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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #21 Posted: 23-Sep-2012 at 15:41
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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #22 Posted: 29-Sep-2012 at 01:20

иако не е прв ваков филм, сепак е пријатно изненадување имајќи предвид што ги потикнало русите да го снимаат ко научен спин - Космический рейс - Cosmic voyage - Космичко патување (1936) - патем иако етимолошки рейс е лет [1] неверојатно звучи за прв руски сф ако се чита насловот буквално англиски, ко да знаеле уште тогаш дека ќе си ги мерат подоцна мускулите со англиските внуци 

како и да е, за тоа време му пристапиле прилично научно на филмов, што го прави уште поатрактивен [1

цел филм -

морам да напоменам дека источноевропскиот филм од анимација, преку документарци па се до сф екранизаици ми оставил далеку подлабоки траги, најверојатно заради психоделичната филмска нарација, сталиновци колективно трауматизирале се' околу себе, на задоволство на сите :LOL во останати социјалистички ремек дела би ги вброил првиот чехословачки сф Ikaria XB1 (1963)   [1][2] и Соларис на тарковски (1973) [1][2]

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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #23 Posted: 01-Oct-2012 at 23:50

If China lands a human on the moon before the United States does so again, he argues, quoting former NASA director Michael Griffin, this will have “‘an enormous, and not fully predictable, effect on global perceptions of U.S. leadership in the world’”

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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #24 Posted: 05-Oct-2012 at 16:51

кога сме веќе кај спиновиве сега е добро време да се затвори и темата со нло наспроти зло(земни летачки објекти) не ме сфаќајте сериозно иако сериозен е муабетов LOL особено ако ви скршат кичма другарски, кој од лево кој десно, јасно секој со својот интерес! 

досега можеби најдобар "аспирин" што сум го испил на темава е alien treaty, а потенцијално најбрзо ми делувал овој за fake moonwalk односно зошто јавноста не смеела да ги види оригиналите, нејсе само да додадам имајте на ум дека не сум таблетоман, иако од аптеки чоек денес нема куртул, та избегнувајте реплики односно неочекувајте одговор нанив! евентуално во оваа нишка најпожелно би било да разврземе абер колку нацистите имале понапредна летечка технологија од сојузниците

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  Quote gjoko Quote  Post ReplyReply #25 Posted: 05-Oct-2012 at 18:20
штом е со писмо на дното на екранот сигурно ќе го кледам клипот,нормално пред спиење,коментар утре
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #26 Posted: 28-Nov-2012 at 09:08

малку сензационалистички објаснето,но интересно е што се имал на ум сагадочниот


Американската војска на врвот на Студената војна во 1959 година планирала со нуклеарна бомба да го разнесат природниот сателит на Земјата, Месечината, но во последен момент се откажале. Тајниот план на САД се викал “Проект А119”, а целта била да го заплашат Советскиот Сојуз како би се откажал од развивање на вселенската програма.

Идејниот творец на оваа амбициозна мисија бил покојниот астроном Карл Саган, а деталите на неговиот проект се појавиле во неговата биографија, која ја напишал американскиот физичар Леонард Рајфел (85).

Имено, СССР на 4-ти октомври 1957 година го лансирал првиот вештачки сателит во орбитата на Земјата – “Патник”. Така започнала вселенската трка на Советот и САД, во која СССР воделе. Како би ја вратиле самодовербата, Американците имале намера да ја изведат првата експлозија на Месечината, а никој не можел ни да претпостави што би се случило во тој момент.

Првобитно размислувале да употребат хидрогенска бомба, но од таа идеја се откажале затоа што бомбата била премногу тешка и ракетата не би можела да ја однесе до Месечината. Така смислиле експлозијата да ја изведат со полесна, атомска бомба.

Според планот на мисијата, малата атомка требало да ја носи интерконтинентална ракета, која би била лансирана од САД. Ракетата, по 383 илјади километри би го погодила природниот сателит на Замјата, а атомската бомба би експлодирала при ударот и би подигнала голем облак од прашина и камења во вселената. СССР, како што планирале САД, би го виделе големото разорување на Месечината и би се откажале од планираните вселенски проекти.

