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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #121 Posted: 24-Oct-2013 at 00:11

there are two ways for dismantling any conspiracy the first one is by resistance and the second by acceptance, but also oblivion is behind as choice tho very rarely used i.e. eventually after while every imperial or social playwright gets corroded scenery, which falls from the stage of our human reality (that by itself could be questioned as biggest one coz we are assured and believe that this life is all we have so we freely give up our spirits and their liberty for handful of lusting experiences, that eventually will fade away in someones concept of history) [1][2]

as modern nation til now we were using this last method of conspiracy debunking, from time to time supported with some marketing breeze like sk'64 or sk'14 [1]
   - early in our history we had one sunny soul that used the first method, when he resisted whole tyranny of persia, while pacifying those who were resisting him [1] even his name literally mean one who resist ἀλέξω [1][2]
   - later we had one glowing soul that has used both of the mentioned ways, his myth says he was one who gather all his brothers inland after what he became only lightbulb left known as Samoil (shining even til Somalia) [1][2] he actually accepted Vatican and resisted Tsarigrad primacy thus gaining first in balcans western crown [3] and in same time his resistance was acknowledge as more than just another antiimperial rebellion! we all know how his blindness affected his army directly [4][5] lecture that later missed krali-Marko too, then Gotse, after Chento, and after them all of our socalled Premier citizens, all of them rushing to become ally to someones meaningless system of hypocrisy!

actually all resistance has different goals and all acceptance has valid arguments and justified cause, but when and how to measure them is the right question eg. resist nowdays globalization but accept that with envy u cant destroy it, them belly full but hungry masonry can be understood easily if u know their origins and who planted them [1] and in same time while comparing them to those hungry bellys from somalia and long lasting famine that is blossoming there u'll be inspired to resist them with intention to help others from bottom of ur hearth... [1] be human thats the way, be antimaterialist thats the freedom, be vegan thats more crops for third world camps than animal farms- at least produce ur meat [1][2] stil u cant beat the system with anger but calmness let him faint in fury while u start disconnecting from it, finally the resistance is highly effective if its supported by blessed water [1][2][3] but most effective with singing blessing songs [1][2][3] u probably learnt that they are just puppets so attack their strings and puppeteers [1]

but as we say - ako site ovtsi ne ti se na broi (if ur sheeps are not all on number, or ur flock is not on pile), then it is wise going with tempered oblivion, which is doing nothing as Taoists suggest or Toltecs say [1][2] but if this is not aware process soon indifference will drop in like quest then boss [1][2] which normally is our worst enemy, sister of forgetfulness, altho guardians of the soul for worst and best, installed somewhere among the left side registries in our psyche - thats why is wise to learn songs which in right time with right people will safely escort or bring u back to state of awareness or maintain completely in, eg. simple songs like - brala moma kapini (maiden harvest blackberries) [1][2][3]

in our waking life as macedonian folklore our most acceptance song is - ja izlezi stara maiko [1], and our most used resistance song is - ne si go prodavai koljo chiflikot [1], while our most famous do-nothing song is - zedov zena mrzeliva [1] as well pavle mi piye, all of them love songs as metaphor...

Edited by +Protagorist - 11-Aug-2017 at 18:33
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #122 Posted: 25-Oct-2013 at 17:11

when it comes to resistance songs what counts is tough belief in its words, so they could become alive and motivate reaction, which was case eg. with our mk'village guerrilla support in the last century [1][2][3] while it was not with our modern sk'urban guerrilla front [4][5] which except belief in their cause lacked also popular voice so it could trigger wider vibe, altho timing and creativity was right!
maybe every song could be seen through this glass and thats the beauty of life i.e. constantly to go higher or deeper in every realm, and while in-between is harmony, then somewhere hidden behind is apathy which is usually mark for todays creativity, just imagine to climb a mountain without condition or even worst without will, and a top of that even u've been brought there on seat if u dont enjoy the moment simply its wasted time, if one expect some 3d result, first of all when climbing mountain one should be unburdened from any sufficient past or additives, then using song as climbing buster than pause cheering, then its not so handy if u have some colorful flags except in case u get lost or want to mark some spot, then best support u can get is from likeminded person eg. mountain hut guard or cook... cordial greetings to every that i have meet til now!
   - one of our most refined intentional matrix solvent or dissolvent, beside traditional echoes, is local byzantine chanting that today as recorded voice was best interpreted by our norhern sister from serbian tribes [1] try play this vibes when flying above the mountain tops or some slanting bridge...

most of our resistance in byzantine and ottoman times besides through music was channelized also through the narrative fresco painting i.e. comic stripes of middle ages, which were to eyes what music was to ears, and both stil are, but today people rarely see through them altho they are simplest matrix decompiler eg. scenes of the judgement day [1][2][3][4][5][6] judgement lifewrights literally translated from zivopis which can quickly enlighten anyone about his eternal quest of meaning of his existence, clarifying him that there will be in the heavens final verdict, while to it precedes temporary prejudgment day as first judging after the death, which simply is last chapter of the ladder of love [1][2][3] that brings us to salvation, tho as Christians we should tend to rise up-above good spiritual practices of antiquity or nowadays new age trends i.e. fear from heavenly judge is the beginning, and love of the light realms is the goal, where normally could not enter incompatible souls [1][2][3][4][5] as Apostle Paul said And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not love, I am nothing. [5]
almost in every church fresco composition here apocalypse is part of the picturesque narrations eg. the dome in Osogovo Monastery [1][2][3]


as was orthodox music portrayed simply so as fresco and icon art was depicted easily, as from educated so as from naive people, their creative resistance was full of happiness as victorious awareness that after any suffering again will shine the sun for those that have the patience as friend, but also we have even exceptional islam-art which is more with abstract geometric minimalism [1] that only gives emphasis on muslim oral masterpieces than handmade narration through carving and painting, altho even hands must have story so they can sculpt... at least imams somehow writhed their teachings with calligraphy and passed as artistic messages all around ottoman empire, which is even today case but in modern way - stuffed with more eagerness for sinners, than dignity for believers - as was case earlier!

Edited by +Protagorist - 16-Mar-2022 at 19:40
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #123 Posted: 27-Oct-2013 at 19:11

then again maybe every fruit its not suppose to be harvest or cant be reach easily, thats why in a spiritual way the orthodox chanting and fresco paintings are ladder to the highest one, they are foretelling us the way and its directions, more like cheerful knowledge that is shared among those that strive for ultimate freedom while they gather on praising liturgies to Our Merciful Father...

same practice is common in all religions, but here is unburdened from to much mysticism among the common people, altho as such is adopted in every daylife ritual of ours, even unconsciously eg. our mothers often prepare bread making cross sign in the wheat before kneading the bread, and then again on the bread before baking it, then when is ceremonial bread is sliced on four + poured with vine and after braked on two - we use this ritual as silent harmony of our light days, we bake and wove light through obvious signs and songs, full of emanative silence from above [1][2][3]... 

in this video u can notice the ritual of chasing evil spirits from houses and villages, something that is done religiously by priest with prayer + holy water and censer, yet as parallel ritual villagers were using the pagan tradition of scaring bad spirits in, bringing them out and slaughter them with the sound of many bells... [1][2][3] despite all i think that this ritual emerged recently maybe in middle ages when ursari were famous street artists [1][2] giving to locals idea that this costumes could be incorporated in their own world view and needs, if at all this nudged assumption of mine could be substantiated! [1]   
   - for ritual we say obred (poredok,od red,po red) which means ceremony [1] and until television steeled the meaning of everyday life, regularly it was part of every doorstep at least while mothers and grandmothers were trowing water behind their beloved who are going out, as sign for smooth trip and clean past i.e. to purify the path or as goodluck goodbuy smile [1][2]
   - rituals are like free climb - u know that you need them and u know that they have meaning, even u cant feel their results at least as completed action that satisfy ur daily need for something right to be done, no matter how strange or wierd looks that on us, or others are shocked as result (as long as they are for common good) [1][2] and when this routine gets massive acceptance then it starts to shine beyond intuition and expectations, as if this monologue became more than aside coz eventual debate after his vibe spirited away to archive [1] which btw is expected and needed in any forum (little more than kin, and less than kind)

we have also popular one-man-show purifying rituals here, Gish has flute salute for the eagles of matka, Igor probably is stil searching for his keys there, and Yakov is purifying his greetings, normally all of them have public but stil without mass acceptance!
„my Winter River Bathing is for everything that i have experienced last year, i would like that to go in one way with the cold waters of Treska river, and refreshed like that from the cold waters, prepared to encounter the challenges from the second decade of the 21 century. I am wishing that to all“ [1]

