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  Quote pbanks Quote  Post ReplyReply #81 Posted: 04-Feb-2014 at 15:04
Од моето скромно искуство со open source, WAMP сервер ти е супер решение бидејќи во пакет ќе ти дојде и phpmyadmin преку кој ќе може да ги менаџираш MySQL базите. phpmyadmin е веб апликација и WAMPот и е потребен за да може да работи.

Доколку имаш потреба да правиш покомплексни операции во MySQL, database програмирање итн, веројатно ќе ти треба нешто налик на SQL Server Management Studio, но не би знаел кој програм да ти го препорачам. Памтам дека имаше Toad верзија за MySQL.

Доколку само ти е потребен MySQL за да хостираш некоја апликација на локалниот ПЦ (која работи со MySQL), WAMPот сигурно ќе ти заврши работа.

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  Quote daci92 Quote  Post ReplyReply #82 Posted: 04-Feb-2014 at 21:11
За лаици и нови корисници најлесно решение е WAMP или XAMPP, двата се доста user-friendly и ќе ти бркаат работа освен навистина ако не сакаш нешто комплексно (но мислам дека и за тоа не би било тешко со нив да се работи).

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  Quote nenad Quote  Post ReplyReply #83 Posted: 09-Feb-2014 at 21:31
dali nekoj ima iskustva so pisuvanje Ceptcha kodovi na internet? Mi ponudija takva rabota, no ne znam dali e toa legalno. mada i ne nudat mn ogu pari, a toa mi deluva dosadno
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  Quote Џоле Quote  Post ReplyReply #84 Posted: 21-Mar-2014 at 07:04

Република Македонија доби свој национален кириличен домен .мкд, со кој ќе се претставува во меѓународниот интернет-простор. Избран е од граѓаните преку интернет-анкета што ја спроведе Македонската академска истражувачка мрежа МАРНЕТ, а одобрен од Интерент корпорацијата за доделување имиња и броеви (ICANN).

Министерот за информатичко општество и администрација Иво Ивановски денеска оцени дека со кириличниот домен ќе се отвори нов простор за промоција на Република Македонија. Ќе се креираат повеќе македонски содржини на кирилично писмо, фактор што го следат многу глобални институции за развој на информатичкото општество. Ќе може да се регистрираат веб-страници на кирилично писмо. Ќе се регистрираат домени со наши карактеристични букви од нашата азбука како што се: љ, њ, ѓ, ж, џ, ч, ш, како на пример Ченто.мкд, Чаир.мкд, Љубаниште.мкд, Жабени.мкд и други.

- Со воспоставувањето на националниот кириличен домен во интернет-просторот направивме уште еден чекор во зацврстувањето на нашиот јазик и писмо што претставува само продолжување на големите дела на Македонците низ минатото, рече на прес-конференција во Институтот за македонски јазик „Крсте Мисироков“ министерот Ивановски.

Добивањето на националниот домен, додаде, претставува и голем чекор напред во битката на Македонија и на македонскиот народ да се избори со наметнатите неправди од страна на дел од нашите соседи кои постојано го игнорираат, омаловажуваат и не признаваат постоењето на македонскиот јазик.

Големо достигнување за нас, посочи министерот, е што успеавме да извојуваме уште една и правна и политичка битка на меѓународен план, но за тоа требаше многу трпение, лобирање и напорна работа од сите субјекти вклучени во овој процес.

Македонскиот е петти регистриран кириличен домен во светот. Со кирилична верзија на домен на интернет, покрај Македонија се присутни Русија, Србија, Казахстан и Монголија. Гласањето за доменот заврши во јануари минатата година, а во избор беа предлозите: мкд, мак, рм, македонија, рмак и рмкд. За кириличниот домен .мкд гласаа 73 проценти од учесниците во анкетата. Процесот за добивање на кириличниот домен почна со поставување барање до Интернет-корпорацијата за доделување имиња и броеви (ИЦАНН).

Министерот Ивановски очекува надлежните меѓународни организации што поскоро да го внесат .мкд доменот во системот со оглед дека процедурата е во тек. Со тоа македонските граѓани ќе можат наскоро да ги регистрираат домените.

Гоце Цветановски од Институтот за македонски јазик „Крсте Мисирков“ нагласи дека со добивањето на кириличниот домен е значајно за промоцијата и позиционирањето на кирилицата.

