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  Quote pbanks Quote  Post ReplyReply #21 Posted: 27-Sep-2009 at 21:50
Сакам само да пријавам вонсериска (барем споредено со моите претходни искуства) раздвиженост денеска на патот Скопје-Гевгелија. Особено беше густо Велес-Скопје каде скоро цело време двете ленти беа полни и имаше коли на растојание од 5-6м во просек. И тоа претежно македонски таблици, веројатно >75%. Навистина е штета што немаме понов инфо за ПГДС за да не мора вака да изигруваме гатачи и да пренесуваме банални вести од ракав.
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  Quote Cloverstack Quote  Post ReplyReply #22 Posted: 27-Sep-2009 at 22:35
Требало да спукаш по некоја фотка  Yes
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  Quote Cloverstack Quote  Post ReplyReply #23 Posted: 09-Jan-2010 at 16:37
Податоци и проекции за бројот на лесни и тешки возила поединечно, за делницата Куманово-Табановце

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  Quote pbanks Quote  Post ReplyReply #24 Posted: 09-Jan-2010 at 16:38

Па ова е мизерија, зборуваме за толку извиканиот коридор 10.
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  Quote Cloverstack Quote  Post ReplyReply #25 Posted: 09-Jan-2010 at 16:46
Сепак подобро од овој податок:


Инаку треба да се земе во предвид дека се работи за „погранична“ делница, каде што по правило сообраќајот паѓа. Сигурно бројките за Миладиновци-Куманово или Петровец-Велес се значително поголеми.

Не дека статискитава не е мизерија, тука си сосема во право, но ај да речеме помала мизерија...

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  Quote Мартин Quote  Post ReplyReply #26 Posted: 09-Jan-2010 at 16:52
На што се должи малиот број на патници? Очекував проекциите да бидат многу повисоки во наредните години барем по должина на Коридор 10, како последица од либерализацијата на визниот режим за Македонија и Србија.Dunno
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  Quote Cloverstack Quote  Post ReplyReply #27 Posted: 09-Jan-2010 at 16:57
За проекциите особено имам резерви, уште повеќе ако се производ на нашите институции. Едноставно, нивната неспособност била демонстрирана толку уверливо во толку многу наврати, што засега навистина не би се потпирал премногу на нив.

Edited by Cloverstack - 09-Jan-2010 at 16:57
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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #28 Posted: 08-Jul-2011 at 12:32

Коридор X 

Во Република Македонија, соодветниот дел од коридорот X се поклопува со националниот пат M-1 (меѓународна ознака E-75), кој минува низ територијата во насока север-југ. На територијата на Македонија, обемот на сообраќај на пан-европскиот коридор X изнесува просечно околу 5.065 возила дневно. За 2007 се предвидува намалување на обемот за 7% (прогнозата на AADT е 4.744 возила дневно). Во периодот од 2008-2012 се предвидува годишно зголемување на обемот на сообраќај за 5%, со достигнување до 6.315 возила дневно во 2012. Од 2013 до 2019 се предвидува годишен пораст на обемот за 4% (прогнозата за 2019 е 8.387 возила дневно), а од 2020 до 2025 предвидената годишна стапка на развој на обемот на сообраќај е 3% годишно, со што ќе се дојде до бројка од 10.164 возила дневно.

од страна 19 до 69 се табеларни  анекси... 

Corridor X

Present average annual daily traffic of 15,000 is set to increase at 6% per annum to over 20,000 and to 40,000 by 2020. The E-75 is mostly four lane motorway, tolled in Croatia, Serbia and Macedonia. A high proportion (25%) of it is regional or international [15]

In the Republic of Macedonia, the relevant part of the Corridor X is in concordance with National road M-1 (international mark E-75), which crosses the territory in direction North-South. Within the territory of Macedonia, the traffic volume on the Pan-European Corridor X is encountered at average of 5.065 vehicles per day [16]

For the 2007 is foreseen decrease in traffic volume of 7% (foreseen AADT is 4.744 vehicles per day. In the period 2008-2012 is foreseen increase in traffic volume of 5% per annum, reaching AADT of 6.315 vehicles per day for year 2012. Since year 2013 up to year 2019 the increase is foreseen to be of 4% per annum (AADT for year 2019 is 8.387 vehicles per day), and from year 2020 up to year 2025 the foreseen annual rate of traffic volume progress is 3% per annum, reaching the value of AADT-10.164 vehicles per day.

од страна 133  до 152  се табеларни анекси... 

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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #29 Posted: 08-Jul-2011 at 12:45
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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #30 Posted: 01-Aug-2011 at 22:23

мислам фали уште   една варијабила,   цена на гориво LOL но можеби со К-8 бројките драстично ќе се сменат заради скопскиот аеродром и карго транспортот од албанија кон исток... 