altho adverse as spontaneous, and done truly from heart, this is winter solstice purifying which is present elsewhere but not in Macedonia like this, coz we have the orthodox Christian purification which is held on Voditsi two weeks later, when after Liturgical service when is blessed water for personal and home use [1] the celebration is transferred to the river banks [2] when first the rivers are cleansed through prayers, holy water and the ceremonial Cross then the attendees for good luck are trying to catch the wooden Cross in the blessed water, ritual that is also common among orthodox russians [1] actually this cold water january jumping is so popular that even european delegates take part in it [1]
   - back to Yakov and Matka, this is good example how easily could be established regular practice of some order and became followed - for something that was forgotten cleansing ritual [1][2][3][4][5] probably coz this was parallel practice to Epiphany the early Church incorporate it as post-ceremonial act just to avoid any chance for dualistic folklore interpretations, which for sure will lead to some heresy, fear which was justified coz duality was present here even before antiquity and survived up until Apollon slayed the delphian dragon [1] i.e. when here was overthrowen the false knowledge of dualism and established the monoteistic belief in One God as supreme, noticeable through veneration of the Sun as His spark and symbol for-of-from the Light, altho there are poetic interpretations that says that apollo was son of osiris which are distressed like someones own perspective in antiquity, on top which today is perceived as straight fact [1][2][3] like today every beliefs are surely regulated by the media no matter the truth, as long someone has benefit from that! normally this trow us back to the comparison @ #103 about the ultimate conspiracy in this world, but here through ancient magnifying glass, which can unveil the truth clearly if the light source is excluded from any phantasmagoric distraction or lies!

things are simple who wants to complicate them let him do it, and who wants to simplify them respect it [1] altho this could be observe vice versa (if there is accepted arian model as mainstream truth without any doubt) [2] anyway thats why there can be rarely found common dualistic symbols here, as are enormously present monoteistic ones, as is the circle as eliolatric symbol which today is respected only from position of proud marketing tool and not as symbol that spread freedom through divine unification with light [1], normally there were also dualistic appearances back then even more coz here was crossing whole knowledge from all sides, thus for example many adopted so called balanced system which seal like the sign for love-heart is simplest dualistic sign that is very alive even today as minimal version of d ancient asclepius symbol [1][2][3]

Edited by +Protagorist - 25-Sep-2015 at 21:50
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #124 Posted: 27-Oct-2013 at 20:10

the teachings of mani known as manichaeism (reshaped zoroastrism) has influenced dominant dualistic sects here bogomilian and paulician movement [1] which were overun by Christianity coz both sloven and romei population that lived in Macedonia had worshiped one supreme God before, among first group main was svarog [1] and among second one zeus altho apollo as his son was main represent of the sun [1][2] some argued that apollo is compatible to dazbog and svarog to zeus in the slavic pantheon, all of others are just spirits as slavic people believe [1][1] at least as knowledge they were one level above dualists, dont get me wrong its not my intention undervaluate people who have this kind of beliefs, tho as monotheist my opinion is that u cannot serve two masters and acknowledge them as equal, normally that this is heresy against Almighty Creator that can be avoided even one has doubts only if is accepted that some renegade is trying to enslave our freewill as virtue of the human souls, disconnecting it from its Source through his false traps for heaven on earth and forgetfulness about eternal life... - and altho its clear that we must overcome his deceptions which are spread like uncountable lusts, materialism and pride - from which springs rage and possessivity [1] yet we habit to forget this, which eventually will lower or at least chillout the love in our hearts, condition which when is transferred to our society as collective should bring fear and chaos, that are existential food for the apostate spirits -
   - for sure its slander to accuse someones belief system as one that is supporting darkness with its own dogma, but when u know that by that u can overthrow some conspiracy against freedom of the soul then maybe in right time with right method this is holy act, something that have been done by Saint Cyril and Methodius when they started spreading Christianity upwards [1][2] today we only lack more interactive elaboration of their missions [4][5]

at first look mani and bogomil are same, but i'll add that theory is one thing and practice another so alto ascetic and antidespotic teaching yet bogomilsm fell to spread roots here and flee north just because it was preaching and imposing strict rules for salvation forcing that even without love one could become enlightened which is opposite from the teaching of Christianity and only thing that today still connects them are the apocriphical visions about the Aerial Toll Houses [1][2][3][4][5] but with different concept of passing its gates i.e. levels, actually this is the prejudgment until the judgement day right after the death here on the earth, and as Christianity teach only true confession of the sins (which becomes sincere repentance if one is determent not to make the same mistakes again) will make by the Mercy of Our Lord our sins to be wiped out, coz the state of salvation wasnt possible before the eartly incarnation of God through Christ [1][2][3] as our fathers and the fathers of our fathers believed and we stil as Christians believe...

yes its frightening by this measure who will be saved, and its said that Crhistians as bearers of the new vow the testament of Love would be questioned not by their deeds but by their love in their hearts! while those that are old-testamentish believers will be judge by their vow of purity, and everyone else by their conscience... anyway all of us with our sinful acts we are darkening our souls thus we are judging ourselves infront - freewilly avoiding to enter tomorrow in the Heavenly Kingdom and maybe it would be much lesser evil if we are doing this only to ourselves, but usually with our actions we are pulling down many either directly or indirectly tempting them through their benevolent attention, for example the modern nationalistic pride and the haterate that come form it, and why coz we dont have other perspective that the horizontal understanding of happiness but in possessive manner etc.
on other hand also by the hand of bogomilism one could be saved but do we have idea how impossible is that, do we have any real base for that!? just look at their cosmological sotirology and u'll give up infront, living in fear or envy coz the veakness of our beloved, instead that to be sign that through the suffering we are saving ourselves, sacrifice that ask from us to be patient, calm, with hope and belief that we are not left behind...
According to Manichaean mythology, in the base of the Universe stood two confronted principles and three époques. The two principles are mutually defined as oppositions: on one side there is the Light – Spirit – Goodness ruled by the Father of Greatness, the ruler of the World of Light, while on the other side is the Darkness – Matter – Evil ruled by the Prince of Darkness. In »Primordial times«, before the conception of the world, the two principles functioned completely isolated from each other. During the »Middle period« the forces of darkness conquer the World of Light thus intertwining the two principles. The Ruler of Light attempted to resolve this negative situation by inserting lightning elements in the world of darkness. This mission was accomplished by the First Man and his sons. Although the First Manbecame imprisoned, tortured and blind, and his sons swallowed by the Archons of Darkness, this mission marked the beginning of the development of the illusionary and unstable coexistence of the two principles. With the help of the characters –symbols of the Gnosis, created by the Father of Greatness, the First Man, i.e. his lightning nature still empoisoned by darkness, was saved. But the salvation of hissons requested the separation of their mixed principles of good and evil. In order to demonstrate the instability of this composition of unconvertible principles, the creation of the Cosmos from the bodies of the Archons of Darkness was inevita-ble. The pure light, untouched by the darkness, allowed the creation of the Sunand Moon, while the partially »poisoned« light created the Stars. The liberationof the remaining lightning particles, swallowed by Matter was possible only by a gradual and lasting process of liberation. For this reason, »Twelve Emanations«(positive categories; the Goodness, Wisdom, Faith, Esteem, Righteousness…) were created, which with their luminescence attracted the Lightness trap inside Matter.The mechanisms for the accomplishment of this mission were also created. »The Wheels«, Sun and Moon, were to serve as »vehicles« for gathering the elements of Wind, Water and Fire. The Column of Light was intended as a kind of ladder leading from darkness toward the World of Lightness. (According to Manichaean eschatology, the souls of the enlightened will manage to escape the chains of darkness with the help of these elements. First they will be grabbed bythe »Wheels«, and then they will climb the heavenly heights along the Column of Light-ness. Afterward, they will reach the Moon, the Sun, and ultimately the Heavenly World of Eternal Light)

In these phases of the Universe`s existence, one of the messengers of the Ruler of Lightness appears in the form of a male or female character with extraordinary beauty, thus provoking the demons to cast off the light from themselves. From the seed ejaculated by the male demons (equaled with the Light), after several transformations, the plants, animals and Adam and Eve – the first men, will be created, in whom the lightness will also be imprisoned, along with the features of the Darkness (lust, because of which they procreate). Due to the realm of Matter,Adam will forget his lightning origin, the same as the First Man. But, he will be illuminated by the Son of God – Jesus Splendor – incarnation of the Beneficial Mind and a new emanation of the Father of Greatness. (In Manichaeism, apart from Jesus, the Iranian Ormuzd (Achuramazda) and the Hindu Buda are also conceived as incarnations of the Delivering Mind) Thus he will demonstrate the already numerous human descendants of the way of liberation from the Worldof Darkness – through the abandonment of one`s body (tied to matter), i.e. the radical split from corporality and Matter.

