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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #281 Posted: 25-May-2016 at 16:51

вака видено за науката астрофизиката во целина е налик на сеирџија кој случајно начекал некоја блог-архива и по истата штрака озбилно [1][2][3][4][5] а дури и да разбира доста од пишаното ем да има суер способност за навигација и склепување мозаици сепак нема да има воопшто претстава зошто навистина нешто таму е пуштено постои и кој се како влијаел за истото да види бел ден, така да егзактноста апропо сите релации земајте ја со резерва, животот е убав и кога е целосно обвиен во мистерија, а науката убава кога нема чаламот или инатот да ги фрли претпорти како неприкосновен газда, пардон научниците бидејки секоја една наука сама по себе претежно нема вообличен карактер туку истиот и го придаваат научниците

нејсе, за да не ми е досадно на научниците секогаш изнаоѓаат начин како да се опуштат [1] а што би рекол Шуле и по малку да одлетаат мислам во слободно време [2][3] не дека тоа е погрешно напротив и неопходно да не кршам клечки, кој истражува нека истражува кој истражил истраженото нека го израдува ако не го ослободи ...

иако е повеќе за во нишката ОЕ сепак, најново нешто што ме изненади, а кое би им помогнало на астрофизичарите да изгланцаат видот и пошироко, во однос огледалцата (а можеби и неколку поста поназад теоријата за млака вода во ладна фритеза) е нивното затегање односно асиметрично растегнување ...
NASA Exploring Freeform Optics for Compact Space Telescopes

GREENBELT, Md., Nov. 6, 2015 — Freeform optics technology allows telescope mirrors to take almost any shape, potentially improving image quality over a larger field of view.

Prompted by advances in computer-controlled fabrication and testing, NASA engineers are now using freeform optics to explore cost-effective alternatives to more traditional space telescope missions, such as CubeSats and other small satellites.

"If you want to put these telescopes into a smaller box, you need to let the mirrors bend like a potato chip," said Joseph Howard, an optical engineer at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

Telescopes have traditionally used rotationally symmetric optics (top). Freeform optics (like the one at bottom) take asymmetrical shapes and are being investigated for use in space-based instruments. Courtesy of NASA.

Traditional two-mirror telescopes consist of a primary light-gathering mirror and smaller, secondary mirrors, which relay the incoming light and direct it onto a detector. The rotationally symmetric (i.e., round) mirrors need to be aligned along the axis of the system to reduce optical aberrations that produce blurry images.

Asymmetric mirrors produced using freeform optics can better correct for these aberrations to provide a larger usable field of view, as well as dramatically reduce the light path, or package size.

As part of their research effort, Howard and Goddard engineer Garrett West evaluated the optical system of a coastal measurement instrument originally equipped with nine symmetrical mirrors. By replacing the mirrors with freeform optics, they reduced the size the mirrors and decreased their number to six, shrinking the telescope's overall packaging more than tenfold.

Next year, the team plans to continue testing a two-mirror instrument, which includes a 3D-printed freeform mirror. With this additive manufacturing technique, a computer-controlled laser melts material in precise locations as indicated by computer-aided design. Because the mirror will be constructed layer by layer, it will be possible to construct a mirror with any shape.

The technology could prove to be game-changing for a number of future missions, including instruments for imaging exoplanets. Howard and West have established the Freeform Optics Research Group Endeavor to oversee freeform optics research carried out by private industry under NASA's Small Business Innovative Research program and Goddard scientists and engineers.

Edited by +Protagorist - 26-May-2016 at 08:00
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #282 Posted: 26-May-2016 at 08:00

да не мрморам и понатака со резигнаторски или сеирџиски тон апропо астралната математика, кој сум јас да и ги оспорувам чифтијаните, но потајно би сакал релативниот тренд кај истата да се антирелативизира, мислам претераа, не е ни веќе интересно одреден рудиментиран постулат ем екс-нихило толку силно да се закорави како меинстрим резонанца во колективната свест кај земнава наука, што би рекол еден познаник ~ сиромашноста на умот повеќе се манифестира на 'понапредните" степени, па целиот систем се одржува со прилично јаки социјални стеги!

практично релативитетот на ајнштајн како теорија, би ја споредил духовно пример со дијанетиката на хабард, додека квантичарите со јаинистите, а може да се каже стрингерите со христијаните, и колку и да се недоветни ваквите споредби она што сакам да укажам е дека Лавиринтот во кој главиме (чим си дозволиме да бркаме некое знаење) е лавиринт на мозокот ~ зар не е толку убаво набрекнат со вијуги ~ иако потсвесно сите знаеме дека постои одредена универзална вистина, која за нас Христијаните еспасение и излезпреку Христа од сите овие милиони и милиони празни комбинации од уметност и наука, да неречам стапици, бидејки преку истите доколку погледот со свеста односно душата не ни е насочен кон повисоки стадиуми на слобода освен земните вибрации и пориви чинам навистина ни ја заглавува шансата за слобода ~ иако упорноста секогаш се исплати, она што го велам горе како христијанска анегдота кој бара и ќе најде, да го цитирам уштееднаш намерниот познаник ~ понекогаш целосна посветеност (целосно предавање, бахти) води во просветленост, баш како и знаењето (џнана), барем така викаат хинду пријателчињата, а според нив и Христијанството е бахти тип на религија ... така и со се' само разликата е во плодовите, та зар секоја градина е убава а уште помалку вкусна, е сега кај астрофизиката има многу што вкусно бар заочите и онашто електрооптички можеме во ум да го прибереме, но споредено религиски зар само фреските се се' она што ќе не возвиши до степен на соѕерцание, не тука е пред се поењето односно молитвата Господи Помилуј ем личната а потем особено и колективната литургиската  ... налик она што се 'конечно' изведените равенки за астрофизичарите тоа се молитвите за христијаните ... само што резултатот е светлосни години различен во научниот ефект, видено обострано, едните се надеваат со истиот да колонизираат некоја нова планета а другите некое ново Небо Димензија Живот надежта нели послена умира, само што кај религиозно определените научници па и лаици истата веќе е и посведочена и со Чуда и со Пророштва и со Благодат а оние за кои истите претставуваат суеверна појава би им порачал земете учество во некоја наука та сетне судете колку и дали истата е делотворна, иако многу веруваат дека само со влегување и стоење во Црква разбрале се' и јасно можат да полемизираат дури и за догматски постулати, нека одат така со едно сапнување во опсерваторија нека им паламудат на научниците дека проекциите а не пак математиката им е грешна ... просто човечката површност денес е налик гравитациона константа!

