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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #1 Topic: Енергии
    Posted: 14-Jan-2014 at 16:41
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #2 Posted: 14-Jan-2014 at 17:38
Under capitalism, he suggests that technology "has been the sine qua non of growth" - thus he believes that, even in a world with hypothetical "free energy", the effect would be to lower the cost of automobile production, leading to the massive overproduction of vehicles, "collapsing infrastructure", chronic resource depletion and the "paving over" of the "remainder of nature".

просто додека има кој да ја срка маглата, банкарите и понатаму ќе му ја продаваат, за жал и оние кои сакаат да скубнат од наемничката навика, заради немање консензус, по инерција биваат и понатаму зависни од системот

глобално секој брз трансфер кон обновлива енергија значи губење на статус и моќ за големите, плус опаѓање на постојните навики и стандарди, односно опаѓање на долго профилираниот квалитет на живот - особено во европа и северна америка, затоа и толку обостран страв меѓу банкарите и нивните ботои, јасно кој го амортизираат со освежување на фатаморганата [1]

Edited by +Protagorist - 14-Jan-2014 at 17:58
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #3 Posted: 03-Mar-2014 at 15:15
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #4 Posted: 05-Mar-2014 at 01:11
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #5 Posted: 08-Mar-2014 at 01:25
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #6 Posted: 08-Mar-2014 at 18:18
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #7 Posted: 27-May-2014 at 09:00

i seto ova gore go dolovuva momentot na akcija reakcija po site strani a osobeno so piezoelektricnite svojstva na kristalite no i vodata i nasekade, a ona shto kje gi pobudi istite e frekvencija, svetlosno il zvucna i ne e tolku bitno, no zar pomislite ne se odreden vid signali koi procesorot narecen mozok vo forma na el.mag. bran gi siri naokolu i po materijata no i vo vozduhot ili svetlinata, zar tie nemaat atomi koi dokolku se poslozeni podobno nema da bidat podlozni na vlijanija od vakov ili onakov izvor energija, no da ne banaliziram kje recham sega i ne e tolku bitno dali nedofatlivoto e dofatlivo tuku shto potoa, dali toa kje go upotrebime za podobro utre il za sopstvena pogibel po primerot so genetikata i gmo ili fuzijata i at.ener., ajde bitno skontavme deka i RNK ima osobeno znacenje ko katalizator na procesi na samata DNK no od toa se nadevam isto nema da napraime nekoj alien-klon na choekot - samo neka drzat preku ova do arhivski mesto reprodukciski shemi i verojatno kje bide na arno [1]

nejse da se vratam na slobodnite energii, odnosno dobro e da se znae deka okolinata moze da gi menuva svojstvata na odredena energija, vo ovoj kontekst preku optoelektronikata i od nea isprintanite nano metamaterijali koi utre potencijalno (lesno i brzo) mozat da pomognat odredena frekvencija da bidne podobno nashtimana ili da napravat i od bakar magnet shto e predocheno okolu 14-tata minuta od videovo, iako istovo bi mozelo da se spakuva i ko kratok opart-scifi kolaz ko na linkov [1] sepak vredi da se chue i ko vakvo, mene primer kaj istovo mi prechi ona imperialniot predznak na institucijata (kolku i da e benigen denes) pa ushte i so ferofluiden telop zakachen napred, no ajt chim choekot so pareza reshil da odrzi predavanje chunki ima prostor na prethodnovo da se zamizi


нештата се такви да немаат крај во своите комбинации, а тоа значи дека не се ни конечни, макар звучат конечно истурени [1]

што вели Кире Илиевски гравитацијата е магнетизам. а на тоа аберот и на Тесла дека струјата е магнетизам Electricity and Magnetism are the same thing (one force) и ете револуционерна комбинација од тези ~ нејсе во овој контекст и аберов од текстов но и пореволуционерно срочен

Many theories predict existence of magnetic monopoles, but experiments have yet to see them
If you chop a magnet in half, you end up with two smaller magnets. Both the original and the new magnets have "north" and "south" poles.

But what if single north and south poles exist, just like positive and negative electric charges? These hypothetical beasts, known as "magnetic monopoles," are an important prediction in several theories.

Like an electron, a magnetic monopole would be a fundamental particle. Nobody has seen one yet, but many—maybe even most—physicists would say monopoles probably exist.

