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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #61 Posted: 02-Mar-2012 at 19:41

настрана целиот новитет корисно пред се заради илуминацијата, но додека да бидне веќе постојат пофлексибилни варијанти за осветлување на самите правци... [1] [1]


Edited by Max - 05-Mar-2012 at 20:32
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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #62 Posted: 05-Mar-2012 at 20:30
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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #63 Posted: 09-Mar-2012 at 23:05

индукцијава ја наведувам чисто како абер дека на повидок е бежично напојување за се во доменот на оптоелектрониката, но добро е да се знае дека електромагнетното зрачење иако корисно како што може да се види горе, доколку истото не се контролира и ограничува ќе ни се удри од глава, особено што трката по профит не остава простор за здрава конкуренција макар истата била законски условена околу јачината т.е. интензитетот и фреквенциите на зрачењето, за кое посекако ако не институционално ќе се бара вака или онака чаре [1][2] [3] [4] [5]

за сега има подеднакво и про и контра предожби околу користа на индукционите мрежи и направи, прашање е на време кои ќе превагнат, односно кога ќе се проверат и потврдат нус ефектите од постојаното изложување на различно зрачење, доволно само по себе да предизвика стрес во организмот, кој доколку не се амортизира адекватно повеќе од јасно е дека ќе го нарушуши имунитетот на човекот!?

ајде телефони и ви-фи, но сега и сијалици и телевизирози и се од ел.апарати, од тоа дефинитивно ќе боли глава а по неа и многу што друго, просто секој новитет денес бидејќи пребзо се развива неодминливо продуцира колатерални штети, за кои системот нема време да ги надомести освен да ги рециклира како статистичка грешка, така да колку и да изгледа сето ова потребно и полезно треба многу претазливо да се исчекува како сеопфатно решение! и на тесла секирата му паднала во мед порано, но се чини одлучил дека е подобро да не ја вади од таму за да не се испосиче народ додека се насладува!? тоа постојната мрежа е за кабает и за нејзините ефекти се нема доволно абер [1][2] не па за нешто ново!

Edited by Max - 12-Mar-2012 at 15:10
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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #64 Posted: 12-Mar-2012 at 16:17
додека сум офтопик а во контекст индукцијата, нека одат и овие две размисли [1][2] кои фрлаат абер за можната употреба на квазикристалите а како идни потенцијални батерии во редот [3], иако за сега најголем напредок на ова поле има во нанотехнологијата како што се атомските нано-листови
For decades researchers have tried to create nanosheets from layered materials in order to unlock their unusual electronic and thermoelectric properties. However, previous methods were time consuming, laborious or of very low yield and so unsuited to most applications.

"Our new method offers low-costs, a very high yield and a very large throughput: within a couple of hours, and with just 1 mg of material, billions and billions of one-atom-thick nanosheets can be made at the same time from a wide variety of exotic layered materials," explained Dr Nicolosi, from the University of Oxford.

These new materials are also suited for use in next generation batteries – "supercapacitors" – which can deliver energy thousands of times faster than standard batteries, enabling new applications such as electric cars. Many of these new atomic layered materials are very strong and can be added to plastics to produce super-strong composites. These will be useful in a range of industries from simple structural plastics to aeronautics.

Edited by Max - 19-Mar-2012 at 21:00
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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #65 Posted: 19-Mar-2012 at 22:25

ќе направат ли сензор за мерење степен на интелегенција, јасно мерка по активност на мозочни бранови така ќе знаеме колку брзо губиме виуги опкружени со тенеќињава! но настрана постојните сензори, веќе има и покреативни решенија како сензори за радијација, првиот е базиран на камерата на телефонот. а вториот надворешен додаток

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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #66 Posted: 27-Mar-2012 at 22:02

main functional features:
Touch - Touching, gripping, sitting, walking, stepping and other human movements can be the triggers for unlocking or locking, starting or stopping equipment, or obtaining data.
Broadband and Interactive - Duplex, interactive communication is possible at a maximum speed of 10Mbit/s. Because the transmission path is on the surface of the body, transmission speed does not deteriorate in congested areas where many people are communicating at the same time.
Any media - In addition to the human body, various conductors and dielectrics can be used as transmission media. Conductors and dielectrics may also be used in combination. [1]