According to this myth, those who stay unconscious in the delusion of matter will continue the everlasting cycle of their soul moving from one body to another,until Judgment day when after the Great War and the ruling of Christ, the cleansed souls will be separated from the poisoned, and together with him will leave this world, going into paradise, i.e. the Realm of Eternal Lightness. Afterward, the world created by the particles of Darkness will collapse, and all unpurified souls will be compressed inside the Sphere of Darkness which will be placed in a deep pit, covered with heavy rock. Thus the primordial duality of the two principles will be renewed and will never change.

this myth about them is wrapt in the movie Tainata Kniga like commercial juggling with someones concept of liberty!? the film introduce us poetically to the secrete knowledge in our hearts, also its potreyed like forgotten and forbidden one which even today will get alive tho - if u start asking and searching for it, here indirectly promoted like byzantine or eastern protestantism [1] however it must be noted that bogomilism its not at all our collective tradition [2] as is also the story that bogomils later accepted Islam as closest to their belief system [3] they have similarity with Islam tho, mainly coz their emphasis on core beliefs than ceremonial (those that are supported and revealed through the ceremony, as is case in Christianity) probably in the end this movie should serve as avantgarde note which should artistically introduce the teachings to the public and dispose bogomil doctrine [1] which as dualism travelled from asia through balkans til europe, when later was passed to katars and patarens as practice [1] knowledge that in a way started rebellions in the western church and monarchies, coz bogomils were calling on rejection of earthly authorities as they see the earth as creation of darkness - simply instead spiritual humanitarians they were spiritual anarchists of the middle ages that with their views affected many western minds like the rossencreutzens [1][2][3] thats why they were banned from this peninsula as heresy, and altho i will not agree with many of their postulates this one is worst, coz if we judge others we will be judged too, simply what goes around comes around, altho they've seen themselves as martyrs with cause, but who cannot rest his mind he is becoming full of pride, coz only through clear mind illuminated by peace we can deflect the negative thoughts! yes they agree that peace cannot be obtain if some soul is full of lusts, yet they are not accepting that its noone guilt if u see trapped man, they dont have understanding for those that are spiritually weak or blind even they've been kings or czars, reacting vigorously as moral judges trying to cure someone sins by accusations instead praying for them and let it be The Will of God...

   - when lusts which are demons are blown and destroyed through soberminded peace, then also pride and its sister disobedience are too, coz pride and love have nothing in common, shortly from stance of bogomils if u see some spiritually-disabled man u should immediately knock him down, no heal him with help from God and have compassion for every soul that is suffering which have at least one drop of light in self, if ur not sure ask it hey do u love ur siblings,friends or neighbors, coz love is the light and light is love... from this stance bogomils as gnostic sect shouldnt be cast from here, but politics kill my friends, even if its wrapped commercially with the Cross on their foreheads, especially as response to someones calls on anarchy, and more if that space is occupied by middle age empire... 

   - most famous macedonian bogomil altho secret was John Vladislav son of Aron brtoher of Samoils [1][2] altho there are legends that even Samoil and its daughter were favoring bogomils [3] probably he was tolerant coz he needed every help for his conquests of more and more balconies on this peninsula, in fact all of them were like floating islands of traditional knowledge independent enough back then that probably all of them were sincretizing different spiritual practices, yet orthodoxy was largest and strongest stronghold of Christian teaching... stil they werent burn on inquisition pyre, altho persecuted in courts in the era of comnen dynasty [1] coz they were in a way protestants of the east, which later as i mention before spread their protest to west and north (reformation that as thoughtful energy have need to poses some suitable population as host) if i'm not wrong she is called deception! eventually if reality is snake then bogomils make sense, but if faith means - u are what u believe u are, so u create this reality and if u chose anarchy then anarchy it will be, but my advice is if ur still there dont give up, catch the snake for its neck not its tale and while holding it disintegrate her negativity through lightning prayers, and as higher u are as strongest u are (literally and figuratively) [1][2] coz there is no other harmful act upon its damnation than calling The Name Of God through prayer, as constant as powerful, something that even bogomils practiced but with little success coz they give her status of negative god, she is only shameful renegade that use the ignorance and free will of many so it could make from them darkened slaves, from which by fear will try to steal their love, yep this sounds not so scary when is presented like this, and hope it could be motivation for some freedom seeker, tho there are less and less freedom fighters even in the mountains, but their struggle is keep on movin'... maybe its easy if u know that ur burden its not the heaviest [1][2][3]


Edited by +Protagorist - 11-Aug-2017 at 18:40
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #125 Posted: 28-Oct-2013 at 14:14

According to the sources in the Acts, Saint Paul, Christ's disciple, began spreading Christianity in Macedonia and elsewhere on the Balkan Peninsula towards the mid 1st century AD. He visited this region on two occasions during his journeys through Europe and Asia. He was followed by Timothy and Silas, who remained in Macedonia after his departure. At that time, as a Roman province Macedonia often changed its borders and its ethnic composition. As a result of the Christianization in the first three centuries, the Christians in Macedonia at the beginning of the 4th century already had an organised Church with an established ecclesiastical hierarchy, whose bishops regularly participated at the ecumenical councils.

In the 5th century the Church had several metropolises and dioceses. The metropolises of Thessalonica and Skopje were the most distinguished among them. Several Christian basilicas originate from this period, including the one near the village of Bardovci, in the western outskirts of Skopje.

During the reign of the emperor Justinian I (527-565), who came from the village of Tauresium in the Skopje region, a new town was built near the emperor's birthplace, named Justiniana Prima after him. The Metropolitan of Skopje was appointed an autocephalous Archbishop. Cathellian was the first Archbishop of the Archdiocese Justiniana Prima, at the time the third by honour among the local Orthodox Churches, after Rome and Constantinople. The other archbishops were: Benenat, Paul, John I, Leon and the last one John IX, who in 680-81 took part at the Trullo Council in Constantinople.

The work of the holy Apostle Paul and the holy emperor Justinian I was continued by the holy brothers Methodius and Cyril and their disciples Saints Clement and Nahum of Ohrid. In the second half of the 10th century, within the borders of Samuel's state, the autocephalous Ohrid Archdiocese was established with the rank of patriarchate, on the foundations of Justiniana Prima. After the fall of Samuel's state, the Ohrid Archdiocese was reduced to a lower rank of church hierarchy (archbishopric) and it existed as such for eight centuries, until its abolishment in 1767 by the Turkish sultan Mustapha III, and its dioceses were annexed to the Patriarchate of Constantinople. From this moment on Macedonian people made all possible efforts to restore the Archdiocese. Its dioceses were under several jurisdictions of the neighbouring Orthodox Churches and this struggle became particularly fierce in the second part of the 19th and the first part of the 20th century. Convenient conditions for restoration of the independence were created not earlier than during World War II (1941-1945). Right before the end of the war, in 1944, in the village of Gorno Vranovci, an Initiative Board for Organisation of the Macedonian Orthodox Church was formed. In March, 1945, in Skopje, a Resolution to restore the Archdiocese of Ohrid as Macedonian Orthodox Church was made at the First Clergy and Laity Assembly. This decision was submitted to the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church, since before World War II several dioceses in Macedonia were under the United Orthodox Church of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians, known later as Serbian Orthodox Church. The Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church did not accept this decision, which resulted in the following actions of the Initiative Board: instead of as an autocephalous, the Board insisted on the Church being recognised as autonomous. This request was also rejected. In 1958, the Second Clergy and Laity Assembly was held in Ohrid and the proposal for restoration of the Ohrid Archdiocese of Saint Clement as a Macedonian Orthodox Church was accepted and Dositheus was appointed the first archbishop.

The Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church agreed with the decisions of the Macedonian Clergy and Laity Assembly in the resolution AS. No 47/1959 and 6/1959, minutes 57 of June 17/4, 1959.