Рајфел во биографијата на Сеган тврди дека “Проект А119” можел да се изведе без проблеми, но од тоа се откажале поради опасноста за луѓето на Земјата. Имено, постоел страв дека ракетата нема да стигне до Месечината, а во тој случај бомбата ќе експлодирала блиску до атмосферата на Земјата. Исто така, за планот на САД дознала известувачката служба на СССР, па тоа била уште една причина за откажувањето на мисијата.

Откако САД се откажале од мисијата, СССР во септември 1959 година го лансирале првиот вештачки сателит кој ја погоди површината на Месечината.

Вселенската трка помеѓу двете тогашни суперсили, СССР и САД, започна по завршувањето на Втората светска војна. Таа особено се забрза по падот на на Хитлер Германските Руси и Американците дојдоа до ракетната програма на нацистичките научници. Трката траеше се до 1991 година кога со падот на берлинскиот ѕид се означи крај на Студената војна.

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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #27 Posted: 03-Dec-2012 at 02:10

June 2009 - Could China Get Human to Mars First?

Last september, the People’s Republic of China conducted its first three-person space mission--Shenzhou-7--featuring the country’s inaugural space walk, taken by a taikonaut wearing a made-in-China space suit. Concurrently, its orbital mission to the moon, Chang’e-1, was sending back to Earth superb images of the lunar surface. Both were startling achievements by a relative newcomer to space.
Indeed, in the last decade, the Chinese have burst into manned and unmanned spaceflight. Michael Griffin, the former NASA administrator who drove the U.S. moon-then-Mars strategy, has opined that China could beat the United States back to the moon’s surface--or at least be the first to put people back in lunar orbit--and do so within 10 years. Boris Chertok, the 97-year-old patriarch of Russia’s space program, seems even more impressed with China’s accomplishments, predicting last February that it will be the Chinese who first ”people Mars.”
Could that happen? Maybe. If China were to accelerate its rate of progress, it might succeed in sending teams of astronauts to Mars and other enticing destinations within two decades. But to do so it would have to depart from the top-down, by-the-book, party-line decision...

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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #28 Posted: 03-Dec-2012 at 02:10

March 2010 - President Obama had not yet announced plans to cancel the NASA program designed to carry astronauts to the moon by 2020 and Mars by 2030.

Edited by +Protagorist - 08-Jun-2013 at 21:50
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #29 Posted: 29-Jan-2013 at 19:33

Македонец „виновник“ за растенија во вселената

Братислав Станковиќ, роден во Македонија, а научник во Америка, со својот тим и помогнал на НАСА да одгледаат растенија на вселенската станица.

- Целта беше да се утврди дали може да се одгледаат растенија во вселената. На крај заврши успешно. Сега научно се провери дека и на далечни вселенски патувања може да се пратат растенија. На актуелните мисии за Марс и за другите делови од вселената, вели Станковиќ за Канал5.

Тој е научник од САД и проректор на Универзитетот Свети Апостол Павле во Охрид. Покрај био-технологијата има и друга кариера. Тој дипломирал интелектуално право, а воедно предава на познатиот чикашки универзитет Лојола и е познат адвокат за патенти.

- Па сум се грижел за патенти на чипови и за нови био-технолошки пронајдоци, додава професорот Станковиќ.

Space Farming - Plants Check Out Microgravity

The preliminary results are in: plants in space appear to grow and develop normally! Wisconsin Center for Space Automation and Robotics (WCSAR) Plant-Space Biologist Dr. Bratislav Stankovic finds this extremely exciting and thinks the rest of us should as well.

Dr. Stankovic and one of WCSAR’s growth chambers.

WCSAR is a research center affiliated with the UW-Madison College of Engineering and funded primarily by NASA. At WCSAR, the study of plants in space has two objectives: first, to determine how to grow plants in microgravity and second, to determine how those plants grow and develop. Stankovic and others at WCSAR recently completed preliminary analysis of the first complete life-cycle plant growth experiment onboard the International Space Station (ISS).

The experiment consisted of growing the Arabidopsis thaliana from seed to seed over a period of two months. Arabidopsis thaliana is a relatively simple plant used as model system for plant molecular biology studies. What makes this experiment so exciting, according to Stankovic, is the healthy, normal growth observed and the intriguing implications of these results. "We are right now scratching the surface of understanding how to grow plants in microgravity and what, if anything, is different in microgravity."

Unfortunately, environmental control problems have rendered much of the previous research regarding plant growth and development useless to science. The main source of contamination in past experiments was the presence of ethylene, a plant hormone capable of causing sterilization when present in excess. The Arabidopsis experiment used the innovative environmental control systems of the Advanced Astroculture growth chamber, developed by WCSAR engineers, to remove these contaminations.