"The electric and magnetic forces are exactly the same force," says Wendy Taylor of Canada's York University. "Everything would be totally symmetric if there existed a magnetic monopole. There is a strong motivation by the beauty of the symmetry to

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If you chop a magnet in half, you end up with two smaller magnets. Both the original and the new magnets have “north” and “south” poles.

But what if single north and south poles exist, just like positive and negative electric charges? These hypothetical beasts, known as “magnetic monopoles,” are an important prediction in several theories.

Like an electron, a magnetic monopole would be a fundamental particle. Nobody has seen one yet, but many—maybe even most—physicists would say monopoles probably exist.

“The electric and magnetic forces are exactly the same force,” says Wendy Taylor of Canada’s York University. “Everything would be totally symmetric if there existed a magnetic monopole. There is a strong motivation by the beauty of the symmetry to expect that this particle exists.”
If you chop a magnet in half, you end up with two smaller magnets. Both the original and the new magnets have "north" and "south" poles.

But what if single north and south poles exist, just like positive and negative electric charges? These hypothetical beasts, known as "magnetic monopoles," are an important prediction in several theories.

Like an electron, a magnetic monopole would be a fundamental particle. Nobody has seen one yet, but many—maybe even most—physicists would say monopoles probably exist.

"The electric and magnetic forces are exactly the same force," says Wendy Taylor of Canada's York University. "Everything would be totally symmetric if there existed a magnetic monopole. There is a strong motivation by the beauty of the symmetry to

Read more at:
If you chop a magnet in half, you end up with two smaller magnets. Both the original and the new magnets have "north" and "south" poles.

But what if single north and south poles exist, just like positive and negative electric charges? These hypothetical beasts, known as "magnetic monopoles," are an important prediction in several theories.

Like an electron, a magnetic monopole would be a fundamental particle. Nobody has seen one yet, but many—maybe even most—physicists would say monopoles probably exist.

"The electric and magnetic forces are exactly the same force," says Wendy Taylor of Canada's York University. "Everything would be totally symmetric if there existed a magnetic monopole. There is a strong motivation by the beauty of the symmetry to

Read more at:
If you chop a magnet in half, you end up with two smaller magnets. Both the original and the new magnets have "north" and "south" poles.

But what if single north and south poles exist, just like positive and negative electric charges? These hypothetical beasts, known as "magnetic monopoles," are an important prediction in several theories.

Like an electron, a magnetic monopole would be a fundamental particle. Nobody has seen one yet, but many—maybe even most—physicists would say monopoles probably exist.

"The electric and magnetic forces are exactly the same force," says Wendy Taylor of Canada's York University. "Everything would be totally symmetric if there existed a magnetic monopole. There is a strong motivation by the beauty of the symmetry to

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Dirac to the future

Combining the work of many others, nineteenth-century physicist James Clerk Maxwell showed that electricity and magnetism were two aspects of a single thing: the electromagnetic interaction. 

But in Maxwell’s equations, the electric and magnetic forces weren’t quite the same. The electrical force had individual positive and negative charges. The magnetic force didn’t. Without single poles—monopoles—Maxwell’s theory looked asymmetrical, which bugged him. Maxwell thought and wrote a lot about the problem of the missing magnetic charge, but he left it out of the final version of his equations.

Quantum pioneer Paul Dirac picked up the monopole mantle in the early 20th century. By Dirac’s time, physicists had discovered electrons and determined they were indivisible particles, carrying a fundamental unit of electric charge. 

Dirac calculated the behavior of an electron in the magnetic field of a monopole. He used the rules of quantum physics, which say an electron or any particle also behaves like a wave. For an electron sitting near another particle—including a monopole—those rules say the electron’s wave must go through one or more full cycles wrapping around the other particle. In other words, the wave must have at least one crest and one trough: no half crests or quarter-troughs.

For an electron in the presence of a proton, this quantum wave rule explains the colors of light emitted and absorbed by a hydrogen atom, which is made of one electron and one proton. But Dirac found the electron could only have the right wave behavior if the product of the monopole magnetic charge and the fundamental electric charge carried by an electron were a whole number. That means monopoles, like electrons, carry a fundamental, indivisible charge. Any other particle carrying the fundamental electric charge—protons, positrons, muons, and so forth—will follow the same rule.