As a sign of agreement, a Liturgy was concelebrated with the Serbian Patriarch German, on July 19, 1959, in Skopje, in the church of Saint Menas. At the same time, Clement was ordained the bishop of Prespa and Bitola. This meant that the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church gave autonomy to the Macedonian Orthodox Church, which remained in canonical unity with the Serbian Church under their Patriarch. Few days later, in the church of St. Nicholas in Štip, H.E. Nahum was ordained the bishop of the diocese of Zletovo and Strumica. The Holy Synod of the Macedonian Orthodox Church was established together with other administrative bodies in the Archdiocese and the dioceses in conformity with the Constitution of the Macedonian Orthodox Church. In May, 1962, accompanied by Patriarch German and other representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Alexis of Moscow visited the Macedonian Orthodox Church. Among them were Metropolitan Nicodemus, Bishop Pimen and other dignitaries of the Russian Orthodox Church. On the feast of Saints Methodius and Cyril, in the church of the Holy Mother of God Kamenska, in Ohrid, Patriarch Alexis of Moscow, Patriarch German and the Macedonian Metropolitan Dositheus concelebrated Holy Liturgy. It was the first Holy Liturgy to be concelebrated by the head of the Macedonian Orthodox Church with heads of other autocephalous Orthodox Churches.
... [1]

Rome since the spread of byzantine empire is trying to regain jurisdiction here which Tsarigrad obtained as political consequence [1] coz of what later Justian II formed the famous Justiniana Prima as independent Patriarchate thus putting end on argues between Tsarigrad and Rome, actually Rome tried to establish own bishop in Salonica back in the 4th century [1][2] but eventually give up coz large distance circumstances... nevertheless the conflict maintain after what Justiniana Prima was formed [3] later Ohrid Patriarchy cotinue this tradition again, being independent bridge of communication between Rome and Constantinople, yet Rome was trying and pushing Ohrid Archbishops for union, trying to spread in Illyricum in one or another way, from time to time someone will call the pope for this or that - from political aspect as Samoil did or coz any religious act as Ohrid Archbishops later have done [1][2][3][4][5]

Ohrid Archbishops stayed as middleman til the abolition of the Archiepiscopy in 1762 after what was shaken the spiritual ladder of our people, thus their national development was hindered, Macedonians were left ‘as a flock without shepherd, maybe thats right after many pressured by the aggressive assimilation of the neighboring churches quickly turned their hope again to Rome [1] maybe if those churches were more soulful than national we would benefit from that but on our misfortune we live on fertile land as naturally so as historically so neighboring churches became just instrument for the political agendas of their kingdoms - "Propaganda activity in Macedonia, ‘although political in their ends, are religious and educational in their methods’, although it was not Christianity itself at fault; the Balkan church leaders rather than attending to the spiritual well-being of the people were ‘the prime movers in every political campaign that it started’" [1][2] propaganda that didnt find rest even today in modern europe [3] sadly through one person u can figure out whole nonsense of balkan ethnofiletism which is largely imported instruction as nus effect of global atheist conspiracy against orthodoxy at least look like that coz if we cannot unite spiritually how can we unite materially, its absurd that tomorrow will tear apart europe from within if all balkan countries dont let go their pride, as is noted early maybe we should start this process as good will coz we are least stuffed with negation of others altho their negativity pull us like magnet, but hey love and forgiveness will bury that all at once [1]

Today in Macedonia Orthodox is largest Christian denomination but we have also Chatolic and Protestan citizens [1]
The increasing number of Catholic believers in Bitola in the middle of XIX century, as a result of the opening of numerous consular offices, foreign officials, merchants, and members of their families, required constant presence of priest, who would take care of the spiritual needs of the population, spiritual and school education of children and other believers. This situation contributed in 1848 to be appointed permanent pastor whose stay in Bitola was quite short... [1] [2][3]


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  Quote Џоле Quote  Post ReplyReply #126 Posted: 29-Oct-2013 at 11:52
A Brief Travel Guide to the Republic of Macedonia

by Sucheta Rawal
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #127 Posted: 31-Oct-2013 at 08:00

Thanks for the brake Dzo, i've need it!


this universal love make us creative & calm i.e. we respond to any negative pressure with positive one e.g. building the largest Cross in the world... officially to mark years of Christianity, but also marking 2Ky sufferings of all who lived here, coz as always this area was settling coin not only on&for the balkan tribes but european too, as spiritually so as materially, but if our freedom has price called Life, in that life we try not to become what others had as modern nations on this peninsula, tho we would if wasnt for the Cross, now even alex with bukefal are benefiting from it too, coz they as everybody else today are lighten and tomorrow could be enlighten widely if upwards is build a Church temple beneath the Cross, part of the initial plan but now priority got the TC-Tower (phenomenons they should plant her on skopska tsrna gora,its not too late for transplant,where are now urban aesthetes to protest) [1][2] she should open space for live crossword signals after every uphill ceremony, coz our Millenium Cross is countrys torch...

on other had some say that this millennial symbol on top of Vodno is provocation for muslims & ultraculturalism, but as i know the moon shines every month behind it with badinter principle of fair presence, if not more no one mind from my muslim friends! sorry for my sarcasm, but when some oblivion punks through their shorosh-ngos [1][2][3] try to darken lightning idea like this reflex hit, at least they should respect it as national heritage coz Christianity we kept our conscious alive as nation and population, yet they have every right to question everything from knowledgeless or curiosity, altho deception speaks through them coz this Millenium Cross Is like the Flaming Sword of Archangel Michael [1] or Burning Spear of Saint George [1] charged with light, tho not every bulb always shine on this one, usually from shortcuts or extra amount of clean power... this one is not just symbolically a light weapon, but real one if is counted the Oath of the Old Pot from post #62 coz all of those numbered as settlers went crazy - biting even real people with their spirits, the mouse was the old spirit of the capital, the snake was in the titoist era, and today rulz the frog altho someone says that lately she became a duck... never mind now we have antidote for all of them on top of our citys mount Vodno, and that is good reason for anyone to ask for safety bubbles from above, tho u should always know the emergency number +389-192 = 197 (spiritual forensics - not so public) [1] actually here the Church is separated from the state eg. dont have public salary as is case in whole balkan, on top of that is obligated to have fix prices so it could be taxed, coz why in people eyes is an unaffordable menu in best case (not to mention how she looks when her clergy has brand new cars) and altho they need food for their families too yet is duty to every priest (he gives his vow as spiritual healer, as bodily are giving the hippocratic oath) to accept and heal every soul for free... [1][2][3][4][5] i am bugged why we are loosing our donation system, why at all someone put prices for this or that service, specially coz there is no official doctrine for that and everything is left to the Church as organisation of believers to chose how and why something should go on... i would prefer to have own oil-lamb instead candle, coz it could be lighted anywhere even borrowed tho there will be still the issue with the oil (literary and figuratively) [1][2][3]

except mercy our orthodox priests are obligated to marriage so it could stay focused on their work [1][2][3] altho if some of them stumble on the moment papa i need brand new shoes or darling i would like brand new bag, then he is becoming spiritual atm, tho they are people too just with license to fuel up energy at the Church stops and beyond (coz they are mocked in light, thats why is wise to get blessing from a priest even u found him at the junk yard)...
   - early as orthodox believers all our sisters and brothers had habit to refuel their needs in fly by - i.e. making the cross sign on themselves while passing in front of any Holly object either cathedral church,local church or paraclion, it was and still is for the belivers way of reflex call on 197 coz in every church object every day at least two times shine main services, so the passing believers would catch in a walk-on-by blessing, altho if they are aware of their lack of light shield or rush of spiritual infection then they are going inside for some peace & purification... if they are on time and there is a liturgy probably if are ready to be healed and refueled with light, they will confess and get the sacraments, altho today this became questionable not just here but also in the west [1] which is strange coz here u are confessing to ur spiritual witness face in face, not with paravane in between, so its little bit more personal moment than in the wester Church i.e. fuel recharge without worries how dirty ur car is, altho one should be most worried about his engine, but when corrosion hits as sign of lack of maintenance its just matter of time when will d engine go from aerial to magmatic, when normally u mast obtain some heavy metal instead aluminium caroserie so it could withstood the burning smell of the soul, personally i have changed every possible, now i am with some hybrid from titanium stitched with prayer rope... for sure far from pearl and close to o'pal [1] maybe coz til now i was regularly wasting the pearls in vain here and there, practice that i tend to change, altho its not easy to put end on every useful habit [1] for now i have stopt polishing my neighborhood without call and even then i'm postponing the calls, simply its matter of pride-deprivation coz even if u free ur self from lusts and materialism for sure u will fell on premeditated pride [1][2][3]


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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #128 Posted: 02-Nov-2013 at 07:00

if u think that today is so hard to be enlightened Christian, then probably u'll get bemused from the bravery of the early Christians... first of alll they were truly free knowing that there is a way out, not just hope for freedom but true freedom as state of soul so as state of mind, what was enough so they can gain strоng faith through which they were practicing to be patient so it could rise in the Love of the Light, probably it was extra hard to have compassion for someone who was peninsular butcher or had trans-continental butchery! actually even today is not relatively rare for Christians to have understanding when someone is possessed by lower energies like the leaders of world-war-economies or frustrated tribal generals, who can be relaxed only from above i.e. their puppeteer to be tied with the force of the Light that usually is evoked by collective prayer [1][2][3] but as always we need examples that will motivate us, in antiquity those were the martyrs which had taken the example of our Lord and His sacrifice on the Cross [1] among whom first is Saint Stephen and most known is Saint George both punished severely coz their beliefs and good will...

