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Question about Macedonian Cities

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Topic: Question about Macedonian Cities
Posted By: macedonia
Subject: Question about Macedonian Cities
Date Posted: 27-Oct-2009 at 20:34
This is a question for forum members in Macedonia:
What would you say is Macedonia's fastest growing city (economically? by population?)
What is Macedonia's poorest city?
Please consider these questions EXCLUDING the city of Skopje.

Thanks Smile

Posted By: pbanks
Date Posted: 27-Oct-2009 at 20:44
Population wise I'd say Tetovo. 2 universities, lots of young population... We will see how the new university will affect Stip as well.

Economic wise I'd say the Tetovo-Gostivar agglomeration. I would like to say Gevgelija as well but I don't have the impression it's really like that. Strumica is among the richest I'd say as well.

Poorest. Hm... Perhaps Kratovo-Kriva Palanka region I'd say.

Posted By: 46&2
Date Posted: 27-Oct-2009 at 21:54
Kumanovo is the fastest growing city (about 120000) and also largest municipality (200 000).

Posted By: lslcrew
Date Posted: 28-Oct-2009 at 02:18
I can only separate Gevgelia as a city that can not be measured by the methods taken for the other cities. Gavegelia has four times much more restaurants per capita than the other cities. It has only 300 unemployed people whoch says a lot for the situation. It's a bit specific. Strumica as well, also Dojran which realy suprised me when I was last time there, last year. It has a lot of new small buildings, hotels, micro-industry etc. That the region most closer to the E.U. and it's really positive afecting the macedonian cities near the border. Tetovo is a different situation. It's like a capital city by its own for a very big percent of the population and that's the biggest driver for the development of that city. Kriva Palanka, Sveti Nikole, Kratovo are the cities od bulgarian license plates (no offence) and nothing else. Its the biggest dump of macedonian economy.

Posted By: macedonia
Date Posted: 28-Oct-2009 at 06:36
Gevgelija only has 300 unemployed people? Wow, I didn't know that town was that prosperous. I think I huge factor must be the Solunchani. Bitola is close to the Greek border but I don't see it as an economically strong city.

Also, is it a coincidence that Tetovo is Macedonia's fastest growing city and also mostly inhabited by ethnic Albanians? Or are Albanians a hard working and enthusiastic people?

Posted By: macedonia
Date Posted: 28-Oct-2009 at 06:43
Why do you think the Kriva Palanka region is poorer than other region? Could geography be a factor? (mountainous region)

Posted By: pbanks
Date Posted: 28-Oct-2009 at 11:30
Originally posted by macedonia

Also, is it a coincidence that Tetovo is Macedonia's fastest growing city and also mostly inhabited by ethnic Albanians? Or are Albanians a hard working and enthusiastic people?

I would say both. There are a lot of young people in that city given the larger demographic growth rate among the Albanian community in the past. But also your second statement fits in perfectly. People there are more entrepreneurial in general and this can be felt just by driving around the roads (much more movement and dynamics than let's say Prilep which is a city of similar size). And again, two relatively large universities being based there, do make a difference.

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 28-Oct-2009 at 16:57

Originally posted by macedonia

Gevgelija only has 300 unemployed people? Wow, I didn't know that town was that prosperous. I think I huge factor must be the Solunchani. Bitola is close to the Greek border but I don't see it as an economically strong city.

Also, is it a coincidence that Tetovo is Macedonia's fastest growing city and also mostly inhabited by ethnic Albanians? Or are Albanians a hard working and enthusiastic people?