Advanced Astroculture, about the size of a shoebox, contains an ethylene scrubbing device designed to maintain low ethylene levels, much like a carbon dioxide scrubber does for a spaceship. The scrubber works by oxidizing the ethylene hydrocarbons to CO2 and H2O. Advanced Astroculture also incorporates a seed tray which uses a unique grid-like restraining system to hold seeds, nutrients and soil firmly in place.

Without the complicating presence of ethylene, Stankovic had the unprecedented opportunity to examine Arabidopsis plants against those grown in an identical chamber on Earth. Upon analysis, researchers noted almost no differences between those plants grown in space and those in the control environment on Earth. This preliminary analysis only considered physically observable characteristics, from seed production and viability to plant mass.

Presently Stankovic and his associates are working on the secondary analysis. He explains, "We are trying to understand what happens to plants on a molecular level in microgravity, how similar or dissimilar they are to plants we grew on the ground in the identical growth chamber." A process called gene expression profiling was used to allow researchers to see exactly what happens on a molecular level. Genetic messenger molecules are tagged with a fluorescent substance that glows only when these messenger molecules are released, signaling an active gene. In this way it is possible to see exactly which genes in each cell are active.

Stankovic hopes to complete the analysis and publish this unprecedented and highly anticipated research towards the end of 2003. Once published, it will represent the first comprehensive report of plant gene expression profiling under the influence of microgravity.

"In the year 2003 we are still in the heroic age of understanding how plants and other organisms grow and develop in microgravity." Stankovic sees the Arabidopsis experiment as the beginning of many sustained plant growth experiments onboard the ISS. The Arabidopsis experiment suggests that plants can and do grow and develop normally under tightly controlled conditions. This has enormous implications for the future of space travel as well as possible commercial applications. "No matter what result we get from this gene expression data, it will be interesting. If they are similar we don't need to worry about growing plants on Mars. If they are different we had better find out how different they are, and use genetic engineering to mitigate any undesirable effects of microgravity," Stankovic notes.

If shown empirically to be unaffected by microgravity, presumably plants will be unaffected by any amount gravity in the range of 0 to 1g. This opens the possibility of plants growing elsewhere, from the Moon to Mars and beyond. According to Stankovic, NASA is currently looking at Mars-deployable greenhouses for future missions to Mars. Such greenhouses will only be possible if research at WCSAR and other research centers like it shows plants to have normal life cycles even at a molecular level in microgravity environments.

Extended space travel requires some sort of renewable food source, which plants can provide if they can be grown successfully in microgravity. To be renewable, plants also must be able to reproduce viably. If this can be done, a major obstacle to space travel will have been eliminated. Plant-space biologists like Stankovic have determined 12 plant species useful for life support applications in space. These species include lettuce, tomatoes, spinach, carrots, peppers, strawberries and fresh herbs such as chives, basil, mint and dill. Stankovic hopes to begin research with some of these species once the simpler Arabidopsis plants have been fully studied. With successful completion of this research, astronauts will be able to enjoy vegetables grown in future versions of WCSAR's Advanced Astroculture growth chambers.

The psychological benefit of such research cannot be neglected, especially in the wake of the Columbia tragedy. The Columbia was carrying two WCSAR experiments back to Earth. Stankovic considers the opportunity to work with the astronauts who conduct his experiments to be one of the perks of his job.

Research continues despite the tragedy, though it will be a while before the next WCSAR experiment will head for the stars. According to Dr. Stankovic, research must continue, because "only now are we in a position to address fundamental environmental and biological questions."

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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #30 Posted: 20-Feb-2013 at 13:39

Edited by +Protagorist - 20-Feb-2013 at 13:44
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  Quote gjoko Quote  Post ReplyReply #31 Posted: 20-Feb-2013 at 19:28
линк од камерата на Меѓународната вселенска станица.Интересно е за гледање,ама не секогаш е насечена кон земјата.Сум ја наоѓал и насочена на други места
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #32 Posted: 04-Dec-2013 at 19:23
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #33 Posted: 25-Dec-2013 at 14:04

штом ова е официјално обелоденето ко опрема, сигурно има и друга подобра во позадина, бар тоа беше случај со останатите досегашни ровери

"Yutu" rover explores moon with state-of-the-art equipment

The Chang’e 3 lander has so far been responsible for many of the lunar mission’s highlights, including conducting the soft-landing on the moon and snapping photos of the Earth and other celestial bodies. 