Interestingly, the logic runs the other way too. Dirac’s result says if a single type of monopole exists, even if that type is very rare, it explains a very important property of matter: why electrically charged particles carry multiples of the fundamental electric charge. (Quarks carry a fraction—one-third or two-thirds—of the fundamental charge, but they always combine to make whole-number multiples of the same charge.) And if more than one type of monopole exists, it must carry a whole-number multiple of the fundamental magnetic charge.


The magnetic unicorn

Dirac’s discovery was really a plausibility argument: If monopoles existed, they would explain a lot, but nothing would crumble if they didn’t. 

Since Dirac’s day, many theories have made predictions about the properties of magnetic monopoles. Grand unified theories predict monopoles that would be over 10 quadrillion times more massive than protons. 

Producing such particles would require more energy than Earthly accelerators can reach, “but it’s the energy that was certainly available at the beginning of the universe,” says Laura Patrizii of the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics. 

Cosmic ray detectors around the world are looking for signs of these monopoles, which would still be around today, interacting with molecules in the air. The MACRO experiment at Gran Sasso in Italy also looked for primordial monopoles, and provided the best constraints we have at present. 

Luckily for scientists like Patrizii and Taylor, grand unified theories aren’t the only ones to predict monopoles. Other theories predict magnetic monopoles of lower masses that could feasibly be created in the Large Hadron Collider, and of course Dirac’s original model didn’t place any mass constraints on monopoles at all. That means physicists have to be open to discovering particles that aren’t part of any existing theory. 

Both of them look for monopoles created at the Large Hadron Collider, Patrizii using the MoEDAL detector and Taylor using ATLAS.

“I think personally there's lots of reasons to believe that monopoles are out there, and we just have to keep looking,” Taylor says. 

“Magnetic monopoles are probably my favorite particle. If we discovered the magnetic monopole, [the discovery would be] on the same scale as the Higgs particle.”

The magnetic monopoles were already prepared inside the boson condensates, which A) do form vortices B) the speed of light spreading gets greatly lowered inside them to a speed in range few meters per second. So that at the moment, when these vortices rotate faster, than the speed of light (inside the boson condensate), then the magnetic field of these vortices gets literally sucked inside of them at one side - and the vortex changes into a monopole. The similar effect can happen with black holes at large scale, when they rotate too wildly, because as we know, the rotating massive objects also exhibit Lense-Thirring drag of space-time. And the atom nuclei of many isotopes behave like tiny black holes too. Actually the jet suppression is quite common during LHC collisions and it can be also interpreted as a formation of monopoles, once one of jets gets quenched more than this opposite one.
The scalar waves of Nikola Tesla are all monopoles or at least particles with SO(2) symmetry broken. They're formed with Dirac/Weyl/Majorana quasiparticles within materials, where the electrons are constrained in their motion. Under EM pulse such a quasiparticles release the scalar wave into vacuum, which can be imagined like the vortex ring (high spin photon). The vacuum density inside and outside of vortex ring differs significantly due to 2-spin component of it, therefore such an artifact also behaves like the monopole. The 2-spin graviton component also gives the inertia the scalar wave, so that the scalar wave beam has an inertia and it introduces a reactive force to its source like the vortex ring generated by jellyfish in water. Therefore the scalar wave/monopoles are behind Podkletnov/Poher effects and EMDrive/Woodward drive and these devices also represent an easy way, how to generate the monopoles and dark matter particles.

Edited by +Protagorist - 09-Oct-2016 at 23:07
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #8 Posted: 28-May-2014 at 12:15

We owe what we do today to Michael Faraday and Nikola Tesla. [1]
Here is a brief history of one of Nikola Tesla's heroes! [1]

Last night’s episode of the
Cosmos reboot focused on
one of the three physicists
whose pictures Einstein kept
in his office: Michael Faraday. I’m a big fan of Faraday, who famously started his career as a bookbinder’s apprentice reading the books brought into the shop, and ended as one of the greatest experimental physicists of the 19th Century. Also, he had magnificent sideburns, as you can see in the picture. It’s a great story– I highly recommend his biography– and pretty much the entire episode was devoted to Faraday, with only a surprisingly tenuous astronomy connection at the end, mentioning the Earth’s magnetic field the Van Allen belts, and the aurorae.