The forecast of road traffic in Republic of Macedonia is very limited by deficiency of viable data concerning traffic in road network, and very limited availability of data about transport traffic. It could be judicious to refer a traffic forecast in the REBIS (Regional Balkans 
Infrastructure Study - Transport)
final report. In this report, the forecasts are based on data of current traffic levels obtained from local authorities, and on the GDP and demographic 
forecasts to year 2025.

According to GDP forecast growth, three scenarios are considered for the period 2006-2025:

- high scenario with 6,00% GDP growth,
- moderate scenario with 4,25% GDP growth, and
- low scenario with 2,50% GDP growth.

In the same period population should be increased for 0,5% for all scenarios. Two models are considered to forecast road freight transport and passenger cars transport express by AADT (Average Annual Daily Traffic). The model for forecasts of traffic is based of elasticity between traffic, GDP, population and level of car ownership growth. The results of forecast models give follower previsions: the growth of road passenger cars traffic (AADT) in the moderate scenario is 207% and for the trucks and busses is 222% for the period 2001-2025

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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #31 Posted: 03-Aug-2011 at 17:30
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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #32 Posted: 05-Aug-2011 at 01:56
Skopje Bypass Traffic load: over 12.000 vehicles AADT
по највисоко сценарио 12.000 е предвидувањето и за К-10 до 2020 [1]   

Edited by Max - 16-Aug-2011 at 13:08
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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #33 Posted: 16-Aug-2011 at 18:31

Road Traffic Data: Collection Methods and Applications


Methods for calculating AADT are generally based on data information resulting from two types of counts: permanent automatic traffic counts and short-period traffic counts. A combination of these two measurements is generally employed to obtain an AADT estimate over a larger road network as described below: 

• First, permanent automatic traffic recording stations provide continuous counting of the traffic on selected roads (mostly on highways) for the entire year. The advantage is to offer traffic counts that are typically recorded in 15 minute or hourly intervals, 7 days a week and 365 days a year intervals. It thus enables a finer level of analysis and a more accurate annual average than short-term counts. Permanent automatic traffic recorder is the only way to provide exact AADT values (when used under perfect conditions). 

• Secondly, short-term traffic counts (also called seasonal, portable or coverage counts) provide roadway segment-specific traffic count information on a cyclical basis for a large number of road segments. The collection data period typically ranges from 1 to 7 days where data are recorded in 15 min or hourly intervals. Due to differences in day-to-day variation in the traffic flow, the count duration is dependant on the road on which it is located e.g. rural or urban. In order to minimize this variation, the minimum requirements could be fixed for instance at 48-hours of continuous data for rural counts and 24-hours of continuous data for urban counts. Furthermore, special attention must be paid to count sites locations so as to improve the data accuracy.


In Europe, the UNECE [UNECE05] conducts road traffic censuses every five years. The methodology recommended for the 2005 census is available on the UNECE website
They recommend three types of methods for providing AADT (for the year 2005): 

• Continuous traffic counts for the entire year;
• Short-term traffic counts;
• A combination of both measurements (sampling methods).

It was also mentioned that "in certain exceptional cases, AADT may be determined without
counting, based on previous counts or on counts on adjoining sections of the same road."


2 Road traffic data collection methods: an overview 
2.1 Conventional "in-situ" technologies

Broadly speaking, "in-situ" technologies refer to traffic data measured by the means of detectors located along the roadside. Generally, traffic count technologies can be split into two categories: the intrusive and non-intrusive methods. The intrusive methods basically consist of a data recorder and a sensor placing on or in the road. They have been employed for many years and the most important ones are briefly described hereafter: 

Pneumatic road tubes: rubber tubes are placed across the road lanes to detect vehicles from pressure changes that are produced when a vehicle tyre passes over the tube. The pulse of air that is created is recorded and processed by a counter located on the side of the road. The main drawback of this technology is that it has limited lane coverage and its efficiency is subject to weather, temperature and traffic conditions. This system may also not be efficient in measuring low speed flows. 
Piezoelectric sensors: the sensors are placed in a groove along roadway surface of the lane(s) monitored. The principle is to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. Indeed, mechanical deformation of the piezoelectric material modifies the surface charge density of the material so that a potential difference appears between the electrodes. The amplitude and frequency of the signal is directly proportional to the degree of deformation. This system can be used to measure weight and speed. 
Magnetic loops: it is the most conventional technology used to collect traffic data. The loops are embedded in roadways in a square formation that generates a magnetic field. The information is then transmitted to a counting device placed on the side of the road. This has a generally short life expectancy because it can be damaged by heavy vehicles, but is not affected by bad weather conditions. This technology has been widely deployed in Europe (and elsewhere) over the last decades. However, the implementation and maintenance costs can be expensive. 
Non-intrusive techniques are based on remote observations. Even if manual counting is the most used method, new technologies have recently emerged which seem very promising:

