitely everywhere could be found cheap-dirt land around yet whats matters is the microlocation of the place 

Topography plays a role in the mesoclimate of a vineyard. For example, south- and west-facing slopes receive more sunlight than north- and east-facing slopes, and thus may be relatively warmer. Topographic relief is important for cold-air drainage from a vineyard; during relatively clear calm conditions and radiation cooling (the type of conditions most frequently associated with abnormally cold temperatures), cold air sinks and flows from higher elevations to lower elevations, eventually accumulating in troughs or valleys and leaving the hilltop and hillsides warmer. Flat sites are at a disadvantage in this respect and may remain colder than nearby slopes. -

Actualy if u want to produce commercially always follow the trail i.e. here there are three main vine regions -

Macedonia has 35,000 hectares of grape plantations that provide substantial amounts of wine. Macedonia is divided into 3 grape growing regions with 16 wine districts:

Povardarie (Central Region) Pelagonija – Polog (Western Region) Pcinya – Osogovo (Eastern Region)

The largest and most famous grape growing region is the Povardarie (Vardar Valley) region that accounts for 85% of the Macedonian wine production. Dry subtropical summers and mild winters with continental climate influence are typical for the region. The terrain is plane with hilly patches. Syrozem, cinnamon, pitchy, and deluvial soils are predominant. The Povardarie region is divided into the following wine districts: Skopje District Veles Distinct Tikvesh District Gevgelija-Valandovo District Strumica-Radovis District Ovche Pole District Kochani DistrictThe medium annual temperature moves from 10.2°C to 15.8°C. The medium annual temperature air amount in certain vineyard areas moves from 3.723°C to 5.402°C. The adequate altitude for grapevine growing moves: From 50 to 300 meters in the Gevgelija-Valandovo area From 150 to 500 meters in the Tikvesh area From 250 to 600 meters in the Skopje area From 600 to 700 meters in the Bitola area From 300 to 550 meters in the Ovche Pole area.

Additional information you can find only at Agricultural Faculty, contact them directly - but be specific about your dilemmas, actually they can help you with advice about the varieties and microlocation, everything else about the land i think is best to be arrange here directly, for now if you have enough money you can find land anywhere - which is even inevitable if you target specific microlocation for specific variety - for what there is no agency that can help you!

HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: MKballer
Date Posted: 14-Oct-2013 at 00:08
Thanks for the reply!  Are there any websites specifically geared towards vineyard wine?  How can I obtain information (such as pricing) for land that is available?  Are there local real estate agents that can send this information?


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