My knowledge of Faraday isn’t all that comprehensive– basically, I’ve read the io linked above, and a handful of articles– but I thought they did a pretty good job with the story in general. There were a few points where they twisted things a little– they made Humphrey Davy out to be a little more villainous than I think he probably deserved (they had a falling out, it’s true, but I think it was exaggerated in the cartoon; I’m not sure he was even working under Davy any more when the show has him cruelly ordered to work on glass instead of electricity), and they downplayed Faraday’s religion (though they did mention it at the very start of the story). I thought James Clerk Maxwell (another of Einstein’s pictures– the third was Newton) deserved a bit more space, as well, but they did at least explain that Faraday’s lack of mathematical training prevented him from getting the magnetic field concept widely accepted, and it wasn’t until Maxwell’s more formal mathematical treatment that something like the modern picture took hold.

I do have one sort of philosophical quibble with the framing of the episode, namely the “If Faraday hadn’t lived, modern technology might not exist…” device they used to introduce the story. Not to take anything away from Faraday, who was a brilliant guy and an exceptional experimentalist, but electromagnetic research was all the rage at that time, and if he hadn’t been the one to discover induction and diamagnetism and the rotation of polarization by light, somebody else would’ve in short order. It was basically steam engine time for E&M (and also, you know, steam engines), and Faraday’s discoveries would’ve come along within a short period anyway. Probably not from the hands of a single guy, but rather a collection of different physicists in multiple countries, and it might’ve taken a little longer to put some of them across without Faraday’s immense talent in the lab. But the whole “If not for ___ science might not have happened” thing is the sort of Great Man of History overhype that we ought to be beyond at this point.

Other than that, though, this was a well-done episode highlighting one of the great underdog stories in the history of science. Faraday really did make an incredible mark on 19th century science, despite his humble origins, and was apparently one of the nicest guys in the history of physics– other than his falling out with Davy, nobody seems to have had a negative word. The only reason he’s not a Sir or a Lord like most of the other great British physicists is that the particular religious sect he was raised in emphasized humility above all, and he declined offers of formal honors. He had to put himself forward to become a Fellow of the Royal Society (as professional protection during his split with Davy), which seems to have involved mentioning to about three people that it would be nice if he made FRS, whereupon they quickly made it happen, and very late in his life, when he was too ill to continue working for the Royal Institution, he accepted a house from Queen Victoria; other than that, he didn’t seek fame or fortune.

(Also, he offered the best professional advice ever: Work. Finish. Publish.)

So, if you’re going to pull one scientist from that era to devote an entire episode of a high-profile science show to, Faraday is an outstanding choice. I’m slightly surprised by the decision, given they only have three more episodes and haven’t even talked about a whole bunch of cool astronomy stuff!– but I like Faraday a whole lot, so I can’t complain too much.

Tesla is preceded in greatness only by Michael Faraday who in 1831 rocked the scientific world with his discovery that magnetism can produce electricity...if it is accompanied by motion.
Faraday discovered the principle, but not how to make it power the world; Tesla alone accomplished this singular feat.

nemam nameram da indoktriniram jezuitski oti sekoj naucnik ima pravo na svoja ljubitnost i skepsa (bar dodeka ne se izgoril), no defakto i faradej i tesla bile zdravo Hristijanski potkovani, tuka uloga imalo i samata denominacija kaj faradej glasitizmot koj drzel do apostolskite principi na zaednicarenje, dodeka kaj tesla pravoslavieto kade podvigot i slobodna volja se stolbovi vo verata vo Boga a vprochem i samite podviznici se podvizuvale kako bi doprele do a neretko i osoznale Bozjite Energii [1] sepak tesla iako ostanal produhoven sepak odvoen od svojot rod a zaglaen v jabolkoto pocnal da sinkretizira i povamu i potamu vo duhovnoto za da zaglai i na vedskata mistika [2] a na kraj duri i celosno mu pregreal procesorot za materijalni spoznai ubeduvajki gi prijatelite pa i javnosta da svrtat na povisoki nivoa [3]
interesno e deka od prezir kon zemnite eliti i nivni laskanja (a ne od skromnost) i faradej i tesla odbile priznanija, faradej odbil kralska titula a tesla ja odbil masonskata nobelova nagrada, e sega kolku na ova vlijaela nivnata produhovenost toa neznam, no eto jasno e pr. deka faradej ostanal celosno dosleden na svojata duhovna tradicija a koja ko takva i go dovela do revolucionernoto otkritie
From: Dan Graves, Scientists of Faith, pages 110-112:

Faraday's work propelled him into the limelight. By 1826 he was head of the Royal Institution, founded... to provide scientific education for the masses. Offered the presidency of the Royal Society, Faraday flatly refused, as he also refused the offer of a knighthood. He did not believe Christ of the apostles would accept these worldly honors...