- Во рамки на јазичната политика и планирање многу често се земаат предвид пазарната вредност на јазикот и субјективната оценка, односно јазичните и културните придобивки од користењето на ваквите домени. Токму затоа ние на овој македонски простор бидејќи доменот во суштина не означува ништо друго освен простор, од ова место, од Институтот за македонски јазик како овластен субјект за заштита на македонскиот јазик, ги покануваме сите граѓани на РМ да почнат да го користат доменот .мкд. Искрено се надевам дека Институтот ќе биде меѓу првите што ќе се регистрира со овој домен, рече Цветановски.
За сè има вторпат
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  Quote nenad Quote  Post ReplyReply #85 Posted: 28-Mar-2014 at 13:55
дали постојат директоријуми на линкови на македонски јазик?
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #86 Posted: 09-Sep-2014 at 13:08
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #87 Posted: 09-Sep-2014 at 13:30

интересна блогерска дума за блогерите и блогирањето, на истата би додал заклучок дека блогерајот е налик галактички его-карамбол за кој немаат јасна транспортна идеја ни неговите wp-вајари [1] иако социјалките се дамбетер [1[url">"> [1]



Blogging is like renting. It’s a missed investment. Might as well toss hard-earned currency to a lord of the land who holds no stock in your trade.

That timestamp is an expiration date. Ideas serve sentences in solitary confinement. Only memes go viral.

Need a metaphor for pissing in the ocean?

Pundits are paid to absorb bandwidth. Inbound anchors, traffic and interactivity rank. Comments are character assassination.

Narrow minds are decorated with names, dates and places. One’s two cents are pennies laid upon that subject’s closed eyes. Any present emotional impetus is a future logical hindrance.

Is there an air hotter than virtual flatulence?

More effort, care and craft are applied to wholly unmarketable considerations. Even aiming for the slush-pile requires scoping the range and focusing the sight. Yet one doesn’t need to submit.

That’s the event horizon. It defines the point. Singularity shapes obscurity.

Buried treasure is still treasure.

How, exactly, is a trinket made chest-worthy? Is cold-fusion alchemy? It’s about finding-out.

The value of labor undermines it’s worth. Trackers jones for click-thrus. Networking is that double-talk which pro-creates con-jobs.

Think of dead links.

Stick figure cartoon, a seminar on blogging.
Blah blah blog

Just how long can Amazon’s partnership program last? How is reblogging not copyright infringement? SEO extensions are blood doping.

Synergy is a serial killer.

Metabolism, time, motivation, thought and threshold convert calories to joules. This energy electrifies chemical messengers into synaptic clefts. Reuptake equals results.

The rate of wisdom’s acquisition is a metric waiting to be discovered. Multiply energy by the cyber-space-time transferred per joule/second into Google Analytics. Divide this product by the lack of infusing that effort into Confucius’ Analects.

Now realize the plot.

Facebook is neither. The same for WordPress, Instagram and YouTube. Weblog, however, is both…depending.

Edited by +Protagorist - 14-Jan-2018 at 12:43
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #88 Posted: 10-Sep-2014 at 02:43

waiting line web app analyses

cinema lobby web app analyses
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #89 Posted: 10-Sep-2014 at 08:45
Sass: The Future of Stylesheets
Let's face it. CSS is dumb. There is no such thing as a DRY CSS file and stylesheets are often the biggest blemish in an otherwise beautifully coded app. Sass is the future of stylesheets. Rails 3.1 includes it by default and the W3C is adding concepts from Sass to CSS itself. This talk will cover the rationale behind Sass, the language features it provides, and best practices you can apply to start untangling your stylesheets. Chris Eppstein, the creator of Compass and Sass core team member will present. [1]

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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #90 Posted: 10-Sep-2014 at 09:20

2011 - 10?4HWL -,2817,2395359,00.asp

2007 - standards support

1999 - Cascading Style Sheets: Designing for the Web by Håkon Wium Lie and Bert Bos (Addison-Wesley, $30) was written by the developers of this important advance in Web page design.