But the lunar rover, the Yutu, or "the Jade Rabbit", is now set to begin greater exploration of the moon’s surface. And it’s been equipped with state-of-the-art technology to transmit all its findings back to Earth.

The rover has two panoramic cameras as well as four others that can capture stereoscopic 3-D images. To analyze the structure and composition of the moon’s soil and rocks, the Yutu also has an infra-red spectrometer.

Its robotic arms have also been outfitted with a small and light alpha particle X-ray spectrometer to examine the composition of various chemical elements. A radar has also been installed on the rover’s underside. It’s capable of penetrating up to 30 meters below the moon’s soil and several hundred meters into the moon’s crust.

China's moon rover "sleeps" through lunar night
12-24-2013 20:50 BJT
Special Report:Chang’e-3 Lunar Probe |

BEIJING, Dec. 24 (Xinhua) -- The moon rover and lander of China's Chang'e 3 lunar probe mission will "sleep" during the lunar night, enduring extreme low temperatures on the lunar surface.

According to Wu Fenglei of the Beijing Aerospace Control Center, the lander will "go to sleep" at about 7 a.m. on Christmas Day and the moon rover, Jade Rabbit, will fall asleep at about 1 a.m. on Boxing Day.

The forthcoming lunar night, expected to begin on Dec. 26, will last for about two weeks, experts with the center estimated. During their "sleep", both lander and rover will have to tolerate minus 180 degrees Celsius. Scientists tested the lander early Tuesday to ensure it can stand the temperature drop.

Both lander and rover are stable, said Wu, adding they have completed a series of scientific tasks in the past two days.

Chang'e-3 soft-landed on the moon's Sinus Iridum, or the Bay of Rainbows, on Dec. 14, establishing China as the third country to carry out such a mission after the United States and Soviet Union.

Yutu, the rover, will survey the moon's geological structure and surface substances and look for natural resources for three months, while the lander will conduct in-situ exploration at the landing site for one year.

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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #34 Posted: 15-Jan-2014 at 23:57

first view Big%20smile

Russian cosmonauts take record-breaking spacewalk

Two Russian spacemen, Oleg Kotov and Sergey Ryazansky, have taken an 8 hours 7 minutes spacewalk, reported mission control from Houston on NASA TV. The spacewalkers wearing Russian Orlan-MK space suits set a record for the longest Russian spacewalk ever. Cosmonauts were installing two high-resolution cameras and attending to experiment equipment on the space station's exterior.

The spacewalk has also become the longest at the ISS in 2013. The mission of commander Oleg Kotov and flight engineer Sergey Ryazansky was to install two cameras on the outside of the International Space Station. The high and medium resolution cameras will facilitate taking pictures of the Earth from outside the ISS, and stream the images of our planet back home in near real time. Kotov and Ryazansky placed the cameras but 'couldn't manage to switch them on,' according to the flight control team at the Russian Mission Control Center, who were unable to receive telemetry data from the equipment. So the task was aborted. Kotov and Ryazanskiy were told to remove the cameras and bring them inside the orbiting laboratory for further inspection. In addition to their work with the cameras, the spacewalkers successfully replaced seismic scientific equipment with new and sophisticated earthquake-monitoring hardware. Initially, the spacewalk was planned to last about 7 hours, but as the cosmonauts had to remove the cameras and return them to the station, they worked an hour longer. The delay turned out to be record-breaking. Courtesy: NASA TV Two Russian spacemen, Oleg Kotov and Sergey Ryazansky, have taken an 8 hours 7 minutes spacewalk, reported mission control from Houston on NASA TV. The spacewalkers wearing Russian Orlan-MK space suits set a record for the longest Russian spacewalk ever. Cosmonauts were installing two high-resolution cameras and attending to experiment equipment on the space station's exterior.

пред три дена -


од секогаш далеку поегзотична ми е руските амбиции за орбитата, тоа америте пак се толку комерцијални чаламџии да на крај не се ни интересни, а и самите се вртат кон исток по сензационализам

The Abandoned Shuttles of the Soviet Space Program


Edited by +Protagorist - 18-Sep-2015 at 19:33
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #35 Posted: 20-Feb-2014 at 17:11

China's Jade Rabbit moon rover showing signs of life - 19 February 2014

THE moon robot has come back to life – kind of. China's first lunar rover, Yutu, also known as Jade Rabbit, phoned home last week, shortly after some had given it up for dead. It's unclear how the rest of the mission will fare.