[page 111] Farada's scientific achievements, among the greatest in history, sprang from his religious faith. As a lifelong member of a sect called the Sandemanians, he believed that nature substantiates the existence of its Creator. Because one God created the world, all of nature mut be interconnected as a single whole, he believed. Therefore, electricity and magnetism must be interlinked. This view of nature was the very view emphasized by the Sandemanians. Key to Faraday's thought was the idea that objective reality must judge every theory, no matter how elegant and sophisticated...
Michael served as a lay preacher in the Sandemanians throughout his life. Sandemanians, an offshoot of the Scottish Presbyterian Church, believed in practicing primitive Christianity (that is,
Christianity as the apostles practiced it). They urged separation of church and state. They observed communion in conjunction with footwashing and love feasts. They were so strict that when Faraday appeared before Queen Victoria at her request, he was temporarily excommunicated because his attendance had been required at church.
His faith gave him the courage to turn down a government request that he develop poison gases for use in the Crimean War. He refused to buy insurance, believing that to do so was to show lack of faith...

[page 112] Although he was happily married to Sarah Bernard, a fellow Sandemanian, the Faradays had no children. When he died, he was buried, at his own request, beneath a simple headstone.

Edited by +Protagorist - 28-May-2014 at 12:25
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #9 Posted: 19-Jun-2014 at 10:48

dokumentarecov e povekje za vo nishkite nwo il agitprop, ili ko dopolna na digresiite vo nishkata za KKZ [1] no delov okolu 34 min. koj se odnesuva na slobodnata energija zasluzuva da se pushti tuka so ogled deka vo istiot ekstra e srochen zagovorot za kontroliran haos od strana na mamonistite

i iako cel dokumentarec e so kosmopolitski naboj, od vakvata klin chorba prashanje e koj kje se nasrka, narodot ili nwo-tajfata, bidejki trkata za sloboda i nasproti nea za vlast se vo postojan konflikt od koj kolateralka se masite, koi na koj i da e ideal da se navlecheni, povlecheni ili odvlecheni od vitelot na takviot idealizam sepak nemaat pretstava shto vsuhnost posredi se sluchuva, prosto borbata megju dobroto i zloto vo ovoj svet e na site nivoa, od atomi i kletki pa se do struja i politika, shto bi rekle Svetitelite tuka sme nivamu-nitamu no od tuka natak se odluchuva kade kje isterame ko dushi potoa odnosno koj kakov naboj zakachil utre za takvo nebo kjebide podoben dal + ili - t.e. gore ili dole, no maglata na minlivi zadovolstva vo spregarat-racementalitet i naemnichko robstvo mu ja zamagluvaat na choeka vistinata a potem neretko so se seta magla v glava istiot moze da zavrshi i na odredena odgovorna pozicija koja duri imala vo sebe pozitiven naboj zaradi labaviot ideal i nejasen fokus iznedruva prosechnost okolu pozitivnite promeni...

vo princip celo obrazovanie vo ista mera e podredeno na manipulacii i poluvistini, a ko takvo istoto treba da ne drzi i ponataka kolektivno defokusirani od pozitivna sloboda, sotiroloshki recheno etika na spokojot, konkretno sega na vlast se zasednati imperialisti koi kolenichat pred negativnite sili koi vladeat preku kontroliran haos odnosno se hranat od strav i omraza, nalik saditisti koi dovolno se izivuvaat vrz zrtvata zaradi zadovolstvo anepotreba od hrana, i se dodeka toa e taka na ovoj svet stradanjata kje bidat legalno sekojdnevie, ta duri i omasovat nekoja forma na free energy!

interesno e deka kolku i teoriski pa i praktichno nekoj dadokaze postoenje na perpetumobile, istiot so postojnive elite brzo i lesno kje bide marginaliziran ili vo najdobar sluchaj defokusiran direktno ili indirektno negoviot trud, sluchajot so teoriite na Nikola Tesla ili Paskal Sotirovski koi im go remetat od koren robovladetelskiot sistem na ideali i vrednosti