ејгиди, ако дојде време и генетиката да ја гледаме со духовни очи [2][3] хм кај ќе ни е крајот, дали, но и оние кои гледаат приземно галактички нема да згрешат бидејки ќе се израдуваат на создаденото и како и колку истото успева да профункционира или да функционира, иако сеуште недошол денот со истото да манипулираат ко тоа што го прави генетиката на микро ниво, туку пред се' набљудуваат и набљудуваното го тимарат, макар што некој ќе рече дека со харп успеваат локално нешто да потчепнат, но ве уверувам има духовници кои не само земјава ами со сонцето си играат ~ некој сакајки некој најслучајно а некој и намерно зависно како кога кое расположение ги стрефило, односно ги стрефува, но да не ја ширам еве да се задржиме на астрофизичките соѕерцанија натака ... 

она N-того сменив со C бидејки кај америте речиси и да нема веќе ништо од национално заради то корпоративното та еве и соодветна аналогија

Understanding Our Universe, The Future of Photonics Is Written in the Stars

We have long looked to the stars and wondered what was out there, but only in the past 50 years have we traveled to the moon. Now, the continuing development of light-based technologies — from on-chip spectrometers to laser communications systems — will allow us to explore ever-farther reaches of space.

Since cASA was established nearly 60 years ago, the average person’s understanding of the universe has grown, thanks to the efforts of untold numbers of scientists, researchers, engineers and others around the world. From America's first image of the moon — taken by cASA’s Ranger 7 spacecraft in 1964 — to the remarkably clear pictures of Pluto’s cratered, mountainous and glacial terrains — acquired by the New Horizons spacecraft within the last year — optics and photonics technologies are bringing us ever closer to the planets in our own solar system and all that lies beyond.

Global stereo mapping of Pluto’s surface is now possible, as images taken from multiple directions are downlinked from cASA’s New Horizons spacecraft.

Measuring stellar atmospheres

Today, light-based technologies are helping to improve our understanding of the universe. One such technology — optical spectrometry — is playing a role, according to Francesco Marsili, a microdevices engineer at cASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. It has allowed engineers to measure the spectral content of a beam of light — specifically, how many photons of a certain color it contains.

“Applying this technique to astronomy, we’re able to gain a formidable amount of information about the universe, for instance by measuring what elements stars and planetary atmospheres contain and at which temperature and pressure they are,” he said. “Astronomy and photonics are now merging in the field of astrophotonics, which aims at using photonics to enhance astronomical instruments.”

This could mean that bulky free-space-coupled spectrometers may be replaced by miniaturized fiber-coupled, on-chip spectrometers.

Dark, narrow streaks on Martian slopes such as these at Hale Crater are inferred to be formed by seasonal flow of water on present-day Mars. Photo courtesy of cASA.

Hamamatsu Photonics KK in Japan has also been working with optical detection and sensing relating to aerospace. Koei Yamamoto, director of the company’s Solid State Division, said they are investigating low light-level detection in wavelengths that extend into the infrared. They have already developed — in conjunction with the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), Osaka University and Kyoto University — CCD image sensors for use in the Hyper Suprime-Cam, which is an ultrawide field of view prime focus camera installed in the Subaru Telescope. Subaru is an 8.2-meter optical infrared telescope positioned at Mauna Kea, Hawaii, and operated by NAOJ, an association under Japan’s National Institutes of Natural Sciences.

Hamamatsu also developed and manufactured an optical sensor for the cASA Hayabusa (formerly Muses-C) mission, which was used to observe the surface condition of the Itokawa asteroid using light. According to Yamamoto, work such as this will drive the future of space exploration.

“New photonics technology is continuously required for research in this infinite space,” he said.

Live streaming from Mars

The dream of exploring Mars continues to captivate astronomers and engineers. cASA rovers are already on the Red Planet examining its surface and producing amazing images. However, further study will require updated communications systems incorporating optics technologies.

“The achievement that I am most excited to see in my lifetime is human exploration of Mars,” Marsili said. “Human exploration will rely on optical communications, which can support tens of times higher data rates than radio communications. With optical communications we could live stream from Mars.”

“Think of the pictures we are getting from the Mars rover,” he said. “Why are we not getting videos? The data rate that the [existing] DSN [Deep Space Network] can support is too low.”

cASA took an important step toward such innovation in 2013 when it demonstrated optical communication beyond Earth’s orbit with the Lunar Laser Communication Demonstration (LLCD). In it, the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) spacecraft orbiting the Moon was able to downlink data to two receiver terminals using a laser beam.

Today, cASA communicates with its spacecraft primarily via radio waves, and the DSN relies on large antenna arrays around the globe. But engineers are working to switch to optical frequencies instead, which Marsili said will increase the data rate of the communication links. He compared the impending improvement to the difference between dial-up and high-speed Internet. What will become an optical DSN in the future will rely on technology such as lasers mounted to the spacecraft that are pointed at optical telescopes on Earth to downlink data.

Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. also cited laser communications as an important tool for understanding the universe. The Colorado-based company has developed and manufactured light-based components for many cASA initiatives, including Landsat 8, the Hubble Space Telescope, the New Horizons mission, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, the Kepler/K2 mission and the James Webb Space Telescope. Their work with space exploration and Earth imaging has been recognized twice by the Colorado Photonics Industry Association.

“With the huge quantities of data from missions that are going farther and farther away from the Earth, we need higher bandwidth communications systems,” said Chip Barnes, chief engineer for the Ball Aerospace Civil Space business unit.

Advancing such communications systems will require development of optics and photonics technologies both on spacecraft and in ground terminals, according to Marsili.