Edited by Max - 27-Mar-2012 at 22:03
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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #67 Posted: 05-Apr-2012 at 00:26

два новитета од ист лабос кои може ќе стигнат подалеку од хартија

Enhancing the Energy Harvest
EFRC researchers fashion solar cells with greater than 100% "Quantum Efficiency."
Among the most important limits affecting solar photovoltaic cells are those having to do with efficiency. Today's commercial silicon solar cells convert sunlight to electricity at an efficiency of only about 22 percent. That is, just 22 percent of the sun's energy striking the typical commercial photovoltaic cell is transformed into electricity. And in fact, there is a theoretical upper limit of 33.7 percent efficiency for even the best designed solar cell based on semiconductors. That limit (which applies to normal "single-junction" photovoltaic cells) was calculated as long ago as 1961 by William Shockley (earlier one of the co-inventors of the transistor at Bell Laboratories) along with colleague Hans-Joachim Queisser. The Shockley-Queisser Limit has stood for fifty years as a fundamental constraint on the effectiveness of solar cells and solar-generated electricity generally.

Now a team of researchers at a DOE Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC)—led jointly by DOE's Los Alamos National Laboratory and National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)—has developed a method, using nanoscience, to chart a potential path beyond this limit. By manipulating nanoscale properties of materials, the team at the EFRC (known as the "Center for Advanced Solar Photophysics") has managed to get Nature to produce what looks, at first glance, almost like something out of nothing. In the process, they have broken through a key efficiency barrier that could eventually help researchers overcome the Shockley-Queisser Limit. And they have done so with fabrication techniques that they say could eventually be scaled up industrially at low cost.
Now what is surprising is that the EFRC researchers have created a solar cell with greater than 100 percent quantum efficiency at certain wavelengths. That is, you're getting more electrons out of the solar cell than the photons coming in. At first glance, it looks a bit as if you're getting something out of nothing.

Progress towards Third Generation Solar Energy Conversion -

New bandgap boundaries could boost electronics

A new layer-by-layer growth technique that reduces the bandgap of complex metal oxides by 30 percent could improve the performance of solar cells, LEDs, displays and other electronic devices.

For years, complex transition metal oxides have held promise for a variety of information and energy applications, but the challenge has been to devise a method to reduce bandgaps of those insulators without compromising the material’s useful physical properties.

The bandgap, a major factor in determining electrical conductivity in a material, directly determines the upper wavelength limit of light absorption. Wide bandgap tunability is highly desirable for optoelectronic devices and energy materials.


Edited by Max - 05-Apr-2012 at 00:36
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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #68 Posted: 20-Apr-2012 at 02:10
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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #69 Posted: 25-Apr-2012 at 16:37

Self Healing Electronics -   

Pressurized Vascular Systems for Self-healing Materials - [1]

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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #70 Posted: 16-Jul-2012 at 22:00

ова горе е на арно по електрониката, но има и дополнителни нано-решенија кои ќе и го продолжат векот на истата пр. премази за зацвртување како hvof nano-spray [1][2][3] или водонепропусни премази како liguid-glass [1][2][3]

што е поинтерсно дури и накнадно може да се аплицира водоотпорност на електрониката, та ќе видат фајде и постарите процесори како 386-ките...

Edited by Max - 16-Jul-2012 at 22:09
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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #71 Posted: 22-Jul-2012 at 14:31

Scientists Turn iPhone Into Microscope with $30 Mod -

1 mm ball microscope lens
While the group is not the first to build a smartphone microscope, its version is about as inexpensive as one could get. Sebastian Wachsmann-Hogiu, one of the researchers says the group's first iPhone microscope prototype was based on a drop of water whose meniscus formed a lens: unfortunately, the lens evaporated rather quickly. Next up was a 1-mm-diameter ball lens stuck into a hole in a rubber sheet taped onto the phone: this had more staying power.