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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #10 Posted: 19-Jun-2014 at 11:37

no vo osnova ne se raboti za nechija nametnata kontrola tuku nasha kolektivna inercija kon odredena realnost (eksploatacija i nenasitnost) a koja producira takvi eliti sama po sebe, prosto shto bi rekol Vernadski voljata se reflektira na se' preku se' [1] ta nema ni da dochekame promena se dodeka go podrzuvame dadeniot sitem, shto bi rekol Tesla ako sakame da talasame desno ne mozeme toa da go napraime svrteni v levo [1] a dokolku poozbilno skontame deka promenata zavisi i od sekogo poedinechno defitivno i kje najdeme mir sred postojniot kontroliran haos bar okolu osiguruvanje na individualnata energija [1] a chie vnesuvanje dokolku ne e samoodrzlivo ne moze da ne potikne na otfrlanje na negativnite vibracii vo i odokolu

Edited by +Protagorist - 10-Aug-2014 at 22:33
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #11 Posted: 19-Jun-2014 at 14:15

sloboda i slobodna energija verojatno skoro nema da videme se dodeka postojnoto ekonomsko dinamo na svetskata ekonomija e potreno na nafta [1] a od skoro toa potpiranje e osigurano i so nafta od shkrilci [2]

edinstven kurshlus koj moze da ja resetira mamonistichkata fatamorgana ko shto mi lichi kje bide asteroid ili slichna nepogoda so kataklizmichki razmeri, no i vo takvi uslovi ne veruvam deka lesno i brzo ko choveshtvo kolektivno da preshaltame kon samoodrzlivost na energetski plan, i toa samo imajki predvid deka volkot krznoto go menuva no ne i tabietot ta i da izvadi nova energija pak kje najde nachin kako preku nea da prai roboi i nametnuva vlast odnosno poseduva kontrola na ova ili ona, shto velat pacifistite za se e kriv Power Principle [3]

ta realno kolku i da ima inovacii, em prostor za niv, dodeka elitite ne odluchat deka e vreme za niv nema ni da gi vidime omasoveni, inaku do sega za lokalen perpetumobile imam chueno za turbinata na Vojo

ushte so Kire da zdruzeshe sili Vojo i moze kje strkalaa nekoj patent za levitacija na kamioni patem sekoja chest za voljata za inventivnost!

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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #12 Posted: 16-Jul-2014 at 22:05

neznam zoshto no se somnevam deka Vojo tera so izumot preku hidraulichen motor, a sega imamei nov izum no bukvalno na princip na hidraulichna energija, ne deka dosega nemalo koncepti [1]

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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #13 Posted: 11-Aug-2014 at 11:34

Modern Marvels: Hydraulics - [1]


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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #14 Posted: 11-Aug-2014 at 12:33

i taman teraa do sega francuzite samo so hidraulichni kochnici [1] eto konechnoi hidraulichen motor prvi kje pushtat vo prodazba

Edited by +Protagorist - 15-Aug-2014 at 17:02
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #15 Posted: 18-Aug-2014 at 10:01

pnevmatika vaka ili onaka koristel i Nikola Tesla ako nishto drugo vrz elektronite ko pojava, no interesno e da se spomne deka megju negovite patenti se naogja i patent za voda [1]

vprocem negovite idei sekogas se temelat na toa kako od nishto da se naprai neshto, odnosno od nevidlivito vidlivo a posredi i efikasno i ergonomski - ako moze taka da se kaze, odnosno motivot mu bil stabiliziranai slobodna energija - bar taka deluva iako patentiranjeto ko zashtita ova malku poveke i go potkopuva

inku glavna teorija koja ja zavozuva Tesla e teorijata za Eter a pretpostavuvam istata mu stanala bliska ili bar pochnal da duma na nea za vreme svoite studii vo Grac kade sigurno chul za teoriite na Viktor Shauberger nejse bitno se distanciral skroz od dumite na Albert i Mileva kolku i da ne uspeal da gi nametne ko meinstrim no toa e prosto rabota na kolektivna soglasnost ko opticka mamka nalik dali chashata e polupolna ili poluprazna i dali voopshto e dovolno prozirna nekomu za da broejki gi kapkite odredi shto se moze potem so nea, iako ne e ni svesen deka ko pojava ona shto e vo chshata moze da menuva agragatna sostojba na nivo na svest odnosno vera nalik holo-matrix holo-universe itn. normalno Nikola grebel vamu Albert machkal tamu ina kraj shto e polesno masite da skrkaat ko magla toa i prevagnalo [2][3]