Both authors are with the World Wide Web Consortium. The book begins with an overview of HTML and then jumps right into cascading style sheets (or CSS, for short). You will find that style sheets are more complex to program than straight HTML but will give you infinitely greater control in designing your Web pages. This book will teach you all there is to know on the subject in a clearly written, logical progression of ideas. Among the things covered are fonts, structures, space, images, and colors. The authors also cover management of large numbers of Web pages, and details of cascading and inheritance for the technically inclined. To get an idea of just what CSS can do for you, check out the book’s home page with Netscape Navigator 3 (which doesn’t support CSS) and Microsoft Internet Explorer (which does). Go do it!
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #91 Posted: 10-Sep-2014 at 23:24

креативноста на оператериве навистина изненадува
Cultural notes

The ECMAScript engines used with Opera have been named after ancient and traditional writing scripts, including ancient Greek Linear A and Linear B, Runic Futhark, and Javanese Carakan.

патем оваа гачка за некоперативност која ја наведува Хакон во 2007 и 2011 веројатно се должела на многу непреспани ноќи бркајки шорткат новитети, наместо киснење по семинари и вебинари


инаку чим викерите [1] ќе тераат на html5 што па останатите, просто пополека сите ќе легнат на брашното, а веројатно и гуглерите и операторите ќе склепаат некој заеднички хтмл10

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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #92 Posted: 11-Sep-2014 at 18:45


pak se zadumav dali hand-codding ili WYSIWYG da teram do kraj, patem ova cms'oite ko drupal, joomla il wordpress[1] konechno i gi otpishav, iako so niv bi proshol najednostavno ko web'dizajner pochetnik
moram da priznaam deka kolku i da mi e jasno kako stojat rabotite, do sega osven za LP i SVG design, seushte nit za web'dizajn najdov vreme a ushte pomalku za programiranje, shto se veli dervishki ne sum imal mukaet a izgleda ni kabaet, em se dodeka mozheshe samo od umetnost da se zivee povekje i ne mi beshe potrebno, no sega vekje umetnosta ni vo muzej ne ja beri
inaku da ne e bez ich, edno 10tina godini se kanam za webiranje nalik pochni batali, a konechno izgleda i kje se nafatam zanatliski da se namakam vo nekoj web-editor

do sega najchesto bev fokusiran na drimviverot, a sega nehsto mi fakja oko da preshaltam na web+X7, verojatno posle vakov majstorlak ko web'dizajner em prethodno marketing ilustrator,fotograf,montazer kje doteram i do UX'dizajner sadejki kompiri i krastavici sred slednata svetska ekonomska kriza, ajt bar bavchata kje seti shto e kreativna volja... sepak ova preshaltuvanjevo na WPX od Dreamweaver mi e somnitelno ta neli edno e volja za uka a sosem drugo nauka, em adobe ima ogromna korisnichka zaednica a so toa i daskali i pouki, zgora na toa Adobe-DW sigurno vadi i pochisto kodiranje nego Serif-WPX chiј UI velat e nalik dtp-program [">2] iako mene viverot mi lichi ko za takov, no WPX ushte od lani mi ima ostanato v glava ko alternativa bev naletal na ova dichenjevo koe mi se vide ko zdravo [3] a koe pretpostavuvam vo sedmicata e ushte pozhilavo [4] plus ko html5 editor bi mozel utre da go koristam i poopushteno [5]

na kraj se nadevam deka nema da zavrsham na plagerski muabeti [6][7] tuku od html da prefrlam na jQuery akrobacii [8] a verojatno teshko deka kje dobacam nekogash do toa ruby-to osven ako daskalot mi e izmekjar pokukji, taman nauchna fantastika...
iako stoi i onaa pogovorkata deka "ne e vazno imeto ami kakov e 'chovekot" zad tastaturata [9][10] a za kraj kje ostane neli ona po makedonskiot kolektiven UX-recept (seZnamSeMozam / samSvojAgaSamSvojPasha) da se pogrizam i za indeksiranjeto soodvetno, iako ko shto skontav do sega so ShkLj-kod od html-editor ova e mislovna imenka, velat search endzinite ne se mirisale so razgalameni kodoi dali


ako ima nekoj korisen sovet za web dizajn ne e losho da zavrshi vo nishkava, verojatno ima i dosta korisni alatki ko ovaa

Edited by +Protagorist - 18-May-2016 at 11:25
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #93 Posted: 11-Sep-2014 at 19:15
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #94 Posted: 12-Sep-2014 at 14:26
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #95 Posted: 30-Sep-2014 at 00:33