But improving photonic technologies to better understand our universe doesn’t end there. Marsili says the future of space exploration will require not only advanced communications systems, but also more efficient lasers, vibration isolation systems, large-dish telescopes and single-photon detectors. He currently is developing ground receiver single-photon detectors that he says “are the most sensitive light detectors to date.”

Ball Aerospace has designed and manufactured many optical components for cASA, including the 18 beryllium primary mirror segments, secondary and tertiary mirrors, a fine steering mirror and several engineering development units for the James Webb Space Telescope, according to Barnes.

The Ralph camera is prepared for vibration testing to measure the instrument’s response to the launch of cASA’s New Horizons spacecraft on the mission to explore Pluto. White wires attached to Ralph’s detectors lead to accelerometers that will measure vibrations within the instrument. Photo courtesy of Ball Aerospace.

Technologies for exploration

Ball Aerospace has had a hand in cASA’s New Horizons mission that is exploring Pluto, by designing and building the Ralph camera installed on the New Horizons spacecraft. Ralph features seven charge-coupled devices and an infrared array detector, all of which provide color and black-and-white maps of the planet’s surface with a resolution of 250 meters (800 feet) per pixel. It is coupled with Alice, an ultraviolet imaging spectrometer created by the Southwest Research Institute in Texas — a device designed to image ultraviolet emissions and provide spectral images in the extreme- and far-ultraviolet passbands. The Ralph/Alice imaging system can also map the presence of nitrogen, methane, carbon monoxide, water and other materials across the surface of Pluto.

Together, these “honeymooners” are bringing us far beyond the moon, producing the closest, clearest images ever obtained of the dwarf planet.

Ball Aerospace also built the HiRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which operates in visible wavelengths with a telescopic lens, producing images at resolutions “never before seen in planetary exploration missions,” according to cASA. HiRISE works at near-infrared wavelengths, as well, studying mineral groups that exist on the Mars surface. From as high as 400 km (about 250 miles), the camera acquires high-resolution images of layered materials, gullies and channels, and is identifying potential future landing sites.

The HiRISE camera, built by Ball Aerospace, is installed on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and currently providing the images of predicted and unknown features on the Mars surface. Photo courtesy of Ball Aerospace.

“There is nothing more inspiring than the photographs,” Barnes said. “[And we can see things like] black holes by observing the impacts of photons around them.”

Space exploration and our understanding of the universe will continue to grow, thanks to the development of light-based technologies, Marsili said. An increasing number of discoveries in space have been made possible by optical techniques, including discoveries of exoplanets (planets orbiting other stars in our galaxy) and their properties. These can be detected and understood with optics technologies — from infrared, UV and visible imaging systems to spectrometers, telescopes and single-photon detectors — as they measure the periodic dimming in the starlight that happens when an exoplanet passes in front of a star.

Marsili may get his wish to see human exploration of Mars. Courtesy of cASA’s Orion spacecraft and its advanced optical systems, Mars is expected to get visitors within the next 10 years. The agency plans to send a crew there aboard the Orion in 2021.

Photonics technologies also extend beyond studying planets. Advancements could ultimately determine if there is life beyond Earth, something that Barnes and his team are eager to explore. But for now, there is an entire universe of information yet to be gathered and examined, and photonics is taking the front seat on the spacecraft.

Edited by +Protagorist - 26-May-2016 at 08:08
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #283 Posted: 28-May-2016 at 00:08


Originally posted by +Protagorist

не тука е пред се поењето односно молитвата   ...

проштевајте  уште еден мрмр не ќе е на лошо в нишкава   а сакајки да го дообјаснам постот претходно што посоодветно ... 

... та ако нешто би ги довело астрофизичарите приближно  до степен на религиска мелозвучност тоа е најнапред  целосно препознавање на  тоновите  и звуците ... а на кои потем би извеле и некоја кодифицирана скала на разбирања за космичките тактови и мелодии, да се надеваме дека еден ден и нашиот Шуле или некој шулуван наследник би станал идин астрофизички Јован Кукузел иако не ми се верува дека како наука астрофизиката некогаш ќе даде конечен одговор на човечката дилема за  и околу смислата на постанокот и постоењето како на природата така и на човекот, но тоа незначи дека не би ни приуштила да чуеме убави космички мелодии а можеби и по некоја и да интерпретира ~ доколку успее да ги убеди луѓето дека земјата има потенцијал да испраќа убави љубовни резонанци, нели доколку народите некако се сплотат во мир и соживот, нешто што се додека е капитализмот нели не  е ни возможно, но не и недофатливо, нормално вит литл хелп фром д френдс ...

него да чуеме до каде е штимањето на тоновите и ловењето на звуците ... нивното визуелизирање ... ненамерното опструирање ... 


Originally posted by Max

односно поставен е првиот универзален нискофреквентен телескоп Lofar, повеќе инфо на блогот кај астро-физичарот ни - во кратки црти, глобален почеток на скенирање на ниски фреквенции што досега не е масовно правено, та му доаѓа како нешто имав добро авто, добро гориво, добар пат, но штом закачив тоа нитрото (она мало боциче што додава троа азот и кислород во моторот) е тогаш се изненадив колку ситна работа многу нешта менува, почнувајќи од седиштето и воланот! 
... [1][2]

on the world's largest radio telescope LOFAR (Low Frequency Array), one of 7,000 small antennas existing radio telescope is doing astronomical research in the frequency range between 10 and 240 MHz ... it is a range  in which can be examined  some cosmic magnetic  fields that occurred in the "dark ages" of the universe, the time of the so-called reionisation ... [1] [1]

Radio interferometric imaging constitutes a strong ill-posed inverse problem. In addition, the next generation radio telescopes, such as the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) and the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), come with an additional direction-dependent effects which impacts the image restoration. In the compressed sensing framework, we used the analysis and synthesis formulation of the problem and we solved it using proximal algorithms. A simple version of our method has been implemented within the LOFAR imager and has been validated on simulated and real LOFAR data. It demonstrated its capability to super-resolve radio sources, to provide correct photometry of point sources in a large field of view and image extended emissions with enhanced quality as compared to classical deconvolution methods. One extension of our method is to use the temporal information of the data to build a 2D-1D sparse imager enabling the detection of transient sources. [1]

On the opening day I presented the first low-frequency limit on the rate of Fast Radio Bursts (recently published as Coenen, van Leeuwen et al. 2014 ). Those bursts, very recently discovered, originate from deep in the Universe, and are very much not understood. The limit is a result of the two LOFAR pilot surveys, which were largely processed on the large grid-compute cluster, operated by SURFsara and part of the European Grid Infrastructure coordinated by Finding more of these bursts is one of the major goals of SKA; and my presentation made clear we can process such data on the Grid. My colleague Jason Hessels then presented the current tally of 11 (!) new LOFAR pulsar discoveries, all made possible through the large grid storage facility. 