Simple spectrometer
The researchers also created an iPhone spectrometer, with the added elements consisting of a short tube with its ends covered with pieces of tape with slits in them. Though the spectrometer is still in its early stages, the researchers believe it could measure the amount of oxygen in the blood and help diagnose chemical markers of disease.

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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #72 Posted: 23-Jul-2012 at 21:46

ова горе е корисна закрпа но има и уште покорисна моб.ел.микроскопи пр. CellScope [1] прашање е само на конкуренција и потреба на пазарот и не е далеку од ум сите во џеб да шетаме пола апаратура што постои денес на државна, не дека не е брзо остварливо со ова нано-фотониката и нано-леќите ако и веќе не се работи на тоа, за сега комерцијално ќе одат со [попрости закрпи 1]][2

The electron microscope is a kind of microscope that uses electrons to generate an image of the target. It has much advanced magnification or resolving power than a normal light microscope, up to two million times, allowing it to view smaller objects and details. Electron Microscopes (EMs) operate precisely as their optical counterparts with the exception of a focused beam of electrons, which is being used instead of light to “image” the specimen and acquire information as to its composition and configuration. 

Kinds Of Electron Microscopes

In the early 20th century Nikola Tesla had the idea of shooting high-energy electron beams in the atmosphere and this was later used in experimental electron beam welders, pressure gauges and probably weapons tests.

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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #73 Posted: 09-Aug-2012 at 21:01
бидејќи ми се губи видеово во ЗОЗР нека оди и тука во контекст оптичките додатоци за мобилен, всушност ваква но минијатурна опрема сигурно имаат по војските, додека ние би требало да се задоволиме со вакви тенекина best of XXc. како и да е скапа но корисна направија
Originally posted by Max [1]

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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #74 Posted: 02-Sep-2012 at 15:59

Gigapixel “supercamera” delivers sharp shots

The challenge to creating high-pixel imaging lies in the sophistication of the integrated circuits rather than the optics, and now scientists have overcome this hurdle by developing a supercamera that synchronizes 98 microcameras into a single device with the potential to stitch together images with a resolution of 50 gigapixels

и додека ова го стокмат за на пазар за сега има подобра опција за гигапексел слики т.е. GigaPan опцијата која веќе и кај нас се користи наголемо [1]

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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #75 Posted: 20-Sep-2012 at 06:52

Glasses-free 3D screens let you see the wider picture - [1]

Glasses-Free 3-D on the Horizon -

I got to wondering the other day: What makes 3-D movies so exciting? What enables the so-called immersive experience the best of them provide? There’s the technology, of course – for instance, the circular polarization technology developed by RealD. Even beyond that, though: What is it about us, the viewers?

Barry Sandrew, founder and president of Legend3D, a digital media technology company that converts 2-D content to 3-D, offers some insight. In a recent interview written up in the Hollywood trade Variety, Sandrew – a trained neuroscientist who established several labs at Harvard Medical School in the 1970s and ‘80s, including one focusing on MRI, CAT and PET imaging of the brain – described research demonstrating how 3-D movies affect viewers differently than traditional, 2-D movies.

The stereo vision of 3-D movies, he said, reflects the “binocular disparity” we experience naturally when viewing objects with two eyes. So when an object flies toward the camera we react to it as we would in real life. The stereo vision activates a particular pathway in our brain, thus stimulating the amygdala, which plays an important role in emotional behavior – especially in anger and fear. In other words, afraid of getting whacked in the face, we duck.

At the same time, the use of stereo cameras enables a more intimate, dare I say more immersive viewing experience. And it is this to which audiences are responding with today’s 3-D movies. “Disparity is something the brain is expecting,” Sandrew said. “It's closer to reality, so it has a deeper meaning, a more significant meaning to the observer.”