Quantum Computing Goes Commercial; Cray Unveils GPU Super -

15.02.2009 - Quantum GPU Supercomputing

Nature has an article entitled Tunable delay of Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen entanglement. (Unfortunately, a subscription is required to go any deeper than the summary). Now, before your eyes roll completely into the back of your head, I’ll try and summarize what this is, and why this could be important. “Entanglement” is the weird quantum property that when one of two “entangled” particles are observed, both particles reveal their observed property. It doesn’t matter if the two particles are separated by light-years or a nanometer. This begets the whole “quantum teleportation” idea, where information instantly, at faster than light speed, “jumps” from one place to another. There are many different ways to entangle particles so that useful computations can be performed with them, and this constitutes part of the emerging field of Quantum Computers. The paper describes a complex way of tuning temporal delays into already-entangled light, which can be used to assist the processing of images.

There are a couple of ways this blows my mind, but here’s the punchline, in short:

“The ability to delay entangled images makes it possible to extend the intrinsic parallelism of image processing to the quantum regime.”

So we’re basically talking about “Quantum GPU computing”– three words I thought I would never string together in reaction to an article for another 20 years. What sort of image processing applications could use the benefit of quantum calculations?   Quite a few, as it turns out — but that will be subject of another post.

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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #96 Posted: 05-Oct-2014 at 21:51

ова постов колку да ја промовирам вебопедиа, патем може да се каже дека ова квантниве компјутери се налик cidr закрпа за класичните, дури неретко се претставени и ко тринарни наспроти постоечките бинарни компјутери [1] иако ова сеуште не е издржано со оглед непостојаноста на qubit-от [2] односно ко што сугерираат во првиов линк qutrit [1][2][3]

Edited by +Protagorist - 05-Oct-2014 at 22:15
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #97 Posted: 06-Oct-2014 at 02:30

1...It is interesting to see that the IPv6 Privacy Problem has still not been addressed, with people being encouraged to put their hardware serial numbers ("mac address") in their packet's address fields.


3. IPv8 and IPv16 addresses are encoded in the **right-most 64-bits** of the 128-bit DNS. The left-most 64-bits are used for transition mechanisms.
Currently the 2002:<IPv4>:: style of addressing found in modern versions of Windows allows for one IPv4 address to be used as a site-id to help transition to the IPv8 Address Space.
That is a more stable transition mechanism because people remain connected via the legacy (aging) IPv4 Internet as they evolve to a larger address space. Estimates show that there are still plenty of IPv4 addresses, and the 11 bits added via IPv8, increases the existing Internet by a factor of 2,048. In other words, a new Internet, the size of the entire IPv4 Internet could be added each year for the next 2,048 years. That is just for the added IPv8 bits which can be carefully stuffed inside of existing IPv4 headers. IPv16 increases the address space for 4,096 years. That can all happen now, and people do not have to wait. It is not a scace resource, control policy, as found in all I* society approaches to allocations.

hosting cidr:

IP Address:

subnet Websites on this IP Now:

Is Your Site Safe From Hacking On A Shared Hosting Server? -


Pros and Cons of Shared Hosting

Pros of shared hosting

1.The main advantage of shared hosting is that its price are cheap when compared to VPS and dedicated hosting which any one can afford it. All the resources in this server are shared to many users and that’s why it comes at low price. If you are a small business or finding a hosting for your personal website then this would be the right pick.

2. The next big great advantage with shared hosting is that you don’t need to worry about any technical problems with the server. All the administration and maintenances will take cared by the hosting provider which gives you a big relief.

3.The third advantage will be you don’t need any knowledge to maintain this server. Also to host your site you don’t need to administer and don’t need any knowledge with Linux.

4.Shared web hosting is user friendly in which you will get cPanel which is easy to manage your website. But not all hosting providers will serve you with cPanel.

5.It is shared sever, but you can have your email address at your own domain as well as multiple emails. Also you can have more than one database and also it will have MySQL and PHP support.

Cons of shared hosting

Shared hosting has some good advantages, now let’s see some disadvantages of shared hosting.

1.The biggest and main disadvantage of shared hosting is that you don’t have security. Since their prices are low you will have only limited features.

2.Usually site hosted with shared servers will get more problems with hacks.
Since most of the sites are in one single server some malicious activity will happen and there are chance to affect your site.