i'll say their resistance upon deception and its oblivion were so strong that they instantly got mass respect, they were example by excellence with their incredible sufferings as witnesses of Christ, taking the burden of martydom - but not as hate nor by attack or defense but open confession, altho there are even more stranger examples like the talking head of Saint John Forerunner (Baptist) [1][2][3] maybe today is the same case but on different level altho public confession is very rare thing, i am aware of few who have had done that here, but people are seeing their acts as chance for own commercial back up by sensationalism, tho their penance look like foreign one [1] coz its really strange to see somebody pushing own public change while he strives towards freedom [1] but with all of their wisdom and right moves to get back on the sunny track - altho exceptional acts, they cant be compared with the sacrifice of those that are giving their lifes for others to be freed, some will say soldiers kick the same bucket, but only those who defend their people in defense [1] altho above them are those that sacrifice own freedom for peace for all, like humanitarians, martyrs, monks etc. tho their view may differ about what-how-why should be peace [1]

from those examples here most respected is Saint George altho our most famous live monasteries are dedicated to Saint John the Baptist, at Ilinska and Bistra mountain, the first one lighthouse in byzantine times [1] where were healed blinded soldiers of Samoil [2] and the second one lighthouse in ottoman times [1] from where Vali Iskender opposed Sultan Murad II (the moastery was part of his valium) [2] today both of them our national treasuries of church woodcarvings famous by their carving schools through the centuries [1][2][3] the slepche school with its bar relief in classic style and bigorski school with its deep reliefs in baroque style, both produced the richest and priceless wooden church art on this peninsula... for profane examples of traditional woodcarving in Macedonia visit Houses of Urania and Robev in Ohrid [1]    


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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #129 Posted: 05-Nov-2013 at 11:01

to get back on UFC... here every Saint have church day which usually is accepted as village day, also they are venerated through the christened celebration that actually is held onward right after the the Baptism as testimony of it [1] but also deep veneration is made through the Home Glory Day (Kukna Slava) i.e. every OC-home has Patron Saint and celebrate his day as "house festival" or "holy gathering" when all siblings, neighbors and friends are gathered around the blessed table, tho nowadays people forget on that day to went on Church service and bless bread for health (Petolebie or Pogacha) later served for all the guests on the celebration, that as such today looks more like wedding than holly-day party [1][2][3] then we tend also to forget about other ritual must dos that was normal before, like presence of Icon, candle and frankincense [1][2][3][4][5] maybe is comfort that the elderly people should be visited by the local priest and bless their celebration bread, so those that dont have time could also ask for visit... at least they can read prayer and akatist [1] if not in the evening the for the lunch, its part of fest that should be first tho usually is forgotten even as last, simply today rituals became deprived from meaning while loaded with lush packaging, as everything else!     

and altho every Saint is and could be chosen as Patron, here as always three Saints were most prevalent Home Patrons: Yon, Gyorgi and Nikola, their veneration was obvious by above mentioned home celebrations on their church day... also to them are dedicated unique Churches, and if those that was famous for our woodcarvings are dedicated to Saint John, these that are dedicated to Saint George are famous worldwide by their frescoes, one located in Staro Nagorichane and another in Staro Kurbinovo (both ex-monastic places) both frescoZivopis best representatives of the Macedonian Renaissance [1][2][3] highest stage of the byzantine frescoe painting [4][5] yet the frescoes from the Church of Saint Panteleimon above Skopye are most exploited in literature [1] so if u want to know how is it to be middle age macedonian with enlighten perspective for the next life then visit these places and see their narrative evangelism...

- to have Patron Saint in ur family like spiritual proxy to God, for every orthodox Christian is similar as to have Guardian Dog on ur yard, they are more like our essential sun as God's spark + that when needed or if we ask them can clean or pacify our place or space [1] in this way ur Guardian Angel has constant help in his earthly escort or rescue mission around u, depending from what kind of energy we get buzzed or splasht, altho usually we tend to be dried or scald by blockbuster soaps and serials, not that all of them are fit of energy e.g. i miss socialist folk'tv'tales and radio'novel's from the past...

Edited by +Protagorist - 05-Nov-2013 at 22:25
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #130 Posted: 05-Nov-2013 at 21:00

in whole human history the words spring truth (especially those that we carry with us through all our life as personal designation) and here they can shine as Christened names, even more if we live holy [1][2][3] thus as to suitable giving us instantly the attributes of the Patron Saint by whom we were christened(happy to bear his name),
_ so miraculously every our Nikola is generous, especially if he is in charge of something [1][2][3][4][5] we even have town after him Sveti Nikole tho stil waiting to become in charge of something (eg. local authorities were trying to make some futuristic clone from him),
_ then every our George is undefeatable!!!, if he has sharp spear which is obtained through the Word of God directly and indirectly i.e. if he live righteous life he is full of Love and his words dismantle any wrong, if not he should get compatible through reestablishing the communion with God so it could became again deserving holder of the Saints name and its attributes [1][2][3][4][5] for example if Gjorgi was the strongest opponent of the ottoman empire, today Gjorge is our strongest pillar against the hidden european xenophoby - striking back with Confucianism [1] beside its Christian calmness and libertanianism [1] he is our brusliya and burgiya against the dino puppets [1]

normally from the Apostles most venerated are Saint Peter and Paul celebrated in one day as antishismatic motif, then next to them probably follow Saint Matthew and Saint Luke tho Saint Mark and Saint John as Evangelists are common Patron Saints too, then comes the Slavic Apostles Saint Cyril and Methodius with their five students known as sedmoChislenitsi (those who cleaned with The Word everything on this peninsula in their time, but also even today, if are asked tho) from whom here are particularly accepted Saint Clement and Saint Naum... definitely this list has no beginning or end coz all of them are equal as Patrons so as Saints...

strange but from all the Saints one has special status that is almost on our country emblem (maybe he is if the sun is depiction for him) altho is prophet that lived before Christ who had have status here as first among the equal, Saint Elijah of course, as we call him Saint Iliya and his day Ilinden [1] we raised our national rebellions on this day in 338 and 1903 [2] and establish republic in 1944 [3] thus we accept him like Christians as connection to antiquity as helioltric archetype, as such not at all new but older tradition with same accent, eg. other slavic tribes compare him with the thunder instead of sun [1] tho we clearly distinct it, as the comparison above from post #124 about zeus and apollo i.e. svarog and dazbog, here in this context of Christianity as God and EliJah, after all he is straight example of Light and Enlightenment from the old testament with whom we equate easily as people of the sunny land...

also it should be mentioned our ascetic-four who were middle age examples of simple Christian life with luminous virtues, the spiritual brothers Saint Prohor, Saint Gavril, Saint Yoakim and Saint Yovan [1][2][3] more like hermit Patrons to people and places with deeper spiritual values i.e. probably healers and healing places should used them... then again if our Lord Jesus Christ was inspiration for all of them it should be also for us, and at least traditionally if not spiritually, then if not every day at least from time to time think a bit about Him, if not else symbolically when we all brake easter eggs which yolks could give us bird wings and the whites flying proteins if we have open soul, which will glow like the sun, for what all of people have open invite [1][2][3] and if u dont have or have lost ur compass, dont worry, at least jump fast to the tradition and eventually u'll see again the Light...      


Edited by +Protagorist - 06-Nov-2013 at 14:34
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #131 Posted: 06-Nov-2013 at 17:51

we have saying "where ever u've been, for Mitrovden home to be"(kade i da si za mitrovden doma da si) coz if the warm weather starts after Gyurgyovden(Saint Georges day) the cold weather starts after Mitrovden(Saint Demetrius day), it was same with the call&harvest of the wild honey, u make brtva (cliff hive) in spring ant take its gifts in autumn [1]

i've intentionally left above Saint Dimitriy so it could get as macedonian martyr more room (from macedonia coz as Christians we are one in God), but mostly coz as Patron Saint from recently have special status in Skopye i.e. the Church that is named after him in Skopye got miracle in form of light refurbishing frescoes, which in orthodoxy is sign that foretold some events [1] so as it was big happiness in the beginning it was even bigger sorrow soon after when five boys became martyrs [2] by accident or not, all of this now is part of our collective spiritual echoes... as whole object til now this was case only with the frescoes of Svir Monastery in Russia [1][2][3]

beside the Miraculous Church in payko maalo(ex-jewish squad in sk) there is another Church in vicinity of skopye dedicated to Saint Demetriy that was lighthouse in time of Krali Marko [1][2][3] whose father founded and after whom is known this monastery in which is located this monastic Church [1][2][3][4][5]