Yutu's parent craft – the Chang'e-3 lander –touched down on the moon on 14 December and released the rover. Trouble came six weeks later, at the start of its second lunar night. On the moon, night lasts for half of each Earthly month and surface temperatures plunge to below -180 °C, during which time the rover and lander hibernate. As night rolled in on 25 January, Yutu seemed to have failed, but mission operators had to wait until lunar dawn to check.

On 12 February, the Chinese ECNS news agency reported that efforts to reactivate the rover were unsuccessful, and many assumed it was dead. The same day, another news agency, Xinhua, reported that the Chinese space agency had received a signal, as did a website that tracks amateurs monitoring for radio signals from space.

It is still not clear whether Yutu is able to carry out orders from mission control. Even if it is the end of the road for Yutu, China's space adventure is just starting – the country wants a crewed lunar base. And the rover leads a new wave of moon exploration. Private firms (see "Sports drink could be first commercial moon delivery") have moon plans, as do the US, Russia, India and South Korea.

Reports of the moon bunny's death may be somewhat exaggerated. Despite earlier suggestions that China's lunar rover, Yutu – or Jade Rabbit – had been officially declared dead, Chinese state media now say that the rabbit has phoned home. It remains unclear, though, whether the rover is healthy enough to continue its mission.

A news statement from state media agency Xinhua reports that the Chinese space agency is seeing signs of life from Yutu. And a website that records amateur monitoring of radio signals from space has received a downlink signal from Yutu, according to the Planetary Society.

Getting a signal from the rover raises hopes that all is not lost. According to Xinhua, a mission member has said: "The situation of the little rabbit is improving, with a little indication of awakening. Wait a while more."

Early mourning

Yutu's troubles began last month, just six weeks into its three-month mission. China's Chang'e-3 lander touched down on the moon on 14 December and released the Yutu rover about 7 hours later. Both machines successfully entered hibernation mode during their first lunar night. On the moon, night lasts for half of each Earthly month and plunges surface temperatures from daytime highs of about 90 °C to below -180 °C.

When the second lunar night rolled around on 25 January the lander went in to hibernation but Yutu appeared to have failed. It is impossible to communicate with the vehicles during lunar night, so mission operators had to wait until the new lunar day on Monday this week to confirm whether Yutu would respond.

Communication was established with Chang'e-3 but today, the ECNS news agency reported efforts to reactive the rover were unsuccessful: "China's first lunar rover, Yutu, could not be restored to full function on Monday as expected, and netizens mourned it on Weibo, China's Twitter-like service."" No other details were given at the time, leading many observers to think the rover was a goner. News of a wake-up signal is hopeful, but there are no verified reports yet on whether the rover is able to receive and carry out orders from mission controllers.

Cold, cold night

The rover's mechanical problems are likely related to critical components that must be protected during the cold lunar night. When temperatures plunge, the rover's mast is designed to fold down to protect delicate instruments, which can then be kept warm by a radioactive heat source. Yutu also needs to angle a solar panel towards the point where the sun will rise to maintain power levels. A mechanical fault in these systems could leave the rover fatally exposed to the dark and bitter cold.

China's space agency has not released any more details, but abrasive lunar dust is a top suspect. Moon soil gets ground up by micrometeoroid impacts into a glassy dust that can then become charged as it is bombarded by solar particles. During the Apollo programme the sharp-edged dust grains wore through astronaut space suits, scratched up mirrors used for laser ranging experiments and caused moon buggies to overheat.

Even if it is the end of the road for Yutu, China's race into space is just getting started. The nation has bold plans for a crewed lunar base. The rover has also helped put the moon back on the map –NASA has recently began a programme working with private companies to build robots for lunar mining.