Today, the instrumentation setup and science results of several other ongoing projects were presented. One project that struck me in particular is RAPID by the Haystack Observatory at MIT. That is a set
of easily deployable, self-powered, self-contained, low-frequency antennas, that will process their downstream data, through OODT , on the Grid.

Overall this meeting shows that while the data and compute demands for SKA remain challenging, the pathfinder telescopes are succeeding well. [1]


Edited by +Protagorist - 28-May-2016 at 00:18
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #284 Posted: 29-May-2016 at 02:40


HALO Solar Radar (HAARP + LOFAR)

LOFAR is the Low Frequency Array for radio astronomy, built by the Netherlands astronomical foundation ASTRON and operated by ASTRON’s radio observatory. LOFAR will be the largest connected radio telescope ever built, using a new concept based on a vast array of omni-directional antennas. … LOFAR was officially opened on 12 June 2010 by Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands. Regular observations started in December 2012. [6]

The possibility that the ionosphere could be modified by powerful radio waves was first noted by Ginzburg and Gurevich [1]. The early theoretical work concentrated on the heating caused by the powerful radio wave, but later the emphasis gradually changed to plasma instabilities, turbulence, and plasma structuring. The first ionospheric modification facility was built in 1961 near Moscow, Russia, followed by facilities in Colorado, in Puerto Rico, at several additional sites in the former Soviet Union, in Norway, and in Alaska. AIT is currently being studied at research facilities located at middle (Sura, Russia) and high (EISCAT, Norway; HAARP and HIPAS, Alaska, USA) latitudes. In addition, a low latitude facility (Arecibo, Puerto Rico, USA) was active until 1998 and is now being rebuilt. Under construction in Europe is the huge LOFAR (Low Frequency Array), financed by the Dutch government. This 10–240 MHz radio telescope is of a new digital type which ensures maximum flexibility and cost effectiveness, allowing it to become the world’s largest and most efficient instrument for low-frequency radio studies of space. LOFAR is being supplemented by a likewise digital and cost effective infrastructure in Southern Sweden called LOIS (LOFAR Outrigger in Scandinavia). [7]

Of particular interest is to use LOFAR in combination with so called ionospheric HF interaction facilities. Such facilities are relatively simple to build, using commercially available HF radio transmitters and antennas. Existing systems today include the high-latitude facilities HAARP and HIPAS, Alaska, and EISCAT/Heating (Tromso), Norway, and the mid-latitude Sura facility, Russia.
For nearly 30 years, a low-latitude facility was available at the Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico. A few years ago it was destroyed in a hurricane. There are now advanced plans to build a new HF interaction facility at Arecibo. Similar facilities have been proposed for equatorial latitudes both in Africa and in Asia.

We emphasize that a major objective for the future space physics is to further investigate into the possibility that human activities near the Earth may give rise to hitherto unidentified anthropogenic effects. [8]

These experiments are the tip of a very large iceberg. Even though HAARP’s future may be in jeopardy, new Sky Heaters like the 10 megawatt EISCAT 3D upgrade to the Tromso heater are on the not-to-distant horizon. Welcome to the wild word of science non-fiction. [9]


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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #285 Posted: 29-May-2016 at 11:33

сега и кинезите ќе им се приклучат ...

Building the world's largest radio telescope -

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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #286 Posted: 14-Jun-2016 at 08:50
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #287 Posted: 16-Jun-2016 at 09:11

прав во очи околу вистинските мотиви за поголемиот број антени


посебно ако се знае дека вонземен живот има насекаде околу нас, односно дека сите нешта околу нас (па и мртвата природа) се жива свесна работа, матрикс на ~ постоење, комуникација и коегзистенција кој ретко го гледаме и во СФ-филмовите, веројатно заради помалку таласање преку блокбастерите, идеја добро закачена со сајматикс поназад [1] [1]

From a philosophical point of view, we have no experience of inanimate objects attaining consciousness on a level similar to humans, but this view can be biased because we are essentially using our own consciousness to assume the pseudo-scientific basis of consciousness, which might as well work in the reverse.

If we are to follow the line of argument that we ourselves have no conscious and reality is a skewed illusion of our own making, we would be aggrandizing a claim for inanimate consciousness than extends beyond rocks, but entities that fall under similar classifications of life/non-life that cannot project their consciousness onto human life (hence why we have had no experience of rocks expressing their consciousness to human beings).

There is no knowing whether or not rocks, plants or naturally occurring objects have a consciousness because that is beyond the realm of human knowledge. We can philosophize rocks having consciousness and being aware of its surroundings because we have no means to reject the possibility of us being the imaginative figments of rocks and that we are no more conscious than a mouse pad.