sepak mora da se priznae deka maglata izgleda dovolno gusto za da se prodade ko volna shto bi rekol Ostap Bender, makar po bosanski ja kantarele vo vozduh [4] iako mora da se priznae koga kje se vizuelizira nekoja pretpostavka istata i zvuchi i izgleda tochno makar toa i ne bilo taka, shto bi rekol Koljo "The theory of relativity is like a beggar dressed in purple, ignorant people consider him a king" - potochno - "magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king ... its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists"


Edited by +Protagorist - 19-Aug-2014 at 23:51
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #16 Posted: 18-Aug-2014 at 13:38

od druga strana interesni mu se poukite ko "Misunderstandings are always caused by the inability of appreciating one another's point of view." [1] plus prashenje e dali i kako kje se razvivala primer atomskata energija da ne bile Albert&Mileva najnapred, a i za nishto da ne bil vo pravo Albert prashanje e zoshto samo Koljo mu se potsmeval a ostanatite go dichele
oftopik, Whether we like it or not, the ultimate goal of every science is to become trivial, no interesno e da se navede deka Tesla eterichno se produhovil barajki go ultimativniot izvor na energija... ko i site lugje i za nego bil norma "trial & eror" metodot, a po sekako slaba strana vo izucuvanjeto na Hristijanstvoto ko religija e nezemanjeto aktivno ucestvo vo ceremonijalniot i duhovniot zivot kako i bi mozel da izvede poizdrzani zaklucoci, nalik za pravilen rezultat treba pravilna ravenka...
...defakto Koljo svrtel na sinkretizam vo odnos na duhovnosta, i toa megju pravoslavniot i vedskiot misticizam, no pred se didakticki analizirajki gi postulatite na ovie ucenja, shto go dovelo i do samiot produhoveno-naucen sinkretizam i stav kako toj deka "Sekoj covek treba da bide vo sostojba da vo tekot na edinstveniot svoj zemen zivot,celosno da se razvie vo duhovno bitie... Cel chovechki zivot e samo elektrichen protok, a negovata duhovnost e negovata svetlost" duri denes ko pojava Tesla im e nalik guru na teozofite koi imaat za cel da promoviraat new-age scientologija ko nwo-oblanda za nwo-slatkarnica iako na site im skubnuva od vid koj i kako im go dotura shekerot [1][2][3]

Edited by +Protagorist - 20-Aug-2014 at 00:05
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #17 Posted: 20-Aug-2014 at 00:35

no od druga strana Tesla najnapred bil prilichno tehnokratski raspolozen a tek potem se produhovil, dodeka samiot toj ko tehnokrat za teoretichariite na Ajnstajn ima izjaveno Theory of Relativity as Work of Metaphysicians and not Scientific [1]
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #18 Posted: 20-Aug-2014 at 10:22

moze postov e poveke za vo Kosmologija [1][2] no zaradi kontinuitet vo postovite za gachkata megju Koljo i Albert neka odi tuka, vprochem mnogu veruvaat deka nivnata zakachka bila poveke salonsko shou za privlekuvanje sponzori, vsushnost koga bi se trgnal kapitalizmot (i egoto posredi nego) kje se dojde do zakluchok deka ovie nauchnici se nadopolnuvale edinstveno shto Tesla bil popameten (samiot Ajnstajn navodno go dofrlil) ova nadopolnuvanje moze da se zakluchi od timarenjeto na eterot ko pojava shto Albert go teral tek daleku pokasno ko teorija a koga Koljo vekje eksperimentiral turbo so svojata