3.The third disadvantage of shared hosting is that you cannot run any other software and utilities other than provided by hosting company.

4.Since several sites are hosted in one server your site may get slow. Also a server can get overloaded and stops.

5.Moreover you cannot expect best customer support with shared hosting when compared with dedicated hosting. However all the hosting companies we listed provides 24X7 support.


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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #98 Posted: 07-Oct-2014 at 07:43

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF®)

IPv4, IPv8 and IPv16 are being developed to work together.
This requires architecture. A "flat-network" view of the world,
such as IPv6, does not require any architecture. That makes
life simple, and allows the IETF to avoid the hard problems,
which eventually have to be solved. In my opinion, the IETF
is largely the equivalent of a "street-gang" of technical "thugs"
who think they control the playground. Fortunately, more and
more people are seeing what they are all about, and just route
around them to and from other more interesting activities. I
suggest that people just route around the IETF...and maybe
they will all end up on Mars...those of us on planet Earth still
have a lot of work to do...and are not distracted by the noise
from Mars...or other parts of the IETF outerspace...

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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #99 Posted: 07-Oct-2014 at 20:09

HTML5 “WebSockets” changing into a security threat

Hyper text markup computer programming language with the newly released “Websocket API” enables users to have two-way communications. Developing these sockets from a new range of specifications, there is a great advantage in the emerging use of faster communications rather than the traditional TCP or Transmission Control Protocol. Reports citing about the news also suggest of a greater security threat that is part of the HTML5 websockets. These new devices or sockets could be easily exploited by hackers and intruders.

Common Usage

Websocket API is being used around the world for better implemented applications use and by websites. Different browsers integrate the application in a number of ways and more differently than others, but from the development basis this need not be included in a single webpage. Thus the websocket application specification indicates that a single websocket can be used at any given time for a connected state. For browsers like Chrome and Safari the webkit has only a little drawback and that is from the underlying engine that forms the basis for powering the application browser.
Specifications for the webkits connections form the message for one open new connection, before the next is issued for opening. This immediately resolves the problem for a server that does not accept connections faster, preventing the issue of DoS (Denial of Server attacks). Firefox browser does not apply the webkit specifications and utilizes at least 200 connections.
Security Issues

Malware delivery from the websockets is even more easier as the given firewall and IDS (Intrusion Detection System) do not observe on what is being delivered. Websockets API can issue a quicker and convenient look into website traffic with the unmasking of data. Even then the enhanced security is not a given assurance of performance for these sockets. Undeniably, the security hacks are finding an easy way to build their homes inside these sockets allowing (XSS) cross site scripting and man in the middle (MitMs) attacks. Many of the firewall and IPS network security devices are not informed about the websocket technology. An attacker can have access to content for websockets connections and easily initiate attacks leading to the connection becoming more vulnerable.

Websocket Protocol

Websockets API includes a two way communication between client running untrusted codes from a controlled environment to remote host from opt-in communications from the code. These follow from a set of instructions called the websocket protocol. The origin based security model is the one used by most browsers. This new protocol includes an opening handshake through basic message framing layered over the TCP. The technology achieves mechanism for browser based applications for a two way communication with servers not easily relying upon the multiple HTTP connections. The applications of this technology include games, multi-user applications with simultaneous editing, user interface that exposes server side services.

Websockets API and the protocol designed for superseding existing technologies using HTTP as a transport layer such that the existing infrastructure can gain. This technology was an initial launch to be implemented for trade-offs between efficiency and reliability since HTTP was not the supposed technology for the two-way communications.


The new websocket API build using HTML5 is integrated with HTTP technologies to work well with all HTTP ports 80 and 443 as well as proxies and intermediaries. The HTTP technology applies a simpler handshake over a dedicated port. The traffic patterns of the messaging closely match HTTP traffic and can induce unusual loads in some components.

Using websocket APIs for new gaming applications and instant messaging however has following important issues. Wire protocol has a high overhead and with the client side scripting having to maintain mapping for outgoing to incoming connection to track all replies. Also server needs to have different underlying TCP connections to each client. The Websocket API is a new design technology including good application use while the security becomes fairly weak. Utilizing the websocket protocol is the necessity for better development and design coding standards.

Edited by +Protagorist - 07-Oct-2014 at 20:34
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