But since the official term for 'consciousness' requires there to be a relationship between the mind and body, we would have to establish the existence of a 'mind'. And even if you have established the existence of a mind, you would have to have that mind express the fact that it has a mind and the ability to use that mind for wakefulness, feeling and acquire a sense of self-hood. All of these are impossible to establish unless the rock can consciously express itself to human beings, paired with the fact that it's not biologically 'living' and cannot exact all/most life-processes, it's likely, from a logical/scientific point of view, that rocks do not have consciousness. [1]

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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #288 Posted: 21-Jun-2016 at 01:20

еве интереен текст кој упатува на тоа дека сите сме туѓинци сред туѓина сред ова труманово интермецо


чудно за Дипак Чопра имам само слушано, а скоро и ништо да немам прочитано, иако има прилично извикани наслови, а само знам дека думите му се ко на Фритјоф Капра [1]

но ме изненади текстов, иако не е за изненадување ако се има предвид неговото индиско потекло според кое од деца ги учат дека Свеста е Универзум
The philosophical systems that arose in India early on were meant to help one to find clues to the nature of consciousness. It was recognized that a complementarity existed between different approaches to reality, present-ing contradictory perspectives. That is why philosophies of logic (ny¯aya) andphysics (vaises.ika), cosmology and self (s¯a ˙nkhya) and psychology (yoga), and language (mim¯am. sa) and reality (ved¯anta) were grouped together in pairs.

The system of S¯a˙nkhya considered a representation of matter and mind indifferent enumerative categories. The actual analysis of the physical worldwas continued outside of the cognitive tradition of S¯a˙nkhya in the sistersystem of Vaises.ika, that deals with further characteristics of the gross ele-ments. The atomic doctrine of Vaises.ika can be seen to be an extension ofthe method of counting in terms of categories and relationships. The realityin itself was taken to be complex, continuous and beyond logical explana-tion. However, its representation in terms of the gross elements like space,mass (earth), energy (fire) and so on that are cognitively apprehendable, can be analyzed in discrete categories leading to atomicity.

The cosmology of S¯a˙nkhya [1][2] is really a reflection of the development of the mind, represented incognitive categories

in Samkhya, the form of Hinduism from which Chopra apparently draws heavily (if not exclusively), the very word “Samkhya” means “enumeration” and has to do with the correct explication and recognition – for the purpose of enlightenment – of the categories of reality [3]

сепак добро звучи
What Is Cosmic Consciousness? The Quest for Hidden Reality

Is there such a thing as higher consciousness? For a tiny fraction of the population who believe they have experienced God directly, this is a spiritual question with a definite answer. But for most people the question is hypothetical. Every spiritual tradition has asserted that there is a hidden reality which can be uncovered through transcending — or going beyond — the five senses. There are elaborate directions for accomplishing this leap, in the form of prayer, meditation, renunciation, and faith — the religious history of humankind has never stopped directing its aspirations to a higher plane. But everyday life consumes our attention, and in a skeptical age the erosion of belief makes higher consciousness seem very far away if not irrelevant.

On a separate track, or so it seems, quantum physics has altered the universe in radical ways. Solid matter has been reduced to invisible waves existing in a field of mathematical probabilities. Time and space form a background in which relativistic quantum fields float, completely different from the reliable time ticked off by clocks, and the space enclosed inside rooms where solid objects find a place. Yet as with the higher dimensions aspired to by religion, quantum space remains hidden from the five senses. For the vast majority of physicists, quantum reality is about intricate mathematical constructs and experiments that validate them using billion-dollar particle accelerators.

Standing back a little, the resulting picture is quite startling. The two most important ways of explaining creation, science and spirituality, both depend on a hidden dimension. Without this dimension there would be no human existence. Shouldn’t that knowledge revolutionize our lives, here and now? Somehow it doesn’t. A missing link needs to be filled in. Otherwise, the world we inhabit will be disconnected from its source, as it largely is right now.

One proposition, which we strongly endorse, is that the missing link is consciousness. Because so many people relegate spirituality to faith, assuming that nothing about God or the soul can be proved, let’s set that aside for the moment. The link has to be scientific. We must thread a path from quantum theory to higher consciousness. This takes some hard thinking, but a huge reward awaits. Hidden reality will reveal itself for what it actually is. Higher consciousness may well become an everyday experience.

To begin, quantum theory, which has been called the most successful scientific theory in history, unequivocally states that we live in a participatory universe — what we consider as an independent, external reality is in fact tied to how we observe it. The late physicist John Wheeler of Princeton and the University of Texas campaigned for the importance of our participation, pushing against the notion that the universe was simply “out there,” like a bakeshop, he said, that we look at with our noses pressed against the window.

Yet how strange to think that when a physicist makes observations and measurements, the quanta that constitute everything in the cosmos change; indeed, it is meaningless to talk of their properties without presupposing an observer. The universe is tied to conscious acts of observation all the way from the most elementary particles to vast galaxies. Moreover, quantum theory assigns a primary role to the quantum vacuum, the emptiness that precedes observable phenomena like atoms and molecules. Unlike the common sense notion of empty space, the quantum vacuum is abundantly full of dynamic potential. Wheeler, besides coining the term “participatory universe,” also held that the quantum vacuum is primary in all physics, a view that has gained wide acceptance. The quantum vacuum is a vast plenum (fullness) of spacetime “foam,” beyond which time, space — and physics — come to an end.

Cosmology, which is based on the other most successful theory we have, Einstein’s general relativity, states that the universe emerged from this plenum of quantum foam at the time of the Big Bang and has been evolving ever since, for some 13.5 billion years. Everything we consider real, either to our senses or to scientific investigation, first passed through the so-called Planck era (a state so minuscule, brief, and turbulent that it cannot be penetrated — it’s a mathematical formulation that describes the limit of what we can know) and entered the phase of general expansion that created matter, energy, stars, galaxies, and biological life.

With a definite limit set on space and time, science has to wrestle with the fact that the human brain operates in space and time. But this doesn’t need to be discouraging. If the universe is in fact participatory, then the human brain must be participating on the quantum level. Why is this so? Because the quantum foam, which is the source of every particle in existence and its oppositely charged anti-particle, must be the brain’s source, too. It isn’t tenable to posit a universe where quantum reality is divorced from everyday reality. The micro and macro worlds derive from the same origin, not just billions of years ago, but at this very minute — reality bubbles up from the quantum vacuum continuously.

The quantum foam allows entangled quanta to emerge from it, while the vast majority of them fall back onto it. Thus the creation, maintenance, and re-absorption of virtual particles occur at all times and at all space points. Our senses force us to see one sunrise at a time, one birthday party at a time, one person at a time. Yet without a doubt reality isn’t confined to linear experience in space and time. One can even say that beyond our confined perceptions, the Big Bang is happening everywhere at once, in an eternal now. Creation is a single process, and we are totally immersed in it.