Scientists Ponder Fresco 'Miracle' in Skopje

Edited by +Protagorist - 06-Nov-2013 at 18:41
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #132 Posted: 07-Nov-2013 at 16:34

right near Markov Manastir is located the only church from 14th century in Skopye [1][2][3] other 100 were before and after tho most of them today are just with aetheric resonance, many of them around Matka and many around Tsrna Gora while the rest in and around other parts of Skopye [1]

this Church in the village Markova Sushitsa among the mountains of Vodno and Karajitsa is dedicated to Presveta Bogoroditsa i.e. Most Holy Lady Theotokos [1] or Mother of the Curch [1] tho locals assert it to Saint Nikola, long story short - the moment of the tradition and yakov above in this thread

along with this one there are also another three Churches in Skopye that are dedicated to Presveta Bogoroditsa + one monastic at Matka, one cathedral in the center and one ancient near the fortress probably enough for Most Holy Mary to be Patron of Skopje [1] where on other hand in neolithic times here was popular cult of magna mater so feminine figure was even then patron of this place, yet there is no established connection between these two periods especially that there is not info about the local cults from antiquity as post-pagan or pre-Christian tradition that substituted the neolithic one!


here even today most wonderful energy spread womans eg. mother Teresa now beatificated, which humility evolve in new monastic order in the world, known as Missionaries of Charity (humanitarian sisters of mercy) [1] and as respect to her and her work recently was build memorial house at the place of the old Catholic Cathedral in Skopye demolished in the quake of '63 [1][2] but soon as donation from India we will have 30 meter statue of her right across the place where she was born, altho there is place and logic to bring her in her exact yard, simply better small but true when it could be done, than big and out of context even delivered as gift, or maybe they want her face to be looking toward east thus they will position her statue across her house at the west part of the square Macedonia [3][4][5] its stil not clear why, i'm guessing coz here as always there was an active sayings like "be quiet and do ur ting" (kyuti si i tray si) or "first jump then say hop" (prvo skokni pa rechi op) so collectively we are always surprised by our cocitizens and their inventions, nomatter how good willed are they!

maybe we lack aesthetic filtering when it comes to urbanism, tho having in mind how everything is politicized, probably that same filters, if function smooth, will pause if not stop any ambition infront, but even without them the selfcensure worked fine til the '90's altho then were utmost needed so it could stopped the transitional urban-quake, actually on institutional level (tho regular) this was pushed through the local dup's that as transitional brainstorming ended with the famous refurbish of sk-city-center known as project sk'14, while as such started with the reconstruction of the Old Stone Bridge from which they made "two hamp camel" as our ex-yu city-architect Zivko Popovski said (architect of GTC) in his last documentary interview, for which statment i think that is happiest remark for skopye's urbanism - trough which i can easily understand how painful is the last city-center facelift to cocitizens with modernist taste - as is wrong mascara for me as traditionalist the last reconstruction of the Stone Bridge altho here is opposite coz the style is ok but the performance is clumsy
anyhow today this bridge is connection between the two main Skopye squares where are centered the monuments of Alexander and his father Philip of Makedon, symbolical connection in which ficho is bringing alex on this world through our bactrian camel while the birthday cakes are lighted allaround...
- must say that this tradition of plentiful decoration is not new, from the Churches built in romanticism and their baroque ikonostasis til the profane buildings and their doors, try not to notice! its even characteristic for the socialist times when brutalist minimalism here became brutalist expansionism as style, and altho logic says that this is mood from antiquity, i think that as such he became mature in ottoman times when Skopye from time to time was becoming most beautiful city in the european part of the ottoman empire, this was noted also by Piccolomini when he burned down our town in 1698 [1][2] and before that it was the catastrophic quake in 1555 [3] in which time and after survived the old Church from Markova Sushitsa from the beginning of this post...   


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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #133 Posted: 13-Sep-2014 at 20:11

When we follow Our Lord Christ we follow the message of Love, and Love means happiness in calmness to all people through all our expectations, joy from the notion that we have conscious life in us - no matter how much we suffer - or we didnt actualize ourself, like passengers who are waiting for their destination end, in same time while trying not to fell from the the boat... remember that our ride is smooth only if we manage to unburden our excess thoughts (of possessivity and pride, but definitely lusts) tho this is not so tricky if can be balanced through fist full of o-reads than e-watch, but first try and focus then decide how&when to tight ur emotional strings - dont wait for the most suitable moment - doh sailing across steady waters could be also tempting to push on...

interestly in Christianity the Church as architecture is mostly perceived as vessel, and altho symbolical this is also really true when it comes to aesthetics, try not to notice while rushing in the sea of urban views that our eyes tries to find simple but familiar shapes, normally with known meaning that will bring comfort in all our mess of thoughts, this could be Church or Library or Theater depending of our own cultural affiliation, then again this is significant mostly nowadays while opposite to it early church temples were among the most profound and representative buildings which stand out from everything else, and today they are more like view-point mind-rest from all the rest modern carpeting!
anyway we have also modern exceptions but without any urge to make role-model from them, the first one in orthodoxy maybe is the russian cathedral Church in Kaliningrad, after probably is the macedonian catedral Church in Toronto, and above all of them as progressive rotonda tone in the traditional line of the orthodox Church architecture is the Church of Saint Klement in Skopje we call it Soborna which means the primal and unifying a Katolikon [1]

this cross-over between old and new is more like strong expression of the postmodernist architectural era after the quake in Skopje, then while it was planned in the 70's it was actually finished in the 90's, probably because d‘Church didnt expected such experiment but also coz then d‘comunist party didnt had extra need to finish the construction, or maybe upon this temple (today marvel among local archi-shapes) it was unveiled an destiny to struggle to survive while striving for own wheat own stove and own bread normally all of them with macedonian etiquette (last among local ethno-filetists), of its not easy to become self-sufficient in d‘OC world and d‘canonical rule "to be free only by consent from all" sister Churches, which maybe will never come as official global permit and oath - to be one among the equal, yet inbetween is also our chance through this to promote short-cut resolution that will bring back the true tradition for the orthodox seats "to be called after the city" and not the state, and in a way this temple in Skopje maybe is messenger to greater unification in Orthodoxy - hope it will spread its message faster and stronger, actually its also acoustic enough that even if the peaceful vibe did not manage to pass on then the tonal will - in case if orthodox chanting festivals that blossom in Skopje spread roots there coz for now they are performed in the Cathedral Church of Mostholy Mary

what to say this Church as architecture is destined to be barrier breaker, first of all is located among commieblocks, then there is her outlook, and further even its square got universal gift as fountain from the Macedonian Islamic Community thus whenever this square will grow also will spread the local-etnical coexistence&joy, there is always room for this if not around the kitchen then around the yard and even beyond [1] tho the fountains as element in Islamic sacral architecture was brought from the Christianity either as baptistery (piscina #62) or as cleansing pool which also notion in Islam yet many stil interpret this as practical airconditioner [2] than spiritual cleanser, at least this fountain has symbolical meaning as spring of Love which water is peaceful its streams calming and those droplets around make all of this like fractal dimension on scalar surfaces

but this external feel of "less is more" counts also for the early orthodox Christian temples, when the accent was on the interior as reminder of God’s suggestion to us - that we should be watchful about our soul and not the clothes, but maybe in this case we made some exception and this facade become magnet as Oxygen Atom for the eyes, but also forerunner of Ohrid Archipescopy...
...this magnet many pulled in happiness, others in peace,andmany in safety...
...i remember in the beginning of 90's its courtyard became after-hours chill-out place, and in the middle of the 90's it became check point for the rnr-youth, at least all of them were directly protected from higher-level in those transitional nights of cheap weapons,drugs&alcohol, as result in the end of the 90's this holy square got its first fеnce and little later that same fence got city approval for banner-ads       

definitely i can see clearly now that this square is something that gives to Skopje some true peace, even more coz is located at the beginning of the guerila boulevard i.e. partisan-ska or maybe this is just causality-tip as message from above that Ohrid Archiepiscopy will get its own independence only through guerrilla vibes - like hermit among czars, tho for now we see only guerrilla marketing as result rather than national spiritual healing - which lacks cures even in the educational system, as is case in all of Europe especially Balkans - strange for place from where Christianity had spread its european roots, now we water our youth with alchemic-bucket full of "ethics of d‘religions" instead orthodoxy as this kids tomorrow will need to bring fruits from african shamans or asian lamas, or maybe they will who knows, Macedonia is more unique even than France in this aspect [1]
anyway at least bear in mind that Skopje in one building have more potential than Paris has in all of its tho maybe there is one exception [1] yet Skopje‘s largest Christian collider for sure surpass even that, utmost coz here East meets West as style so as ethics and ethnics, supported by guerrilla square

Edited by +Protagorist - 14-Sep-2014 at 16:37
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #134 Posted: 15-Sep-2014 at 18:07

this crossover maybe is not so unique for nowadays, altho Christians had have established neat symbolical and ceremonial paths and role-models, mostly in its internal echoes that should be followed by the believers individually and the Church collectively when and were is shared our freedom through gathering in Christ as divine communion... one cant tel if this is result from the need for belonging and thus joining this commune, or is result coz the need for tranquility, tho they follow each other around the Salvation, and in best case first humans should be in peace with its fellows and neighbors and til after they can easily climb upwards!
simply putted Communion is the goal and the Faith is the mean, i.e. faith brings forgiveness and this hope and will for freedom from which patience arise Love, this Love build and hold our temples as spiritual checkpoints where one can find the way and the answer for his questions for his doubts but only if he use its purpose through Liturgical ceremonies...