Why do you think the Kriva Palanka region is poorer than other region? Could geography be a factor? (mountainous region)

you should also check the stats -

about geography, yes there is some limit but with good planing this can be outrun, with alternative tourism for example, unfortunately we dont invest enough in capacities and infrastructure, also ecology and marketing, and for sure we have advertising campaigns outside but we are lacking promo materials at home... gevgely is exception because of large gambling sector which attract many cross-border neighbors, thus dismiss any vacuum from social class, coz except agriculture and gambling gevgely for now have nothing else to be prosperous, maybe soon with ski and eco tourism but for now those sectors are in initial stage as it is in all country... in other hand strumitsa has strong agricultular sector and big emigration which recompense most of the negative numbers... - piacenza-strumicenza  

also urban investments in polog region are flourishing due to strong emigrant population which sent or bring their earnings home, and the biggest factor for this urban growth I think is the custom for gaining respectful status as emigrant worker by investing at home in real-estate rather in manufacturing. in one hand emigration reduce the welfare, but in other maybe because real-estate option is general choice as investment the west regions are with highest rate of social aid by population, for this also high rate of natality counts! but extra factor is that youth is oriented strongly for jobs in towns rather at country, as result the cities are going unevenly populated which in fact brings some intense urban activity but this doesnt mean that all life aspects are blooming, phenomenon which is trend across all state regions... 

there are few rampant problems in our country which are culprit for nowadays regional stagnation, first lack of greenfield investments due to instability in the region, also as usual the grey economy which produce unloyal competition, also lack of interest in our business class for manufacturing, mostly they are turned to retail and import combinations... this mood this transitional way of life will be one long constant if we instantly dont cop with our potential, for start with agricultural outsourcing! we must invest in large amounts of organic agriculture, pomiculture and horticulture, also in elite(healthy) foodstuff industry, maybe strongly in arts and crafts from the traditional culture as pottery or jewelry, and normally after this background we must engage our touristic potential, but this couldnt be done without vast help from the state which finally has started to come but we need fast and vast production arrangement. also our industry is basically choking only on mining and steel industry as main export branches, so we must revive and repair other sectors strongly if we want to bust the standards and be competitive in europe, this means total reorganization and redistribution of resources along with relocation of labor - EPO , - BPO , - KPO and - ITOutsorcing because the first big problems which will come with european integration will be competitiveness and mind leakage, this can potentially trow us from balance further more, in aspect of economic potential...

first of all we must be self-conscious of our potentials and along with it to understand that we should exploit it by our selves rather than landing it to others, but this will come probably after relaxation in the banking sector and also busting of leasing sector, no one in the world became developed by itself! we only must preserve our current political and economical stability and after a while standard will rise on all levels, normally if we start taking some investment risks as whole normal world! if its any comfort finally we are disbanding defensive economic options and we turning to offensive ones, which normaly will bring more risking but also more opportunity, but time will tell whether we have shoulders to bear this kind of burden! - - -

nevertheless we are still happy coz happiness can't be bought with money, here we spend little time on work and more on pleasure even so we are not rich, and maybe this is why we are optimistic!? we have mentality which is satisfied with small things rather that big ones, and normally this is the main reason why people find Macedonia pleasant place for living even we are poor measurable by west standards, among cheerful people you are cheerful too and have time for everything and everyone... - thats why bitola is for example town with unique atmosphere even thou theres nothing special going on, or kriva palanka is best place if you looking for pollution-less place...

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 30-Oct-2009 at 01:25
can anyone guess  what we gain with european visa liberalization -      

Posted By: leonid23
Date Posted: 30-Dec-2009 at 05:43
The richest region in Macedonia is the Euroregion Belasica( Strumitza , Petrich , Kukush ) created 24th February 2003 in Kukush, the annexation of three trans border non-profit organizations, which in fact is a network of local government, business and social partners at national borders between Macedonia, Greece and Bulgaria. One of the very few (perhaps the only active) euroregion of the Balkan region and one of very few Euroregion composed of European - member countries and non-members.
And I think the poorest region is the northen-east part of Macedonia ( covering , Kriva Palanka , Kratovo , Delchevo , Makedonska Kamenitza )
there observe the lowest number of investments, the highest unemployment rate, and at least industry.