This is where the missing link is most urgent. Physics needs the quantum vacuum for various reasons, most of them mathematical, but everyday life seems to chug along quite nicely without it. However, since everything in existence depends upon the quantum vacuum, including all living beings, our belief that we live outside it must be false. There’s no logical escape from this fact, so the burden lies with changing our sense of reality — the “going beyond” that supposedly belongs to saints and mystics actually applies to everyone (perhaps saints and mystics are just the ones who caught on first).

Here a subtle point arises. The strangeness of the quantum world, which approaches legendary status, grew out of its contradictions with prevailing theories of long standing. (For example, the accepted idea of cause-and-effect isn’t consistent with the quantum possibility of time and causation going backwards.) Yet no matter what model you use to explain reality, the map is never the territory. Whatever secrets it reveals, reality remains what it is, unanswerable, irrefutable, and inconceivable.

This, too, doesn’t have to be a discouraging thought. It’s liberating to realize that we are part of this inconceivable reality, navigating through it with all kinds of questions yet sustained by it no matter how wrong, limited, or misguided our answers may be. Participating in the quantum field makes a serious difference in how life can be led. For it turns out that all the spooky phenomena in the quantum world are perfectly human and familiar — once you stop comparing them to old, worn-out explanations.

In the next post we’ll restore the missing link by an act of destruction and creation, knocking down the perceptions that limit everyday life and replacing them with perceptions that allow hidden reality to come alive.

(To be cont.)

Deepak Chopra, MD, FACP, is the author of more than 75 books with twenty-two New York Times bestsellers.

Edited by +Protagorist - 21-Jun-2016 at 01:22
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  Quote beTon Quote  Post ReplyReply #289 Posted: 25-Jun-2016 at 05:32

дипак тетрапак и то ти е све купи продај уживај, умствен конзумеризам за дематеријализирање слободоно време, ем порамнување банкарско конто, хм кога чоек отвори портал та и од досада и разонода се фатил на орото, сетне ќе си текерави мозок со публика спонзори и администрирање, а може е нешто полесно штом муабетот бидне тро помонументално завозен па се приклучат на истиот разни студентски сојузи што би рекле локално ~ описменах животна мотивација



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  Quote beTon Quote  Post ReplyReply #290 Posted: 25-Jun-2016 at 22:23

na seto ova fali ushte nekoj nash oktapak i ete go ~ holivudsko uzivanje za site setila, bar dodeka ima koj da gi raspakuva oktavite

normalno inkasatorite sekogash mozat da vi rechat op-stop ste prekorachile brazdata otpojke i ajt restrikcija, no teshko na onoj koj zabrazdil. no i tie imaat razbiranje ponekogash okolu oktavite oktanite [2] i oksanite [3]
One possible finite geometry is donutspace or more properly known as the Euclidean 2-torus, is a flat square whose opposite sides are connected. Anything crossing one edge reenters from the opposite edge
A finite hyperbolic space is formed by an octagon whose opposite sides are connected, so that anything crossing one edge reenters from the opposite edge

по овој аршин на претпоставка се извлекуваат и други [1] но пред се окултистички фантазмагории со сомнителна позадина [2][3] што да кажам освен внимавајте како сркате нечие думање, што вели во втората фуснота ~ This movie IS NOT waking up the world. It is tricking the world into believing that it is being awakened when, in reality, it is being hypnotized into an even deeper sleep ... а тоа важи ко што предочувам поназад и за думите надобар дел астрофизичари а не само спиритисти, и да веројатно постои некаква завера и некаков агитпроп патерн, едноставно гачка за нурнување во милионите и милионите комбинации кои нам на пасивните набљудувачи ете би ни го изгубиле драгоценото време дадено на овој свет заради наше спасение ... ука поситно надробена низ 20тина поста во нишката Емоционална Интелигенција

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  Quote beTon Quote  Post ReplyReply #291 Posted: 27-Jun-2016 at 20:50

иако муабетов не е за фрлање со леснотија, бидејки луѓе заради површноста со уште поголема леснотија се фаќаат за егзотиката на поимот мистична геометрија, забрздувајки успат и каде треба и каде нетреба, така главејќи во милионите комбинации на толкувања на она што архаично е разбрано како Мандала односно научно набљудувано како Сајматикс ... сепак во контекст минатиот пост би можеле да ја поткачиме и оваа тема како изворна обзервација за тоа каков и што е тоа Космос ... дефакто она што е полезно од сето ова е Хармонијата како парадигма, без притоа човек да се заплетка во милионите комбинации на теории од млака вода у ладна фритеза, па така она што во антиката нашите предци го протолкувале симболично преку сонцето од кутлеш [1] сигурно (попат дармастично подадено) подоцна пример Валтер Расел го разбрал како тајна на светлината [1][2] но повеќе компатибилно како патерн него суштински (бидејки синкретизирал многу што успат а од сето тоа набилдал свој култ ајде што е нормално за секој продуховен кој ќе се одважи да попува наоколу а со тоа ризикувајки и несвесно да стане гуру а не пак ако се соживее со околностите) [3] слично ко што т.н. симбол Цвеќе на Животот [1][2] симболично може да се поистовети со зиготата [3]
во 3тиот фус погоре околу демистифицирањето на Расел како плагијатор, се споменуваат и Христијаните како слични, небаре нам космолошките претпоставки ни се појдовна догма, не напротив појдовна догма нам ни е Љубовта а се останато подобно на неа е разбрано, во основа надоврзувајки се со истата на аристотеловиот модел но повеќе од практичен него мистичен аспект, а што воопшто и не се крие туку напротив и се апострофира кај православните [1]
слично е пр. и со Откровението каде иако се предочуваат след од настани сепак не се дава фиксна рамка, ко што е тоа случај пример кај источните мистицизми ко будизам односно хиндуизам [1][2] просто битна е суштината Љубовта како спасителен патоказ, а не циклусите како нејзино сведоштво, иако самиот црковен календар е циклично поставен, но само заради сведоштво и континуитет во Славословието ... во основа иако имаме слични аскетски пристап ко и во останатите мистицизми ние сме фокусирани само на дофатливата вистина која за нас најблиску ни е позната како Христос Спасителот низ Мирот и Примерот кој ни го има оставено заради наше спасение