Edited by Max - 20-Sep-2012 at 18:39
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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #76 Posted: 01-Oct-2012 at 14:10

повеќе е инфо за во фото-носвости, но во контекст на горниот пост нека оди тука

Despite this, many such cameras are still in use and can be found in mint condition or as NOS and lenticular prints can still be made. Though it is possible that the last companies doing lenticular printing will cease such activities and that the whole concept will fade into obscurity, it may well be that a new chapter in the story will be written.

There has been a lot of buzz lately about the release of consumer level lenticular printers. This would allow users to make their own lenticular prints. This would obviously bring new life to the market for used and NOS cameras, but it seems unlikely that a company which made a lenticular printer wouldn't also market a camera to go with it.

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  Quote Max Quote  Post ReplyReply #77 Posted: 03-Oct-2012 at 00:30

стереоСкопски муаБети и прЕку опТика леСно врВат

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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #78 Posted: 09-Sep-2014 at 12:23

pa ako mozat da prenesuvaat podatoci ova led-oite [1] zosto da ne mozat i da primaat, a eve i potvrda

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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #79 Posted: 11-Oct-2014 at 21:22

нишката Осветлување веројатно сеуште е кнап за теории

The blue light-emitting diode, arguably the greatest optoelectronic advance of the past 25 years, harbors a dark secret: Crank up the current and its efficiencies will plummet. The problem is known as droop, and it’s not only puzzling the brightest minds in the field, it’s also threatening the future of the electric lighting industry.

Tech visionaries have promised us a bright new world where cool and efficient white LEDs, based on blue ones, will replace the wasteful little heaters known as incandescent lightbulbs. More than a dozen countries have already enacted legislation that bans, or will soon ban, incandescent bulbs. But it’s hard to imagine LEDs dislodging incandescents and coming to dominate the world electric lighting industry, unless we can defeat droop. 01.08.2009 - [1]

25.04.2011 -

25.04.2013 -

29.05.2013 - [1]


Only despite this technology’s enormous potential, there is a problem. A mysterious phenomenon known as the LED droop which occurs when a higher current is applied. This flaw, discovered back in 1999, can result in a 20% drop in efficiency. How Will They Solve LED Droop?

One of the scientists studying this phenomenon, David Mayaard, explained, “that electrons are injected into the active region from the n-type material as holes are injected into the active region from the p-type material. The electrons and holes move in opposite directions and, if they meet in the active region, they recombine, at which point the electron moves to a lower state of energy and emits a photon of light. Unfortunately, researchers have noticed that as more current is applied, LEDs lose efficiency, producing proportionally less light as the current is increased.”

Last April researchers at UC Santa Barbara stated that, having identified the cause of LED droop, “These findings will enable us to design LEDs that minimize the non-radiative recombination and produce higher light output.”

They followed this up, a few days ago, with the announcement of an entirely different lighting source, “a laser diode in combination with inorganic phosphors, instead of the traditional LEDs.”

This new technology is said to be “high in efficiency and high in performance metrics.”

As Kristin A. Denault explained in their press release, “We found two ways to create high-intensity ‘cool’ white light. In one we used a blue laser diode and yellow-emitting phosphor powder with a luminous flux of 252 lumens, which is comparable to current high-brightness white LEDs. For our second method, we used a near-ultra-violet laser diode and a combination of red-, green-, and blue-emitting phosphors.”

In their paper, “Efficient and Stable laser-driven White Lighting,” published online by AP Advances, it states, “The luminous flux produced is comparable to current commercially available bright white LEDs of similar color temperatures. The luminous efficacies of these laser-based devices are relatively low due to the low wall plug efficiency of the laser diodes. With additional improvements in laser diode technologies, the luminous efficacy and flux of these white light sources may exceed those of commercial LED competitors.”

So is the era of LED coming to an end? Or will we soon be reading about a new and improved “droop-free” LED light?

Edited by +Protagorist - 11-Oct-2014 at 21:28
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  Quote beTon Quote  Post ReplyReply #80 Posted: 27-Jan-2015 at 01:21
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