Manual counts: it is the most traditional method. In this case trained observers gather traffic data that cannot be efficiently obtained through automated counts e.g. vehicle occupancy rate, pedestrians and vehicle classifications. The most common equipments used are tally sheet, mechanical count boards and electronic count board systems. 
Passive and active infra-red: the presence, speed and type of vehicles are detected based on the infrared energy radiating from the detection area. The main drawbacks are the performance during bad weather, and limited lane coverage.  
Passive magnetic: magnetic sensors are fixed under or on top of the roadbed. They count the number of vehicles, their type and speed. However, in operating conditions the sensors have difficulty differentiating between closely spaced vehicles.  
Microwave radar: this technology can detect moving vehicles and speed (Doppler radar). It records count data, speed and simple vehicle classification and is not affected by weather conditions.
Ultrasonic and passive acoustic: these devices emit sound waves to detect vehicles by measuring the time for the signal to return to the device. The ultrasonic sensors are placed over the lane and can be affected by temperature or bad weather. The passive acoustic devices are placed alongside the road and can collect vehicle counts, speed and classification data. They can also be affected by bad weather conditions (e.g. low temperatures, snow). 
Video image detection: video cameras record vehicle numbers, type and speed by means of different video techniques e.g. trip line and tracking. The system can be sensitive to meteorological conditions.


Edited by Max - 16-Aug-2011 at 18:35
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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #34 Posted: 22-Aug-2011 at 00:02

ако неофицијалнава информација е точна, 1.4м. евра отишле  за проста проценка на AADT, но поверојатно е дека таа сума отишла за повеќе инфраструктурни стдии од консултантот 

А што се случи со фамозната студија што ја изработи француската консултантска куќа Луј Берже за економската оправданост на проектот “Концесија на патишта“? Владата плати 1,4 милиони евра за оваа студија, а јавноста никогаш официјално не дозна, всушност, што советувале Французите. Неофицијално пак, се шпекулира дека препораките за концесијата на патиштата биле дека тој модел нема да оди баш најмазно поради недоволниот проток на возила, што на евентуалните концесионери ќе им обезбеди профит од патарините.

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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #35 Posted: 22-Aug-2011 at 17:16

ПДГС е варијабилна работа особено по сезони, па така хрватите мерат и ПДЛС (просечен дневен летен сообраќај односно) ASDT (стр.26) така во Хрватска на К-10 во лето имаат и до 50% поголем дневен сообраќај во однос на останатите сезони 

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  Quote Cloverstack Quote  Post ReplyReply #36 Posted: 22-Aug-2011 at 22:47
Да, кај некои од хрватските автопати вообичаениот летен наплив е навистина импресивен, ама си земал погрешен автопат за пример  Smile
Еве на пример на некои делници од главната туристичка артерија А1 е многу поизразен:
Substantial variations observed between AADT and ASDT are normally attributed to the fact that the motorway carries significant tourist traffic. The seasonal increase traffic volume variations ranges 69% on the busiest, Lučko–Jastrebarsko section to 160% as measured on Sveti Rok–Maslenica section. The summer season traffic volume increase on the motorway is 120%

Ваквите големи варијации се прилично незгодни и се практично нерешлив проблем за правилно димензионирање на автопатот и пропратната инфраструктура. Во зима слаб сообраќај кој на некои делници воопшто не оправдува изградба на автопат, а во лето збиени колони на истите тие делници.

Edited by Cloverstack - 22-Aug-2011 at 22:53
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  Quote OCB Quote  Post ReplyReply #37 Posted: 09-Sep-2011 at 17:07

Извор: Државен завод за статистика
Публикација: 20 години независна Македонија
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  Quote jyvation Quote  Post ReplyReply #38 Posted: 12-Jan-2015 at 13:15

Ова е извадок од правилник на Србија.

извор:Комора на овластени архитекти и овластени инженери на Република Македонија
списание Пресинг

Edited by jyvation - 12-Jan-2015 at 13:16
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  Quote jyvation Quote  Post ReplyReply #39 Posted: 12-Jan-2015 at 13:21
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  Quote Cloverstack Quote  Post ReplyReply #40 Posted: 30-May-2018 at 12:55

Бројките не секаде се гледаат точно, но и само боите даваат добра слика за обемот на сообраќај по македонските патишта.

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