во основа која и каква да е формата на универзумот, и дали истата може да се претпостави, а не пак да се набљудува, факт е дека и во најдобри околности та макар и духовно соѕерцувана,тешко декаби извеле колективна согласност во денешните околности како човечка наука, за мене попрво формата е константно променлива него фиксна ако се има предвид дека звукот е тој кој ја обликува истата па во дадени околности ја рацветува во дадени разлистува итн. знам за повеќето невозможна претпоставкано еј и Исланд не е веројатно да и збрца два гола на Англија та пак тоа се случува, бреј 300к да надигра 50м нација просто да не ти се верува, риспект ... јасно гласот во овој случај е ангелски [1] а ефектот лекувачки [2][3]
во принцип променливоста не е нит временски, нит пак само просторно ориентирана, а сигурно некој и математички би ја претпоставил ко таква


вака Ова укажува дека живееме на несовршен свет во несовршено небо/димензија кој како милува бидејќи Совршеноста значи Апсолутен крај ~ апсолутна непроменливост ~ Сингуларност ... што не значи дека истата не се пројавува како ехо потсетник дека и навистина постои ~ совршен но за миг е Сончевиот систем и како в истиот овој миг е избалансиран во движењата и синергијата, што дефакто сведоци сме дека нема да биде вечно ... битно ако формата е променлива та и неговата убавина како некаква вплотена енергија, а истата некому во размислите и манекенски наместо сумо-тно наштимана пр.

пак ќе речам заробени на ова ниво сме ниваму нитаму а чинам истото важи и засе наоколу од планети преку ѕвезди до галаксија, она две напред едно назад вртиме в круг сите на орото, јасно додека и ако воопшто најдеме излезот од пештерата ( подобно на нишкава наречена Космос ) чив излез слично ко икај нас Христијаните сигурно треба да се бара од внатре во срцето, повеќе низ ологосени песни отколку думање во празно! ко што се и овие писанија по тенеќево!

Edited by beTon - 30-Jun-2016 at 20:55
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  Quote beTon Quote  Post ReplyReply #292 Posted: 30-Jun-2016 at 03:30

него со повод, тро абер и за oksanite [3]

Ми беше тешко да одлучам дали да бидам научник или музичар ~

чим и портокаловиот германец му пружил аудио подршка [1][2][3] дефакто креативно не потсетуваат дека во блиска иднина ќе имаме спектакуларен фестивалски сон од дрмање и огномет

Edited by beTon - 30-Jun-2016 at 09:41
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  Quote beTon Quote  Post ReplyReply #293 Posted: 02-Jul-2016 at 01:48
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  Quote beTon Quote  Post ReplyReply #294 Posted: 04-Jul-2016 at 07:00

еве мал 50/50 апдејт потикнат од последните поп-арт думи што ги пуштив апропо ~2022 како можен диливери деј на една космо-разгледница [1] таман  лани КАСА и фрли ишарет та ето за 6 години да се надеваме и на рандеву со оглед дека и сами можат да и ја доштимаат траекторијата

кого го мрзи да чита еве нека слуша ве поздрави  акцент флоу и дикција

ESA and NASA Will Try to Smash an Asteroid Out of Its Orbit in 2022

The odds of you personally getting killed by an asteroid are not that high: About 1 in 75,000 seems to be a reasonably accurate number based on available data. (стринготодлинкот велиfalse )

The thing about asteroids, though, is that while it’s very unlikely that Earth is going to be hit by one capable of doing significant damage, if it does happen, it’s going to trigger bad times for a lot of people —millions, if not billions. That 1 in 75,000 means that you're almost twice as likely to die from a globally destructive asteroid impact as you are from either an earthquake or a lightning strike

Does this mean we should panic? I mean, sure, go ahead, if you’ll feel better afterwards. But really, what it means is this: if we can agree that it makes sense to allocate resources towards reducing the risk of people getting killed by things in proportion to the likelihood of those things actually occuring, then asteroid detection and intervention is definitely worth our attention. Probably more so than some other things. Like terrorism. But I digress.

The European Space Agency and NASA have a good understanding of the importance of finding and (hopefully) avoiding asteroids, and they’re joining forces on an Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment mission called AIDA. The objective of this mission is awesome: to slam a spacecraft into an asteroid with as much force as possible, and see what happens.

As you may remember, this is not the first time that we’ve deliberately crashed a spacecraft into an asteroid just to see what would happen. In 2005, the Deep Impact spacecraft launched a 370-kilogram copper-cored impact vehicle at the 6-km-wide comet Tempel-1, and then hung back to watch the show.

That impact changed the orbit of the comet by something like 10 centimeters. Not much, obviously, but it’s a start.

The AIDA mission has a similar structure to Deep Impact. It has two primary components: an observatory called AIM (Asteroid Impact Mission) being developed by ESA, and an impactor called DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) being developed by NASA. The AIM observatory, which will be launched first, won't be hugely complicated or expensive. It's expected to carry some cameras and radar and communications gear and stuff like that, and also a boxy little lander based on DLR’s MASCOT. There will be room for a few cubesats, too.

AIM will launch out towards a near-Earth asteroid called Didymos. Didymos was chosen because it's super easy to reach from Earth, and at about 800 meters in diameter, it’s the size of something that we'd probably want to try and avoid. Didymos also has a little moon (technically, it’s a binary asteroid) which has a diameter of 150 m. The moon, known as Didymoon, is going to be the target asteroid, because any change in its orbit will be easier to measure, and it’s actually more effective to move the moon, and then let the moon’s new orbit shift the orbit of the binary system as a whole.