and after all contemplation, one thing stil spread doubts, why Christians built their temples on place of an ex-pagan ones example the one mentioned in post #66 first thought that comes to mind is coz those are holy places, then bumps in one "but" like there probably were sacrificed animals which was usual practice in whole ancient world, then again why there and not elsewhere, from which arose the fact isnt whole world Holy - and here lies the point: Yes it is, here we as humans and any other entity are just tenats or subtenats, the owner is God who is in all and beyond, thats why Christians didnt bother when Christianity was pronounced as official state religion in Rome which authorities decided that untilthen forums and temples became Basilicas [1] even more emperors used this to promote Christianity fast and entirely, it was way how to establish cross-over

in that same way when ottoman empire came here (in most of the cases especially in the large towns) Churches were swept by Мosques and not just institutionally but literary with new buildings on top of the previous, probably they where fans of different stones and have more time for middle-east trendsetting, yep its not easy when one should interchange styles [1]
here most famous example for this is Hjukjar d‘Sultan Murat Mosque (first imperor mosque built on europen soil) which after 70 years was built [2] on top of the remaining of Skopje's Saint George Monastery at the Virgine hill [3]
as addition to the Mosque was erected the first clock-tower in the Ottoman empire [4][5] in some hand strange crossover from west to east altho clocks were traditionally eastern invention which didnt became european trend until Al-Jezari unveil its own patent [6] another such clock near Mosque in Macedonia is that in Bitola and normally underneath the shrine there are Church footings [7] its almost same in Prilep the last town that had official ruler before the arrival of Seljuk sunnis

another Mosque with similar authenticity is Isa Bay's Mosque [1][2][3] built by the skopjes conqueror son, which probably also is buried there [2] this Mosque is located above the old bazaar near the Church of Christ Ascension (Sveti Spas) where is carved one of the most beautiful and unique Ikonostasis in Macedonia [3][4][5] there is also one evident fact that this Chruch is built few steps underground as inferiority compromise through which Christians menage to get emperors approval and thus protection which were necessary for any new Church in the empire, especially coz this one was build side by side with one of the first Mosques in Skopje, both of them example par excellence of true multiculturalism in ottoman times that even today is witness of the early christo-muslim mutual understanding tho with few steps difference later probably as fortified acclamation macedonian authorities decided to bury there the remains of Gotse Delchev (the frontman of IMRO and Ilinden uprising) placed in retro-postmodern sarcophagus in the Church yard beneath the Church bells like symbolical coexistence between the conqueror and the Liberator of Macedonia, tho they are separated by five centuries vacuum probably regularly polished by the Zlaten Rubin (goldsmiths building) between them, and serviced by the Museum of Macedonia which is right beneath them    

this mosque is also known as colorful i.e. Aladja, once famous by its islamic tiling which altho is not preserved like that on the famous Tetovo Aladja, it is said and noted by Evli Cheleby that in its time as islamic art was unique [1]
Aladja, which means colorful, the mosque was named by the inscripted colorful tiles, which were preserved until 1689, and today there are still on the turbe behind the mosque, with which were decorated the outer walls. [2]

must be underline that back then although many orthodox Churches didnt survive many also did, many rebuilt or at least converted to Mosques thus kept alive like that
The subjugation of Macedonia under Ottoman authority both hindered the development of architecture and encouraged it to adapt to the requirements of Islam and Ottoman urban life. The church was replaced by the mosque as the centre of religious architecture. Fortified towns gave way to open settlements where the inn, the hamam (Turkish bath), and the mosque, concentrated as a group of public buildings, became a typical characteristic of the Ottoman urban planning. These buildings became the central point of a bazaar; with the addition of a bezisten (a domed marketplace) and covered markets, as typified by Arab markets, the inn, hamam, mosque, and bezisten became the pivot of urban life. This was the greatest influence of Ottoman architecture on Macedonian architects during Ottoman rule.

in 1660 Evliya Celebi records a total of 120 temples in Skopje, 45 of which mosques.

definetly if we try to understand why or if any switch is needed, as humans we can transcend all ongoing disputes among monotheist, for all of them typical the need for prayer to Salvation through one source
We call ourselves "Muslims" which means in Arabic, followers of Islam or followers of the Road of Salvation. This is a better appellation and I often wish that instead of calling themselves by names which convey to the average people, only an idea of a person or of a race, the different churches had chosen to translate into their own language the exact meaning of their appellation.
Then there would be less difference and therefore less antagonism between religions.

Take for instance the Christians and the Muslims. If when speaking a common language they both translated the meaning of their appellation into it in-
stead of using words of Arabic and Greek origin, they would soon realize that their creed was identical. 'Christ' means 'Saviour.' A Christian therefore is a 'follower of the Saviour/ Doesn't this term alone bring him nearer to his brother, the 'follower of the Road of Salvation'? [1]

Edited by +Protagorist - 19-Sep-2014 at 15:54
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #135 Posted: 15-Sep-2014 at 18:42

today Skopje has 27 Mosques and few Dervish tekke's belonging to different Muslim denominations i.e. sufi'bektashi and sufi'rufies between muslims soat as sects, altho if shia and suni Muslims are like orthodox and catholic Christians then dervish are like protestants probably not so coz behind dervish movement there is the peacefull doctrine of Sufism, looked from historic distance they are more simmilar to what bogomils were in orthodoxy - an ascetic commune yet they were anarchists and unlike them Sufism is probably more stuffed with Love [1]
must notice that til recently here was present only one interreligious confrontation - that between the sunni and bektash community [2] but in the past five years there is another sparkling, now both of them challenged by the ultraconservative string of salafis [3] and hope all of this will end peacefully, but if its difficult for Christians to find common ground coz their differences, then how much it would be for the Muslims among themselves, and not that they dont want but coz there are not minor but big gaps in between!

who can say that its easy to be faithful believer in the wavy tribal waters covered by the cold rain of materialism!? which path bring fast-food and which home-meal to the hearth, is there stil room for organic cooking and ingredients among followers of Allah, or everything as elsewhere became industrialized and electrified? normally there will always be eccentric cooks who will try to sell something exotic, as like ursari from post #123 to become sect in Orthodoxy tho in similar context probably appeared rufis in Sufism as such with own widely popular stabbing rituals [4][5]

also there is invisible partition among Macedonian, Albanian and Turkish Muslims, and not coz they dont mingle between, but coz their isolated communities which live usually separated, altho share same Mosques in mixed surroundings, but in this respect there is room for their asimilation by the majority on etnic basis, tho i cant imagine that this goes smoothly doh, and for this example are Gorans an Macedonian Muslims in Кosovo‘s region Gora...
...Then in near future there could one more altho formal divisioning among Muslims evoked from architectural aspect like "modernists vs traditionalists", and already there are many examples of futuristic Mosques around the world, among whom for now one on Balkans in Rieka, is this arguable time will tell tho in Islam simplicity rulz by tradition and not reformations "You should avoid extravagance in the furnishings, doors and so on, for Allaah does not love those who are extravagant." [1]

Edited by +Protagorist - 02-Jul-2016 at 15:41
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #136 Posted: 15-Sep-2014 at 20:11

not that in Skopje such futuristic forms dont exist, but not Muslim, and these are more oldskool for this one above despite that they are older, the 1st was already presented, second is the Skopjes Catholic Cathedral which white facade was maybe only one among all of the postmodern marvels in the town, and last is the Jewish Synagogue built recently like memorial house for the holocaust, as gift from Macedonia to Israel [1]

recently there was also one Orthodox Christian experiment that didnt got approval, tho many were pulled by its minimalism probably coz they were used to live in boxes and have boxed-mentality in ex-Yu-federation
maybe in context i would expect for Macedonian National Library to be boxed like this coz her highness already received patches and surely in future she will need regular updates, ideally it would benefit from one botanical dome [1]

Edited by +Protagorist - 11-Aug-2017 at 19:09
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  Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #137 Posted: 16-Sep-2014 at 11:54

pardon, two postmodern objects droped white, rest of them ended plain concrete brutalism, this second object is the House of MOB macedonian opera and balley, tho they will be separated coz their singers will take a walk to new Opera House [1] next to the old one Г [2]
  • and it would be ok if all ends on this, but there is impossible coincidences around all this, in one hand unusual for european objects of opera or ballet they ended in modern objects, while in other skopjes theaters got neoclassical objects, maybe modern dance choreographies shakes among ballet dancers and philharmony will go electro, never mind at least this is just addition to our collective impossibilities, paradoxes and surrealism [1]