i koga bi trebalo da zaklucham koj bil celosno vo pravo, ne bi mozel seushte jasno da se opredelam, iako mozam da konstatiram deka Ajnstajn bil poiskuliran na pocetok, a Tesla bidnal takov na kraj, no na kraj eto batalil naukata shto zaradi bankrot shto zaradi karma (pocnal da miluva vedski mudrosti) - duri bi rekol deka toj ko dete najnapred bil nasochen kon duhovnost a potem ko mladich se zaletal kon nauchnost (i verojatno sinkretiziral nekoj spoj megju dvata moda) za da na kraj se predade povtorno na duhovnost i proucuvanje na nedofatlivoto ko nedofatlivo... faktichki samiot toj stanal metafizicar - kako velat akcija reakcija ta drugite gi tovarel za metafizika za na kraj sam da se natovari sonea no nastrana svoite dumi sepak choekot gledal prilichno trezno vo odnos na drugite i toa tolku ednostavno da vakvoto gledanje i denes se potvrduva sestrano primer pojasno kaj genetikata i biologijata [1] pa i sociologijata

"There is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment" - Tesla [1]

na linija so Tesla e i Nikola Kozirev bar okolu eterot, a nastrana od toa negova najinteresna fizichka gachka e deka Vremeto moze da e subjektivna merka no ne i objektivna velichina, odnosno po nego vremeto e nepromenlivo (minatoto segasnosta i idninata se edno) verojatno zaradi ova i bil izignoriran od sovetskite nauchnici - prosto vo skockaniot sssr nemalo mesto za egzotichna fizika, iako se shto rabotel bilo izdrzano a i na zapad gledale na nego podobno ko nauchnik [1][2]

Ovaj tekst ima za cilj da ukaže na sasvim nespornu saglasnost koncepcija Nikole Tesle i njegovih eksperimentalnih rezultata sa onima do kojih su došli i drugi, savremeni istraživači, potpuno nezavisno, geografski i istorijski potpuno nepovezani, što ukazuje na moguću, i vrlo verovatnu istinitost svih njihovih razmišljanja, reči i poruka. U tekstu su dati vrlo čvrsti argumenti kojima se značajno Re-afirmiše delo Nikole Tesle ukazivanjem na činjenicu da je koncepcija «prostornog toka» N.A. Kozyreva srodna strukturi Teslinih Ne-Hertzijanskih talasa. Istraživanja S.M. Korotaeva, potvrđujući koncepcije “prostornog protoka”, mogućnost trenutnog prenosa signala i njihov transfer talasima ne-elektromagnetne prirode – zapravo afirmišu ideje Nikole Tesle o luminoferoznom etru, Radijantnoj energiji Sunca, njegovim “Ne-Hercijanskim talasima” i nadsvetlosnim brzinama … Šta više, ovim radom je pokazano da su koncepcija «Mikroleptonskih polja» A.F. Ohatrina, «prostornog protoka» Nikolaja Kozyreva i Nehertzijanski talasi «luminoferoznog etra» Nikole Tesle i «Teslini Talasi» Modela KGE – toliko «isprepletene» da im se svojstva, osobine i parametri koji ih karakterišu – gotovo ne razlikuju. Mene, kao autora Modela Kvantiranih gustina energije, posebno raduje saglasnost vrednosti predefinisanih Modelom i niza parametara dobijenih eksperimentalnim merenjima što direktno potvrđuje ostvarivost SVIH Teslinih ideja, koliko god one bile kontroverzne sa aspekta klasične nauke, čineći ga istinskim Nučnikom budućnosti !


dodatni problem u izučavanju kvantnog sveta predstavlja činjenica da fizički zakoni nisu objektivni. Ajnštajnova teorija relativnosti učinila je prostor i vreme nestalnim, promenjivim kategorijama čiji se parametri menjaju brzinom kretanja i/ili jačinom gravitacionog polja. Time je u nauku uneta subjektivnost jer brzina svetlosti, masa tela, njegova tromost itd, zavise od položaja (zapravo načina /ne/kretanja) posmatrača. Šta više, eksperimentima kvantne fizike je utvrđena nepobitna povezanost eksperimentatora sa eksperimentom koji izvodi. Uočena je značajna uloga koju ima svest posmatrača na ishod eksperimenta što znači da je subjektivnost u tom domenu Realnosti još naglašenija. Kauzalnost pretpostavlja vremenski sled ”od” uzroka ”ka” posledici.

Edited by +Protagorist - 26-Aug-2014 at 07:58
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #19 Posted: 26-Aug-2014 at 08:17
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #20 Posted: 26-Aug-2014 at 09:40
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