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 02-Dec-2014 at 23:33

which macedonian city has best opportunities for easy living and calm life, in same time not dull at all, maybe Bitola!?

Posted By: stratus
Date Posted: 03-Dec-2014 at 22:10
Bitola used to be the best town/city to live in Macedonia, but after the breakup of Yugoslavia and huge centralization, all of the other places in RM lose in favor of the capital Skopje. Noways maybe Stip and Strumica are better than they used to be.
All in all, from my point of view, besides Skopje could be:

1 Bitola
2 Strumica
3 Stip
4 Prilep
5 Ohrid
6 Gevgelija

Posted By: zabegan
Date Posted: 04-Dec-2014 at 00:10
Originally posted by Max

which macedonian city has best opportunities for easy living and calm life, in same time not dull at all, maybe Bitola!?

depends on how you see easy living, calm life and dullness... to me, as a younger person, all the places in this country are dull, even Skopje
mostly because your narrow choice of workplaces and places to go out and hang out, and the same type of people being everywhere
price exceeds the quality in everything, and even if you're the richest guy around, it's annoying that you have to pay more than you recieve

Architects create dreams...politicians create nightmares

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 04-Dec-2014 at 09:16

easy living - surrounded by optimistic people, neighbours greeting each other, politics dont kill, merchants willing to bargain, pretty rainbow colors on faces of the people going by...

unboring place - people hanging rather in squares and parks than cafes i.e. having local animation like street artists or gigs...


if you box yourself in commercial 4-walled entertainment its normally to become victim of prices and feedback, thus searching for that ideal moment when your standards will be fulfilled, SIMPLY turn new page and start bringing food and drinks with you on special places maybe mount Vodno in your case, in my time even though we had cheap and widespread party time with good vibe STIL we always strive to occupy some building roof for sightseeing or some hill for stargazing so chajnik be odevme u auto ova denes sve raspekmezeno iako dosta krena toa rekreativniot sport za razlika od tranzicijata

Posted By: zabegan
Date Posted: 09-Dec-2014 at 19:48
Originally posted by Max

easy living - surrounded by optimistic people, neighbours greeting each other, politics dont kill, merchants willing to bargain, pretty rainbow colors on faces of the people going by...

unboring place - people hanging rather in squares and parks than cafes i.e. having local animation like street artists or gigs...


if you box yourself in commercial 4-walled entertainment its normally to become victim of prices and feedback, thus searching for that ideal moment when your standards will be fulfilled, SIMPLY turn new page and start bringing food and drinks with you on special places maybe mount Vodno in your case, in my time even though we had cheap and widespread party time with good vibe STIL we always strive to occupy some building roof for sightseeing or some hill for stargazing so chajnik be odevme u auto ova denes sve raspekmezeno iako dosta krena toa rekreativniot sport za razlika od tranzicijata

well, that's what we still do today, but instead of star gazing, we take long walks, hang around some public spaces and drink or eat whatever we want (at least I do that)... fuel is just too priceless to go somewhere with a car, and you're not allowed to drive after 11, and most of the rare and high flat rooftops now have some stupid stuff built over them (I always wanted to just hang on some rooftop somewhere in Skopje)... I didn't say we stay home all the time, just that we don't have the choice to do what we want to do... this is the 21-st century and there's so much more to do than just relax in nature, there should be events, people to meet, stuff to explore, art to be heard and seen, and places and people to start your own ideas with... no such thing here... well, at least you have to dig hard to find it, to find something that suits your profile and where you fit in

Architects create dreams...politicians create nightmares

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 10-Dec-2014 at 04:35

stay + Z life is beautifull even when there is no hope, just enjoy the show, and if u can runaway in Prilep if not Bitola from time to time as i found out there are once a week free train trips for all

btw i'm not so old to remember that in our transitional timeless youth there was even less options than today, but what makes ur atitude is ur mood jugling ability today tied from fb and yt i.e. one video can easily make blackout and another lightbomb

HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 10-Dec-2014 at 19:51

when time shines like fairytale things are so fluffy around us

only town i've been with constant mood like that is Bitola Babam Bitola

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 16-Dec-2014 at 00:40

Skopye always fluffy enough


Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 16-Dec-2014 at 08:58 - Sleeping Beauty waiting to become Snow White

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 17-Dec-2014 at 10:10

Skopye - turkish Soap factory

with - bosnian affinities for dining etiquettes


...Capital Dreams: Global Consumption, Urban Imagination, and Labor Migration
...Very different from what I observed in Beijing, television watching was not only a major leisure activity for most Xi'aners, but for many was almost their only significant leisure activity... [ - 1 ]

Posted By: beTon
Date Posted: 25-Dec-2014 at 16:00

Skopje Technomania without Bicycle Day

once city with daylight party mood


Posted By: beTon
Date Posted: 05-Jan-2024 at 18:14

10 years later, not sure whether there is similar fair in Skopje, earlier usually organized in - October November or - December tho something that could be part of Orthodox Christmas Festive Days from Nativity till Epiphany when Agricultural and Gastronomic Open Air Fair could be held eg. on the Kale Fortress or around the City Zoo and Park ...

... till then one can enjoy such tasty organic food By ringing on the Main Government Entrance, where if the gates open, the serving will come in most delicious form, either in handcuffed or nightstick version, so would sense the tasty exaltation with screams in the hearth!, in such case bread&salt is reserved while welcomed to accommodate the night in Beko Basement Dormitory!, dont hesitate to ask for more if not sure how long will last the fair!, also ask for printed memorable photo and fingerprint greeting so would not hesitate to come again in our reality!, also one can ask even for more by traying some fire pyre around the Capital City Corners where from time to time citizens exercise joint barbeques and hot drinks in the winter days!, tilting smiles are guaranteed if catch the fire along the basement (and vice versa), altho if have some money at hand the basement could be swapped for ground level accommodation in the Shutka or Idrizivo Hostels!, while for super extra bbq experience check some gas station for charcoal reserves!


Posted By: beTon
Date Posted: 30-Jan-2024 at 03:21

total brutal destiny, chose between two winter sklet circumstances 1. goin out in Skopje [ - 1 ] or 2. staying indoors and tilt on fakebook [ - 2 ] solution 3. smart people will move out of town [ - 3 ] and why coz fracking damns on Treska [ - 4 ] tho go tell that to Belgrade [ - 5 ]

so Skoopye needs one Smog Fair where U will enjoy all the air pollution in one place on fine smogy vibes, in snoop dog style, or maybe even better on requiem for a dream ost, at least like if the pollution is comercialized at least for someone the feel good mood will drop in someones heads while the rest swear why bought joint in this city!, normal on such event O2 could be served as desert in ballon, tho I am afraid that N2O will become hype, still whatever spin could be worktout it will indeed blow a chill out breeze in our depre smog reality!, finnally comfort comes from the fact that living on top of live fault line this is just frosting on the cake, to which we had have till recently some nice cheries beneath our feet while we were walking on the slanted (dvogrb) stone bridge [ - 6 ] but its never too late to find some more bellow the pillars so enjoy Ur stay just as if the dynamit was still there!, yep unexpected fireworks could always come handy for our suitfully depre reality in place like this!, so take Ur bike and some hepafilter mask and go out in the street, many even dont want must, so Enjoy Ur Ride with big smile on Ur face coz only thing what U need to be afraid from is whether U will Save Ur Soul ... tho find some time to share some ideas on some Eco eForum (if exist in some local ngo) or even Forum (if catch it once in a year) [ - 7 ] also for motivation Check The Smog Clock regularly [ - 8 ][ - 8 ][ - 8 ][ - 8 ][ - 9 ] but per'se so would Say some Prayer for the day ahead!, yep Good Vibes clears the sky too!


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