NASA will be sending DART on a much more direct course since it won't have to sneak into orbit around Didymos. Instead, it’ll smack into Didymoon at just over 6 kilometers per second (13,400 miles per hour), abruptly converting most of its roughly 300 kg of mass into a stupendous amount of energy. The hope is that when all the dust settles, AIM will be able to measure a change in Didymoon’s orbital velocity of about half a millimeter per second. Given enough time, even that minuscule a shift could be signficant.

You don’t have to worry about this tinkering with Didymos’ orbit, though. As NASA points out, “it is important to note that the target Didymos is not an Earth-crossing asteroid, and there is no possibility that the DART deflection experiment would create an impact hazard.” Good to hear. If everything runs on schedule, AIM will launch in 2020, and the DART impact will happen in 2022.

This direct approach is just one way that we might be able to deflect an asteroid from Earth impact; NASA is going to try a gravity tractor in 2020, for example. If (when) we need to put these techniques into practice, the one we choose will depend on how long we have before impact, the size of the asteroid, where it is, what it’s made of, and all kinds of other factors that we can’t know in advance. All we can do is experiment and practice, because when the time comes, a failure of the technologies that NASA, ESA, and others are developing could mean anything from the obliteration of an entire city to the collapse of civilization, to the total extinction of the human race.

последен коментар

NASA saved us before in the exact situation like this in 2005 but idk is esa helped

колку сме кусогледи сеуште технолошки тоа е чудо, та ако неможеме да си преброиме со лезет топчињата во нашиот бинбал што пак за друго, не дека е тоа страшно напротив по мене и корисно, а како не би живееле постојано во депресија 

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  Quote beTon Quote  Post ReplyReply #295 Posted: 04-Jul-2016 at 13:31

од пинбал излезе бинбал но само да е на арно, бидејки според Откровението вели ѕвездата што ќе падне ќе спржи третина од земјата и земјаните,   но овој  бинарниов  [1] ете велат е  само пробен балон за да видиме колку ни држи вода одбранбената стратегија  надреналин

 додека за катастрофален  потенцијално го сметаат Апофизис во 2036

A particular wake-up call came in 2004, when it was calculated that the Earth-crossing 325 m - diameter Apophis had a 3% chance of hitting Earth. 

“This high probability – Level 1 on the Torino impact hazard scale – was downgraded after further observations, but led us to look into asteroid deflection on a more methodical basis.”


In 2029 it will pass very close to the Earth: within the orbits of our communication satellites. It won't hit; however there is a slight chance that this close pass will shift its orbit exactly the right amount to cause it to hit Earth on a second pass in 2036.



Edited by beTon - 04-Jul-2016 at 13:35
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  Quote beTon Quote  Post ReplyReply #296 Posted: 05-Jul-2016 at 20:30

се сеќавам 1994 ова чевларо беше поздрав после грчкото ембарго

07.2016 - This Month In Astronomical History: Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 - [1][2]
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (SL9, formally designated D/1993 F2) was a comet which collided with Jupiter in 1994, providing the first direct observation of the collision of two solar system objects


премерете со нашата џамлија што ќе треба да не ѕвекне 2036
The spot is presently about twice the length of the whole of Europe.
Simon-Miller estimated that the diameter of the object that slammed into Jupiter was at least twice the size of several football fields. The force of the explosion on Jupiter was thousands of times more powerful than the suspected comet or asteroid that exploded over the Tunguska River Valley in Siberia in June 1908 -


03.2016 - Jupiter Just Got Hit by a Comet or Asteroid ... Again -
колку кул констатација ~ големиот брат го крка за сите ~ It's not surprising that such things happen, as Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet and acts as a sort of shepherd of small solar system bodies

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  Quote beTon Quote  Post ReplyReply #297 Posted: 06-Jul-2016 at 02:48

каква фора британец да му запали мотор на 4 јули
We just did the hardest thing NASA’s ever done! That’s my claim

yup landing on another celestial body with a total electronic computing power rather less than most of us carry in our pockets daily now (not just in the vehicles, across the program). a testament to dedicated engineers with slide rules

не пцојсај магаредо зелена трева [1]

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  Quote beTon Quote  Post ReplyReply #298 Posted: 10-Jul-2016 at 10:21
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  Quote beTon Quote  Post ReplyReply #299 Posted: 14-Jul-2016 at 18:38

ова со Јупитер е нешто што веќе одамна го имаме поминато со Венера заради што и би требало истата да ни е поинтересна, но бидејки Венера има терсене табиет воопшто и' не и придаваме значење, иако неспоредлив и e со оној на Јупитер, но се' е можно на овој свет и во овој сончев систем, зависно од кој агол можното го набљудуваме и си го претставуваме [1] адио Венера


Edited by beTon - 25-Jul-2016 at 01:34
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  Quote beTon Quote  Post ReplyReply #300 Posted: 20-Jul-2016 at 16:51



It is a sad reality that some spacecraft like Nasa's Philae lander don't last as long as they should, while others such as Esa's Venus Express continue to surprise us.

As part of its recent swansong, as the probe plummeted toward the planet, the Express gathered new and unexpected information about the planet's polar atmosphere.

This data has now been studied and reveals the poles are colder than any place on Earth.

They are also covered with rippling atmospheric waves.

Venus Express arrived at Venus in 2006.

It spent eight years orbiting the planet, greatly exceeding the mission's planned duration of 500 days, before it ran out of fuel.

The probe then began its descent into Venus' atmosphere, before the mission lost contact with Earth in November 2014 and officially ended the following month.

Before it plummeted down through the planet's atmosphere, the probe's measurements showed it to be rippling with atmospheric waves and, at an average temperature of -157°C (114K), is colder than anywhere on Earth.

These recent observations show the planet's atmosphere is much more interesting than first thought.

During the final months of its mission, Venus Express orbited the planet low enough to measure drag from the atmosphere.

Our previous understanding of Venus' polar atmosphere was based on observations gathered by Nasa's Pioneer Venus probe in the late 1970s.

These were of other parts of Venus' atmosphere, near the equator, but extrapolated to the poles to form a complete atmospheric reference model.


Edited by beTon - 04-Nov-2018 at 02:22
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