  • then there is the opposed-cubist-symbiosis among this old and new objects, they scream ignorance at least, their uncompatible materials transit from the broken lines of the old one to this oval roof from the new opera, tho this is maybe totally repairable thing, piece of cake against the recent neoclassicism that will not disappear thus immediately asks for some ground landscaping gymnastics, maybe some contra pirouette with high altitude plants, who knows is it worthed to give up even from palm&cacti switch

  • we already had similar switch there, on artistic level tho, when after our independence and fastly forgotten socialism, people immediately forgot on Opera&Ballet, some coz the transitional economy some coz the explosion of satellite tv, so this shrine of renascence throned by brutalism > in its basement got two transplants < which manage to superimpose his architecture, one discotheque and one pharmacy, as i can remember they were largest among their own in whole country!? through this MOB-discotheque macedonians were frayed instantly first with rave then techno and right after goa-trance, and its wall2wall pharmacy was dispatcher of first cheap contraception, in a way underground decadence at its best, together an beast that bring 24/7 partying with few philharmonic chillout hours who back then brought the epithet to Skopje as balkan party-hot-spot mapped as such also on the 90's world techno map
    forgotten, this MOB although architecturally was perceived as springboard definitively in 90's became sub-cultural diving platform, now this object is hidden enough with potential to become empty echo, at least will survive with relaxed smile which can be shared from another perspective when will open its ballerine heart to the new Charshiya square where hopefully will spread its own relaxed cubic vibe [1][2] if not else they are compatible in their sharp outlook

    there was also half-white postmodern object in Skopje the famous socialistic mol on the opposite bank from MOB that with the building of the government and telecom headquarters will not have the same luck as MOB i.e. to survive skopyes last heaviest urban revenge, they are in process of neoclasical catharsis, which there is no other way to be saluted than with postmodern RIP f-bookmarks like was done by Maddames Alexander altho he dint do this as fan of neoclassicism [1] but as fun of traditionalism which probably it wouldnt had have such consequences as the existing NC-facelift

    overlooked but this ongoing neoclassicism is probably also traditional altho with u-turn along russian neo-byzantine mood, at least if they used marble and stones instead concrete and styrofoam this facelift could been more authentic e.g. what once happened to Budim, and then maybe this is left as option for the next balkan megalopolis KuSkoTe that unites in One the largest north macedonian towns Kumanovo Skopye and Tetovo [1][2] probably very soon (~50y.) if Macedonia absorb even not more than 0,5% from the african emigrants and middle east refugees, who can fill all the gaps, and only if Macedonia became eu-member coz no matter how prosperous is, its not attractive for settling all the bordering thoughts of those nomad freedom seekers, tho even then its questionable if these gaps will be anywhen filled with traditional stone-styled byzantine architecture, maybe after the next global cataclysm, tho then Skopje probably will have sea shores [1][2][3]       

    Edited by +Protagorist - 16-Sep-2014 at 12:11
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      Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #138 Posted: 16-Sep-2014 at 18:34

    next macedonian futuristic place where one can enjoy singing, and even better to take part in easily, is the freshly finished football arena Philip II of Makedon, as is fresh so is old coz it was evolving more than 50 years [1] even got own patches as transitional urban hobo known as chinese wall, which patch potentially instead residential can become sport-business dorm, tho now this is reality for the underseat platforms of this arena, where except all the sport & business partitions there are even Hostels, probably ideally for gettoizing fundamentalists after any risky match, i say fundamentalists coz nowadays sport became religious gift for and from capitalism where the poorest must find way to benefit somehow [1]

    this is multi-purpose stadium with 33k seats (among 10 largest on the Balkans) [1] except sport and concerts is famous coz histo-politcs i.e. it was named after the father of Alex'd'Great which stired many neighboring reactions, but also stired some macedonian realists that cant grasp how come such futuristic architecture could bear ancient name, hm i'l say maybe compatible coz Philip back then succeeded to modernize and upgrade his ancient macedonian kingdome and army, that as such were necessary fuel for the famous ancient adventure of Alexandar III of Makedon, finally today such naming is only macedonian ace for conquering in this world of bursting materialism, chance to say from time to time that is worthed to have national consciousness, coz culturally there is less and less space for n-waking or n-waking-life, tho probably that was motive for proposal of some hellenistic sculpture to bumb in the arena - as reality check intermezzo for any anchient n-waking [1][2]     

    just to add that with or without this arena, macedonian soccer will survive only if there are no local betting-bookmakers, probably as in Hungary also in Macedonia should be forbidden any sport betting, at least as in Canada that can be promoted in addition to the state lottery [1] tho many fear that this would transfer this sector in on-line cloud, tho i'll say now is the last chance for the goverment to try to stop the wide spread betting addiction among teenagers, someone should pull the strings but this should be done as move right after winning of p-elections thus as action to have time for rooting some long-term habits among the population, maybe authorities will react if this addiction statistics are regularly refreshed in their heads [1][2]

    Edited by +Protagorist - 29-Apr-2015 at 11:12
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      Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #139 Posted: 16-Sep-2014 at 22:23

    the stadium is located at the entrance of city's central park, second urbanized park in the city at the end of the Otoman empire, it was planted after the end of the Ilinden Uprising [1] tho some underline that was even older [2] who knows probably not as calming european trend but as some modern message coz it was time when tagging was delivered through landscaping, after wwII to the park were added soccer field, amusement park and zoo, tho there were also river beach and kayaking club once, later there had explode sumer discotheques that were challenged by few small local restaurants which atmosphere smell on kebap-party especially the one in the heart of the amusement park right below the Panorama wheel which served its mezze in the sightseeing train

    so after Philip has stabilize the city-park marvel as largest modern macedonian amphitheater, we needed another object so Alex could start finally riding its own plans, this was quickly resolved tho with persian subsidies i.e. turkish TAV invested in renovation of Skopje Airport, which only lacks direct railway connection so it can grow in largest Transport hub along K-10 [1]

    the airport is mid-size [1][2] resting on 16 km from Skopje, between is located the new industrial part of Skopje [3] this location is place where once was floating lake in neogen [4] which primeval leftovers were artificialy dreined in the last century [5] time-warp info that gives to this place quite liquid mood, and ancient on top of that, lacking only dinos to pop out around as bicycle-mascots wishing happy trip to the passengers, there is even modern basis for this - i didnt mention that TAV (skp operator) is otanized company i.e. civil extension arm of nato [6] and as long it is 200 mil. free gift after 2 decades nobody cares [7] tho as refurbish via concession it was already gift for 20 years independence in 2011

    Edited by +Protagorist - 16-Sep-2014 at 22:43
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      Quote +Protagorist Quote  Post ReplyReply #140 Posted: 17-Sep-2014 at 13:30

    in order Phicho and Alex to get their agenda straight, they will need an Large Macedonian Sun to shine around them, and like Rosetta energy booster they will receive one

    reaching to the clouds, one can continue spinning talks like this endlessly, diving from color to sound or sounds to colors, simply harping on skopjes rainbows while spinning on the newest Panoramic Wheel that will rise in 5 years for 18 mil. euros, three times expensier e.g. from the similar one in Manchester [1] maybe is planed to be selfsufficient thus larger investment [2]

    this wheel in time, except amusement should bring handful sights upon the baroque epicenter of Skopje, it will be the missing cherry of all that Sk'14 marshmallows, locate in heart of the city floating above river Vardar, for now unique among all in the world [1] coz this will be the first symmetrically positioned over the river flow, aside that this wasnt the initial idea [2] hm, in the end for this amount of money its better to be build KFC-Ropeway from Kale Fortress till the Millennial Cross [3] that could also be ideal as safety corridor for the city transport and eventual excess of tourist waves that will splashing up and down at the base of the existing ropeway

    and if there is no way out from this roulettian urban planning, then authorities can consider this ferris wheel to be planted on top of the CTC mall, where not just that it will be taller for 30 meters if not more, but also will have more unique panorama at hand plus comfortable waiting platform [1] finally this present site will trap all the views like rude intruder, thus making prisoners from the fortress and most of the buildings around!

    not that in its recent history Skopje havent seen similar urban trojans, but this one has potential to become symbolically most accepted as unique metaphor for matrix-catcher, that with its ancient rosetta and hopefully its sixteen gondolas will embrace and dissolve all our south neighbor fears!
    and one thing is for sure, this wheel planned like this spinning among d'new baroque theater and d'new wedding registry office, probably will be helpful to all potential young couples while passing beneath, or even more if they jump in for a ride so they can see their future clearly, afterward they can resolve any decision dilemmas safely in some of the newly evolved domes around the town [1][2] tho the latest macedonian natality will need help from more than one sunny-wheel

    Edited by +Protagorist - 17-Sep-2014 at 16:41
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