Edited by +Protagorist - 21-Oct-2014 at 09:01
HaјсилнoтoOpужјe е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #36 Posted: 21-Feb-2014 at 12:25
HaјсилнoтoOpужјe е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #37 Posted: 22-Feb-2014 at 14:33

nekoj ke rece deka se preambiciozni, no iznenaduva samiot fakt kolku brzo im dojdaa zad petici i na amerite i na rusite, e sega sto fajde od seto ova samo tie si znaat iako imaat i kamen i motivacija, sto vile eden arhi-vostanik so edna patinirana fasada ke se zdomat 2000 lugje a moze i lujge vo slucajov so kineskiot yutu

China National Radio quoted Pei Zhaoyu, spokesperson for China's lunar probe program, as saying the rover had returned to "wakefulness." But Pei acknowledged that the rover's earlier malfunction remained, according to South China Morning Post.

"Jade Rabbit went to sleep in an abnormal state. We were worried it wouldn’t be able to endure the lunar night's extremely low temperatures, but it's come back to life! As long as it's alive,there’s the possibility it can be saved.” [1]



туку тро хистори рипитинг

[1] [2]


Edited by +Protagorist - 12-Jun-2017 at 22:03
HaјсилнoтoOpужјe е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв
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  Quote phenomenon Quote  Post ReplyReply #38 Posted: 28-Feb-2014 at 19:13
Дали следниве кандидати ќе бидат пионери на терифицирањето на другите небесни тела?

The Devil Worm

Can survive: Crippling pressure, lack of oxygen, high temperature.

This species of nematode, only recently discovered in 2011, has been found living up to 2.2 miles below the surface of the Earth. It blew away the previous record for multicellular organisms by a full mile. These worms spend their lives in total darkness, drinking 12,000 year old water and eating simple bacteria.

Photo Credit:

The Himalayan Jumping Spider

Can survive: Low pressure, freezing temperatures.

The polar opposite of the devil worm, this spider holds the record for the animal that claims residency at a higher point than any other (4.1 miles above sea level). It’s able to survive long periods without food, freezing temperatures, and a distinct lack of atmospheric pressure. The only sources of nutrition available to the Himlayan jumping spider are the tiny insects that get blown up the mountain by the high winds.

Photo Credit: Gavin Maxwell/ | Via: 2013

The Immortal Jellyfish

Can survive: The aging process.

These jellyfish have the ability to revert back to their infant stages in adverse conditions, making them effectively immortal. There doesn't seem to be any limit on the number of times that they are able to revert back to their infancy. Unfortunately, they're highly vulnerable to predation and disease every time they live out their immature, smaller stages.

Photo Credit:

The Red Flat Bark Beetle

Can survive: Extreme cold.

This insect, which is native to the northern areas of Alaska and Canada, is able to resist temperatures up to -150 degrees Celsius (-238 Fahrenheit) by producing an antifreeze protein that prevents the crystallization of its blood. Its blood is also fortified with glycerol, which further halts freezing. 

Photo Credit:

The Pompeii Worm

Can survive: Extreme heat, variance in temperature.

These deep-sea worms live exclusively in thermal vents in the ocean floor. Their tails are in the vents, which achieve temperatures up to 176 degrees Fahrenheit. Their heads however, poke out of the vents in order for the pompeii worms to capture prey. This results in half of their bodies experiencing temperatures over 100 degrees lower. It's thought that their resistance to heat is due to a coating of specialized bacteria on their bodies, which may provide a large degree of insulation for the worm.

Photo Credit:

The Tardigrade

Can survive: Basically anything.

These millimeter long, segmented animals can survive just about everything. Temperatures between just above absolute zero and 300 degrees Fahrenheit are no problem. 1200 times atmospheric pressure? The tardigrade just shrugs it off. It doesn’t really care about dehydration either, seeing as it can go 10 years without water. 1,000 times the lethal dose of radiation for humans is another non-factor. When testing the true extent of the tardigrade's resilience, scientists went so far as to send it to outer space in 2007. The result? Most of the tardigrades that went on the mission came back entirely unscathed. Plus they're kind of weirdly adorable.

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  Quote zdravozivo Quote  Post ReplyReply #39 Posted: 12-Nov-2014 at 18:09
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  Quote Џоле Quote  Post ReplyReply #40 Posted: 12-Nov-2014 at 21:50
Споменик на Лајка, првото суштество од планетава што замина во вселената

На 11 април 2008 г. е подигнат во научно-истражувачкиот центар во Москва кој го подготви нејзиниот лет во вселената. Претставува куче на врв од ракета со облик на човечка дланка.

Една занимливост што сакав да ја споделам со љубителите на вселената и сето она што е поврзано со неа.
За сè има вторпат
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